Package rosnode
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Source Code for Package rosnode

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  # Software License Agreement (BSD License) 
  3  # 
  4  # Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc. 
  5  # All rights reserved. 
  6  # 
  7  # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
  8  # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
  9  # are met: 
 10  # 
 11  #  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
 12  #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
 13  #  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
 14  #    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
 15  #    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 
 16  #    with the distribution. 
 17  #  * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its 
 18  #    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
 19  #    from this software without specific prior written permission. 
 20  # 
 33  # 
 34  # Revision $Id$ 
 36  """ 
 37  rosnode implements the rosnode command-line tool and also provides a 
 38  library for retrieving ROS Node information. 
 39  """ 
 41  from __future__ import print_function 
 43  import os 
 44  import errno 
 45  import sys 
 46  import socket 
 47  import time 
 48  try: 
 49      from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy 
 50  except ImportError: 
 51      from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy 
 53  try: #py3k 
 54      import urllib.parse as urlparse 
 55  except ImportError: 
 56      import urlparse 
 58  from optparse import OptionParser 
 59  import rosgraph 
 60  import rosgraph.names 
 61  import rostopic 
 63  NAME='rosnode' 
 64  ID = '/rosnode' 
66 -class ROSNodeException(Exception):
67 """ 68 rosnode base exception type 69 """ 70 pass
71 -class ROSNodeIOException(ROSNodeException):
72 """ 73 Exceptions for communication-related (i/o) errors, generally due to Master or Node network communication issues. 74 """ 75 pass
76 77 # need for calling node APIs
78 -def _succeed(args):
79 code, msg, val = args 80 if code != 1: 81 raise ROSNodeException("remote call failed: %s"%msg) 82 return val
83 84 _caller_apis = {}
85 -def get_api_uri(master, caller_id, skip_cache=False):
86 """ 87 @param master: XMLRPC handle to ROS Master 88 @type master: rosgraph.Master 89 @param caller_id: node name 90 @type caller_id: str 91 @param skip_cache: flag to skip cached data and force to lookup node from master 92 @type skip_cache: bool 93 @return: xmlrpc URI of caller_id 94 @rtype: str 95 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 96 """ 97 caller_api = _caller_apis.get(caller_id, None) 98 if not caller_api or skip_cache: 99 try: 100 caller_api = master.lookupNode(caller_id) 101 _caller_apis[caller_id] = caller_api 102 except rosgraph.MasterError: 103 return None 104 except socket.error: 105 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 106 return caller_api
108 -def lookup_uri(master, system_state, topic, uri):
109 for l in system_state[0:2]: 110 for entry in l: 111 if entry[0] == topic: 112 for n in entry[1]: 113 if rostopic.get_api(master, n) == uri: 114 return '%s (%s)' % (n, uri) 115 return uri
117 -def get_node_names(namespace=None):
118 """ 119 @param namespace: optional namespace to scope return values by. Namespace must already be resolved. 120 @type namespace: str 121 @return: list of node caller IDs 122 @rtype: [str] 123 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 124 """ 125 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 126 try: 127 state = master.getSystemState() 128 except socket.error: 129 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 130 nodes = [] 131 if namespace: 132 # canonicalize namespace with leading/trailing slash 133 g_ns = rosgraph.names.make_global_ns(namespace) 134 for s in state: 135 for t, l in s: 136 nodes.extend([n for n in l if n.startswith(g_ns) or n == namespace]) 137 else: 138 for s in state: 139 for t, l in s: 140 nodes.extend(l) 141 return list(set(nodes))
143 -def get_machines_by_nodes():
