Go to the documentation of this file.
00019 #include <urdf2graspit/XMLFuncs.h>
00020 #include <string>
00021 #include <vector>
00023 using urdf2graspit::xmlfuncs::FingerChain;
00024 using urdf2graspit::JointPtr;
00025 using urdf2graspit::JointConstPtr;
00026 using urdf2graspit::InertialPtr;
00028 using urdf2graspit::DHParam;
00030 #define RAD_TO_DEG 180/M_PI
00032 FingerChain& FingerChain::operator=(const FingerChain& o)
00033 {
00034     if (&o == this) return *this;
00035     prms = o.prms;
00036     linkFileNames = o.linkFileNames;
00037     linkTypes = o.linkTypes;
00038     return *this;
00039 }
00041 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const FingerChain& p)
00042 {
00043     o << "Joints: " << std::endl;
00044     for (std::vector<DHParam>::const_iterator it = p.prms.begin(); it != p.prms.end(); ++it)
00045     {
00046         o << *it << std::endl;
00047     }
00048     o << "Links:" << std::endl;
00049     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator t = p.linkTypes.begin();
00050     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = p.linkFileNames.begin(); it != p.linkFileNames.end(); ++it)
00051     {
00052         o << *it << ", type=" << *t << std::endl;
00053         ++t;
00054     }
00055     return o;
00056 }
00058 void getJointLimits(const urdf::Joint& j, float& min, float& max, bool negateAndSwapMinMax, bool scaleRevolute=false, bool scalePrismatic=true)
00059 {
00060     min = j.limits->lower;
00061     max = j.limits->upper;
00062     if (negateAndSwapMinMax)
00063     {
00064         float minTmp = min;
00065         min = -max;
00066         max = -minTmp;
00067     }
00068     bool revolute = j.type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE;
00069     if (revolute && scaleRevolute)
00070     {
00071         min *= RAD_TO_DEG;
00072         max *= RAD_TO_DEG;
00073     }
00075     if (!revolute && scalePrismatic)
00076     {   // convert from meter units to mm
00077         min *= 1000;
00078         max *= 1000;
00079     }
00080 }
00083 std::string getEigenGraspValues(const std::vector<DHParam>& dhparams, bool negateJointValues)
00084 {
00085     std::stringstream str;
00086     str << "\t<EG>" << std::endl;
00087     str << "\t\t<EigenValue value=\"0.5\"/> <!--EigenValue is not used in the code at this stage -->" << std::endl;
00088     float minAmpl = 0;
00089     float maxAmpl = 0;
00090     str<<"\t\t<!--Limits min=\""<<minAmpl<<"\" max=\""<<maxAmpl<<"\"/-->"<<std::endl;
00091     str << "\t\t<DimVals";
00092     int i = 0;
00093     for (std::vector<DHParam>::const_iterator it = dhparams.begin(); it != dhparams.end(); ++it, ++i)
00094     {
00095         float minValue, maxValue;
00096         getJointLimits(*(it->joint), minValue, maxValue, negateJointValues, false, false);
00097         float num = (minValue + maxValue) / 2;
00098         str << " d" << i << "=\"" << num << "\"";
00099     }
00100     str << "/>" << std::endl;
00101     str << "\t</EG>" << std::endl;
00102     return str.str();
00103 }
00105 std::string urdf2graspit::xmlfuncs::getEigenGraspXML(const std::vector<DHParam>& dhparams, bool negateJointValues)
00106 {
00107     std::stringstream str;
00108     str << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << std::endl;
00110    // print all joint names so it's easier to edit the EigenGrasp file.
