LCPNode Member List
This is the complete list of members for LCPNode, including all inherited members.
a_in_zLCPNode [protected]
activedpNode [protected]
add_child(dpNode *n)dpNode [protected]
astar_costdpNode [protected]
AstarCost()dpNode [inline]
brotherdpNode [protected]
Brother()dpNode [inline]
calc_astar_cost(dpNode *potential_parent)LCPNode [inline, protected, virtual]
calc_cost()LCPNode [inline, protected, virtual]
calc_new_q(const fVec &q, const fMat &m_jr, int piv, fVec &q_new)LCPNode [inline, protected]
childdpNode [protected]
Child()dpNode [inline]
costdpNode [protected]
Cost()dpNode [inline]
create_child_nodes(dpNode **&nodes)LCPNode [inline, protected, virtual]
depthdpNode [protected]
Depth(dpNode *target_p=0)dpNode [inline]
dp_maindpNode [protected]
dpNode()dpNode [inline]
dump(ostream &ost)dpNode [inline, protected, virtual]
dump_all(ostream &ost)dpNode [inline, protected]
dump_trajectory(ostream &ost)dpNode [inline, protected]
g_in_wLCPNode [protected]
GetParent(int id)dpNode [inline]
iddpNode [protected]
ID()dpNode [inline]
is_goal()LCPNode [inline, protected, virtual]
jrLCPNode [protected]
jsLCPNode [protected]
lcpLCPNode [protected]
LCPNode(LCP *_lcp, LCPNode *parent_lcp, const fVec &_q_old, double _max_error, const vector< int > &_w2a, const vector< int > &_w2g, const vector< int > &_z2a, const vector< int > &_z2g, int _n_steps, int _js, int _jr, double _cost)LCPNode [inline]
max_errorLCPNode [protected]
min_new_q(const fVec &q, const fMat &m_jr, int piv, double max_error, int z0_index=-1, double *new_q_z0=0)LCPNode [inline, protected]
n_stepsLCPNode [protected]
n_varsLCPNode [protected]
new_jrLCPNode [protected]
next_breadth(dpNode *refnode)dpNode [inline, protected]
next_depth(dpNode *first_child=0)dpNode [inline, protected]
num_errorsLCPNode [static]
num_loopsLCPNode [static]
NumStep()LCPNode [inline]
open(int _max_nodes, int _max_goals)dpNode [protected]
parentdpNode [protected]
Parent()dpNode [inline]
queuedpNode [protected]
Queue()dpNode [inline]
remove()dpNode [protected]
remove_single()dpNode [protected]
same_state(dpNode *refnode)LCPNode [inline, protected, virtual]
terminateLCPNode [protected]
total_astar_costdpNode [protected]
total_costdpNode [protected]
TotalAstarCost()dpNode [inline]
TotalCost()dpNode [inline]
yr2aLCPNode [protected]
yr2gLCPNode [protected]
ys2aLCPNode [protected]
ys2gLCPNode [protected]
~dpNode()dpNode [inline, virtual]
~LCPNode()LCPNode [inline]

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Sun Apr 2 2017 03:44:00