144 """ 145 Find machines connected to nodes. This is a very costly procedure as it 146 must do N lookups with the Master, where N is the number of nodes. 147 148 @return: list of machines connected 149 @rtype: [str] 150 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 151 """ 152 153 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 154 155 # get all the node names, lookup their uris, parse the hostname 156 # from the uris, and then compare the resolved hostname against 157 # the requested machine name. 158 machines = [] 159 node_names = get_node_names() 160 for n in node_names: 161 try: 162 uri = master.lookupNode(n) 163 h = urlparse.urlparse(uri).hostname 164 if h not in machines: 165 machines.append(h) 166 167 except socket.error: 168 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 169 except rosgraph.MasterError: 170 # it's possible that the state changes as we are doing lookups. this is a soft-fail 171 continue 172 return machines
173 174
175 -def get_nodes_by_machine(machine):
176 """ 177 Find nodes by machine name. This is a very costly procedure as it 178 must do N lookups with the Master, where N is the number of nodes. 179 180 @return: list of nodes on the specified machine 181 @rtype: [str] 182 @raise ROSNodeException: if machine name cannot be resolved to an address 183 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 184 """ 185 import urlparse 186 187 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 188 try: 189 machine_actual = [host[4][0] for host in socket.getaddrinfo(machine, 0, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)] 190 except: 191 raise ROSNodeException("cannot resolve machine name [%s] to address"%machine) 192 193 # get all the node names, lookup their uris, parse the hostname 194 # from the uris, and then compare the resolved hostname against 195 # the requested machine name. 196 matches = [machine] + machine_actual 197 not_matches = [] # cache lookups 198 node_names = get_node_names() 199 retval = [] 200 for n in node_names: 201 try: 202 try: 203 uri = master.lookupNode(n) 204 except rosgraph.MasterError: 205 # it's possible that the state changes as we are doing lookups. this is a soft-fail 206 continue 207 208 h = urlparse.urlparse(uri).hostname 209 if h in matches: 210 retval.append(n) 211 elif h in not_matches: 212 continue 213 else: 214 r = [host[4][0] for host in socket.getaddrinfo(h, 0, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)] 215 if set(r) & set(machine_actual): 216 matches.append(r) 217 retval.append(n) 218 else: 219 not_matches.append(r) 220 except socket.error: 221 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 222 return retval
224 -def kill_nodes(node_names):
225 """ 226 Call shutdown on the specified nodes 227 228 @return: list of nodes that shutdown was called on successfully and list of failures 229 @rtype: ([str], [str]) 230 """ 231 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 232 233 success = [] 234 fail = [] 235 tocall = [] 236 try: 237 # lookup all nodes keeping track of lookup failures for return value 238 for n in node_names: 239 try: 240 uri = master.lookupNode(n) 241 tocall.append([n, uri]) 242 except: 243 fail.append(n) 244 except socket.error: 245 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 246 247 for n, uri in tocall: 248 # the shutdown call can sometimes fail to succeed if the node 249 # tears down during the request handling, so we assume success 250 try: 251 p = ServerProxy(uri) 252 _succeed(p.shutdown(ID, 'user request')) 253 except: 254 pass 255 success.append(n) 256 257 return success, fail
259 -def _sub_rosnode_listnodes(namespace=None, list_uri=False, list_all=False):
260 """ 261 Subroutine for rosnode_listnodes(). Composes list of strings to print to screen. 262 263 @param namespace: (default None) namespace to scope list to. 264 @type namespace: str 265 @param list_uri: (default False) return uris of nodes instead of names. 266 @type list_uri: bool 267 @param list_all: (default False) return names and uris of nodes as combined strings 268 @type list_all: bool 269 @return: new-line separated string containing list of all nodes 270 @rtype: str 271 """ 272 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 273 nodes = get_node_names(namespace) 274 nodes.sort() 275 if list_all: 276 return '\n'.join(["%s \t%s"%(get_api_uri(master, n) or 'unknown address', n) for n in nodes]) 277 elif list_uri: 278 return '\n'.join([(get_api_uri(master, n) or 'unknown address') for n in nodes]) 279 else: 280 return '\n'.join(nodes)
282 -def rosnode_listnodes(namespace=None, list_uri=False, list_all=False):
283 """ 284 Print list of all ROS nodes to screen. 285 286 @param namespace: namespace to scope list to 287 @type namespace: str 288 @param list_uri: print uris of nodes instead of names 289 @type list_uri: bool 290 @param list_all: print node names and uris 291 @param list_all: bool 292 """ 293 print(_sub_rosnode_listnodes(namespace=namespace, list_uri=list_uri, list_all=list_all))
295 -def rosnode_ping(node_name, max_count=None, verbose=False):
296 """ 297 Test connectivity to node by calling its XMLRPC API 298 @param node_name: name of node to ping 299 @type node_name: str 300 @param max_count: number of ping requests to make 301 @type max_count: int 302 @param verbose: print ping information to screen 303 @type verbose: bool 304 @return: True if node pinged 305 @rtype: bool 306 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 307 """ 308 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 309 node_api = get_api_uri(master,node_name) 310 if not node_api: 311 print("cannot ping [%s]: unknown node"%node_name, file=sys.stderr) 312 return False 313 314 timeout = 3. 315 316 if verbose: 317 print("pinging %s with a timeout of %ss"%(node_name, timeout)) 318 socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) 319 node = ServerProxy(node_api) 320 lastcall = 0. 321 count = 0 322 acc = 0. 323 try: 324 while True: 325 try: 326 start = time.time() 327 pid = _succeed(node.getPid(ID)) 328 end = time.time() 329 330 dur = (end-start)*1000. 331 acc += dur 332 count += 1 333 334 if verbose: 335 print("xmlrpc reply from %s\ttime=%fms"%(node_api, dur)) 336 # 1s between pings 337 except socket.error as e: 338 # 3786: catch ValueError on unpack as socket.error is not always a tuple 339 try: 340 # #3659 341 errnum, msg = e 342 if errnum == -2: #name/service unknown 343 p = urlparse.urlparse(node_api) 344 print("ERROR: Unknown host [%s] for node [%s]"%(p.hostname, node_name), file=sys.stderr) 345 elif errnum == errno.ECONNREFUSED: 346 # check if node url has changed 347 new_node_api = get_api_uri(master,node_name, skip_cache=True) 348 if not new_node_api: 349 print("cannot ping [%s]: unknown node"%node_name, file=sys.stderr) 350 return False 351 if new_node_api != node_api: 352 if verbose: 353 print("node url has changed from [%s] to [%s], retrying to ping"%(node_api, new_node_api)) 354 node_api = new_node_api 355 node = ServerProxy(node_api) 356 continue 357 print("ERROR: connection refused to [%s]"%(node_api), file=sys.stderr) 358 else: 359 print("connection to [%s] timed out"%node_name, file=sys.stderr) 360 return False 361 except ValueError: 362 print("unknown network error contacting node: %s"%(str(e))) 363 if max_count and count >= max_count: 364 break 365 time.sleep(1.0) 366 except KeyboardInterrupt: 367 pass 368 369 if verbose and count > 1: 370 print("ping average: %fms"%(acc/count)) 371 return True
373 -def rosnode_ping_all(verbose=False):
374 """ 375 Ping all running nodes 376 @return [str], [str]: pinged nodes, un-pingable nodes 377 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 378 """ 379 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 380 try: 381 state = master.getSystemState() 382 except socket.error: 383 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 384 385 nodes = [] 386 for s in state: 387 for t, l in s: 388 nodes.extend(l) 389 nodes = list(set(nodes)) #uniq 390 if verbose: 391 print("Will ping the following nodes: \n"+''.join([" * %s\n"%n for n in nodes])) 392 pinged = [] 393 unpinged = [] 394 for node in nodes: 395 if rosnode_ping(node, max_count=1, verbose=verbose): 396 pinged.append(node) 397 else: 398 unpinged.append(node) 399 return pinged, unpinged
401 -def cleanup_master_blacklist(master, blacklist):
402 """ 403 Remove registrations from ROS Master that do not match blacklist. 404 @param master: XMLRPC handle to ROS Master 405 @type master: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy 406 @param blacklist: list of nodes to scrub 407 @type blacklist: [str] 408 """ 409 pubs, subs, srvs = master.getSystemState() 410 for n in blacklist: 411 print("Unregistering", n) 412 node_api = get_api_uri(master, n) 413 for t, l in pubs: 414 if n in l: 415 master_n = rosgraph.Master(n) 416 master_n.unregisterPublisher(t, node_api) 417 for t, l in subs: 418 if n in l: 419 master_n = rosgraph.Master(n) 420 master_n.unregisterSubscriber(t, node_api) 421 for s, l in srvs: 422 if n in l: 423 service_api = master.lookupService(s) 424 master_n = rosgraph.Master(n) 425 master_n.unregisterService(s, service_api)
427 -def cleanup_master_whitelist(master, whitelist):
428 """ 429 Remove registrations from ROS Master that do not match whitelist. 430 @param master: XMLRPC handle to ROS Master 431 @type master: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy 432 @param whitelist: list of nodes to keep 433 @type whitelist: list of nodes to keep 434 """ 435 pubs, subs, srvs = master.getSystemState() 436 for t, l in pubs: 437 for n in l: 438 if n not in whitelist: 439 node_api = get_api_uri(master, n) 440 master_n = rosgraph.Master(n) 441 master_n.unregisterPublisher(t, node_api) 442 for t, l in subs: 443 for n in l: 444 if n not in whitelist: 445 node_api = get_api_uri(master, n) 446 master_n = rosgraph.Master(n) 447 master_n.unregisterSubscriber(t, node_api) 448 for s, l in srvs: 449 for n in l: 450 if n not in whitelist: 451 service_api = master.lookupService(s) 452 master_n = rosgraph.Master(n) 453 master_n.unregisterService(s, service_api)
455 -def rosnode_cleanup():
456 """ 457 This is a semi-hidden routine for cleaning up stale node 458 registration information on the ROS Master. The intent is to 459 remove this method once Master TTLs are properly implemented. 460 """ 461 pinged, unpinged = rosnode_ping_all() 462 if unpinged: 463 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 464 print("Unable to contact the following nodes:") 465 print('\n'.join(' * %s'%n for n in unpinged)) 466 print("Warning: these might include alive and functioning nodes, e.g. in unstable networks.") 467 print("Cleanup will purge all information about these nodes from the master.") 468 print("Please type y or n to continue:") 469 input = sys.stdin.readline() 470 while not input.strip() in ['y', 'n']: 471 input = sys.stdin.readline() 472 if input.strip() == 'n': 473 print('aborting') 474 return 475 476 cleanup_master_blacklist(master, unpinged) 477 478 print("done")
480 -def get_node_info_description(node_name):
481 def topic_type(t, pub_topics): 482 matches = [t_type for t_name, t_type in pub_topics if t_name == t] 483 if matches: 484 return matches[0] 485 return 'unknown type'
486 487 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 488 489 # go through the master system state first 490 try: 491 state = master.getSystemState() 492 pub_topics = master.getPublishedTopics('/') 493 except socket.error: 494 raise ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") 495 pubs = [t for t, l in state[0] if node_name in l] 496 subs = [t for t, l in state[1] if node_name in l] 497 srvs = [t for t, l in state[2] if node_name in l] 498 499 buff = "Node [%s]"%node_name 500 if pubs: 501 buff += "\nPublications: \n" 502 buff += '\n'.join([" * %s [%s]"%(l, topic_type(l, pub_topics)) for l in pubs]) + '\n' 503 else: 504 buff += "\nPublications: None\n" 505 if subs: 506 buff += "\nSubscriptions: \n" 507 buff += '\n'.join([" * %s [%s]"%(l, topic_type(l, pub_topics)) for l in subs]) + '\n' 508 else: 509 buff += "\nSubscriptions: None\n" 510 if srvs: 511 buff += "\nServices: \n" 512 buff += '\n'.join([" * %s"%l for l in srvs]) + '\n' 513 else: 514 buff += "\nServices: None\n" 515 516 return buff 517
518 -def get_node_connection_info_description(node_api, master):
519 #turn down timeout on socket library 520 socket.setdefaulttimeout(5.0) 521 node = ServerProxy(node_api) 522 system_state = master.getSystemState() 523 524 try: 525 pid = _succeed(node.getPid(ID)) 526 buff = "Pid: %s\n"%pid 527 #master_uri = _succeed(node.getMasterUri(ID)) 528 businfo = _succeed(node.getBusInfo(ID)) 529 if businfo: 530 buff += "Connections:\n" 531 for info in businfo: 532 dest_id = info[1] 533 direction = info[2] 534 transport = info[3] 535 topic = info[4] 536 if len(info) > 5: 537 connected = info[5] 538 else: 539 connected = True #backwards compatibility 540 541 if connected: 542 buff += " * topic: %s\n"%topic 543 544 # older ros publisher implementations don't report a URI 545 buff += " * to: %s\n"%lookup_uri(master, system_state, topic, dest_id) 546 if direction == 'i': 547 buff += " * direction: inbound\n" 548 elif direction == 'o': 549 buff += " * direction: outbound\n" 550 else: 551 buff += " * direction: unknown\n" 552 buff += " * transport: %s\n"%transport 553 except socket.error: 554 raise ROSNodeIOException("Communication with node[%s] failed!"%(node_api)) 555 return buff
557 -def rosnode_info(node_name):
558 """ 559 Print information about node, including subscriptions and other debugging information. This will query the node over the network. 560 561 @param node_name: name of ROS node 562 @type node_name: str 563 @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master 564 """ 565 def topic_type(t, pub_topics): 566 matches = [t_type for t_name, t_type in pub_topics if t_name == t] 567 if matches: 568 return matches[0] 569 return 'unknown type'
570 571 master = rosgraph.Master(ID) 572 node_name = rosgraph.names.script_resolve_name('rosnode', node_name) 573 574 print('-'*80) 575 print(get_node_info_description(node_name)) 576 577 node_api = get_api_uri(master, node_name) 578 if not node_api: 579 print("cannot contact [%s]: unknown node"%node_name, file=sys.stderr) 580 return 581 582 print("\ncontacting node %s ..."%node_api) 583 584 print(get_node_connection_info_description(node_api, master)) 585 586 # backwards compatibility (deprecated) 587 rosnode_debugnode = rosnode_info 588
589 -def _rosnode_cmd_list(argv):
590 """ 591 Implements rosnode 'list' command. 592 """ 593 args = argv[2:] 594 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog list", prog=NAME) 595 parser.add_option("-u", 596 dest="list_uri", default=False, 597 action="store_true", 598 help="list XML-RPC URIs") 599 parser.add_option("-a","--all", 600 dest="list_all", default=False, 601 action="store_true", 602 help="list all information") 603 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) 604 namespace = None 605 if len(args) > 1: 606 parser.error("invalid args: you may only specify one namespace") 607 elif len(args) == 1: 608 namespace = rosgraph.names.script_resolve_name('rostopic', args[0]) 609 rosnode_listnodes(namespace=namespace, list_uri=options.list_uri, list_all=options.list_all)
611 -def _rosnode_cmd_info(argv):
612 """ 613 Implements rosnode 'info' command. 614 """ 615 args = argv[2:] 616 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog info node1 [node2...]", prog=NAME) 617 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) 618 if not args: 619 parser.error("You must specify at least one node name") 620 for node in args: 621 rosnode_info(node)
623 -def _rosnode_cmd_machine(argv):
624 """ 625 Implements rosnode 'machine' command. 626 627 @raise ROSNodeException: if user enters in unrecognized machine name 628 """ 629 args = argv[2:] 630 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog machine [machine-name]", prog=NAME) 631 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) 632 if len(args) > 1: 633 parser.error("please enter only one machine name") 634 elif len(args) == 0: 635 machines = get_machines_by_nodes() 636 machines.sort() 637 print('\n'.join(machines)) 638 else: 639 nodes = get_nodes_by_machine(args[0]) 640 nodes.sort() 641 print('\n'.join(nodes))
643 -def _rosnode_cmd_kill(argv):
644 """ 645 Implements rosnode 'kill' command. 646 647 @raise ROSNodeException: if user enters in unrecognized nodes 648 """ 649 args = argv[2:] 650 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog kill [node]...", prog=NAME) 651 parser.add_option("-a","--all", 652 dest="kill_all", default=False, 653 action="store_true", 654 help="kill all nodes") 655 656 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) 657 if options.kill_all: 658 if args: 659 parser.error("invalid arguments with kill all (-a) option") 660 args = get_node_names() 661 args.sort() 662 elif not args: 663 node_list = get_node_names() 664 node_list.sort() 665 if not node_list: 666 print("No nodes running", file=sys.stderr) 667 return 0 668 669 sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(["%s. %s"%(i+1, n) for i,n in enumerate(node_list)])) 670 sys.stdout.write("\n\nPlease enter the number of the node you wish to kill.\n> ") 671 selection = '' 672 while not selection: 673 selection = sys.stdin.readline().strip() 674 try: 675 selection = int(selection) 676 if selection <= 0: 677 print("ERROR: invalid selection. Please enter a number (ctrl-C to cancel)") 678 except: 679 print("ERROR: please enter a number (ctrl-C to cancel)") 680 sys.stdout.flush() 681 selection = '' 682 args = [node_list[selection - 1]] 683 else: 684 # validate args 685 args = [rosgraph.names.script_resolve_name(ID, n) for n in args] 686 node_list = get_node_names() 687 unknown = [n for n in args if not n in node_list] 688 if unknown: 689 raise ROSNodeException("Unknown node(s):\n"+'\n'.join([" * %s"%n for n in unknown])) 690 if len(args) > 1: 691 print("killing:\n"+'\n'.join([" * %s"%n for n in args])) 692 else: 693 print("killing %s"%(args[0])) 694 695 success, fail = kill_nodes(args) 696 if fail: 697 print("ERROR: Failed to kill:\n"+'\n'.join([" * %s"%n for n in fail]), file=sys.stderr) 698 return 1 699 print("killed") 700 return 0
702 -def _rosnode_cmd_cleanup(argv):
703 """ 704 Implements rosnode 'cleanup' command. 705 @param argv: command-line args 706 @type argv: [str] 707 """ 708 args = argv[2:] 709 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog cleanup", prog=NAME) 710 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) 711 rosnode_cleanup()
713 -def _rosnode_cmd_ping(argv):
714 """ 715 Implements rosnode 'ping' command. 716 @param argv: command-line args 717 @type argv: [str] 718 """ 719 args = argv[2:] 720 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog ping [options] <node>", prog=NAME) 721 parser.add_option("--all", "-a", 722 dest="ping_all", default=False, 723 action="store_true", 724 help="ping all nodes") 725 parser.add_option("-c", 726 dest="ping_count", default=None, metavar="COUNT",type="int", 727 help="number of pings to send. Not available with --all") 728 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) 729 730 node_name = None 731 if not options.ping_all: 732 if not args: 733 try: 734 parser.error("Please enter a node to ping. Available nodes are:\n"+_sub_rosnode_listnodes()) 735 except: 736 # master is offline, but user did have invalid usage, so display correct usage first 737 parser.error("Please enter a node to ping") 738 elif len(args) > 1: 739 parser.error("you may only specify one input node") 740 elif len(args) == 1: 741 node_name = rosgraph.names.script_resolve_name('rosnode', args[0]) 742 print("rosnode: node is [%s]"%node_name) 743 else: 744 if args: 745 parser.error("Invalid arguments '%s' used with --all"%(' '.join(args))) 746 elif options.ping_count: 747 parser.error("-c may not be used with --all") 748 749 if options.ping_all: 750 rosnode_ping_all(verbose=True) 751 else: 752 rosnode_ping(node_name, verbose=True, max_count=options.ping_count)
754 -def _fullusage(return_error=True):
755 """ 756 Prints rosnode usage information. 757 @param return_error whether to exit with error code os.EX_USAGE 758 """ 759 print("""rosnode is a command-line tool for printing information about ROS Nodes. 760 761 Commands: 762 \trosnode ping\ttest connectivity to node 763 \trosnode list\tlist active nodes 764 \trosnode info\tprint information about node 765 \trosnode machine\tlist nodes running on a particular machine or list machines 766 \trosnode kill\tkill a running node 767 \trosnode cleanup\tpurge registration information of unreachable nodes 768 769 Type rosnode <command> -h for more detailed usage, e.g. 'rosnode ping -h' 770 """) 771 if return_error: 772 sys.exit(getattr(os, 'EX_USAGE', 1)) 773 else: 774 sys.exit(0)
776 -def rosnodemain(argv=None):
777 """ 778 Prints rosnode main entrypoint. 779 @param argv: override sys.argv 780 @param argv: [str] 781 """ 782 if argv == None: 783 argv = sys.argv 784 if len(argv) == 1: 785 _fullusage() 786 try: 787 command = argv[1] 788 if command == 'ping': 789 sys.exit(_rosnode_cmd_ping(argv) or 0) 790 elif command == 'list': 791 sys.exit(_rosnode_cmd_list(argv) or 0) 792 elif command == 'info': 793 sys.exit(_rosnode_cmd_info(argv) or 0) 794 elif command == 'machine': 795 sys.exit(_rosnode_cmd_machine(argv) or 0) 796 elif command == 'cleanup': 797 sys.exit(_rosnode_cmd_cleanup(argv) or 0) 798 elif command == 'kill': 799 sys.exit(_rosnode_cmd_kill(argv) or 0) 800 elif command == '--help': 801 _fullusage(False) 802 else: 803 _fullusage() 804 except socket.error: 805 print("Network communication failed. Most likely failed to communicate with master.", file=sys.stderr) 806 except rosgraph.MasterError as e: 807 print("ERROR: "+str(e), file=sys.stderr) 808 except ROSNodeException as e: 809 print("ERROR: "+str(e), file=sys.stderr) 810 except KeyboardInterrupt: 811 pass