00111     unsigned int i=0;
00112     for (std::vector<DHParam>::const_iterator it = dhparams.begin(); it != dhparams.end(); ++it, ++i)
00113     {
00114         float minValue, maxValue;
00115         getJointLimits(*(it->joint), minValue, maxValue, negateJointValues, false, false);
00116         str << "<!-- d" << i <<": "<<it->joint->name<<", min="<<minValue<<", max="<<maxValue<<" -->" << std::endl;
00117     }
00119     str << "<EigenGrasps dimensions=\"" << dhparams.size() << "\">" << std::endl;
00121     str << getEigenGraspValues(dhparams, negateJointValues);
00123     str << "\t<ORIGIN>" << std::endl;
00124     str << "\t\t<EigenValue value=\"0.5\"/> " << std::endl;
00125     str << "\t\t<DimVals";
00127     i = 0;
00128     for (std::vector<DHParam>::const_iterator it = dhparams.begin(); it != dhparams.end(); ++it, ++i)
00129     {
00130         float minValue, maxValue;
00131         getJointLimits(*(it->joint), minValue, maxValue, negateJointValues, false, true);
00132         float num = (minValue + maxValue) / 2;
00133         str << " d" << i << "=\"" << num << "\"";
00134     }
00135     str << "/>" << std::endl;
00136     str << "\t</ORIGIN>" << std::endl;
00137     str << "</EigenGrasps>" << std::endl;
00138     return str.str();
00139 }
00141 bool isRevolutingJoint(const JointConstPtr& joint)
00142 {
00143     return (joint->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE) || (joint->type == urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS);
00144 }
00145 bool isPrismaticJoint(const JointConstPtr& joint)
00146 {
00147     return (joint->type == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC);
00148 }
00150 std::string getChainJointSpec(const DHParam& dh, bool negateJointValues)
00151 {
00152     if (!isRevolutingJoint(dh.joint) && !isPrismaticJoint(dh.joint))
00153     {
00154         ROS_ERROR("Joint has to be revoluting or prismatic!");
00155         return std::string();
00156     }
00158     bool revolute = isRevolutingJoint(dh.joint);
00159     float minValue, maxValue;
00160     getJointLimits(*(dh.joint), minValue, maxValue, negateJointValues, true, true);
00161     std::stringstream ret;
00162     ret << "\t\t<joint type=" << (revolute ? "'Revolute'" : "'Prismatic'") << ">" << std::endl;
00164     // for some reason, referenced DOF for revolute joints has to be in <theta>, not <d> as
00165     // specified in documentation (http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~cmatei/graspit/html-manual/graspit-manual_4.html)
00166     // Instead, prismatic joints are specified in <d>
00167     if (isRevolutingJoint(dh.joint))  
00168         ret << "\t\t\t<theta> d" << dh.dof_index << "+"
00169             << dh.theta*RAD_TO_DEG << "</theta>" << std::endl;
00170     else ret << "\t\t\t<theta>" << dh.theta*RAD_TO_DEG << "</theta>" << std::endl;
00172     if (isPrismaticJoint(dh.joint))
00173          ret << "\t\t\t<d> d" <<dh.dof_index <<"+" << dh.d << "</d>" << std::endl;
00174     else ret << "\t\t\t<d>" << dh.d << "</d>" << std::endl;
00176     ret << "\t\t\t<a>" << dh.r << "</a>" << std::endl;
00177     ret << "\t\t\t<alpha>" << dh.alpha*RAD_TO_DEG << "</alpha>" << std::endl;
00179     ret << "\t\t\t<minValue>" << minValue << "</minValue>" << std::endl;
00180     ret << "\t\t\t<maxValue>" << maxValue << "</maxValue>" << std::endl;
00181     ret << "\t\t\t<viscousFriction>5.0e+7</viscousFriction>" << std::endl;
00182     ret << "\t\t</joint>" << std::endl;
00183     return ret.str();
00184 }
00186 std::string urdf2graspit::xmlfuncs::getFingerChain(const FingerChain& c, const Eigen::Vector3d& palmTranslation,
00187         const Eigen::Quaterniond& palmRotation, bool negateJointValues)
00188 {
00189     std::stringstream str;
00190     // XXX for some reason, graspit wants the inverse of the rotation
00191     Eigen::Quaterniond corrPalmRotation = palmRotation.inverse();
00192     Eigen::Quaterniond::Matrix3 m = corrPalmRotation.toRotationMatrix();
00193     str << "\t<chain> " << std::endl;
00194     str << "\t\t<transform> " << std::endl;
00195     str << "\t\t\t<translation>" << palmTranslation.x() << " "
00196         << palmTranslation.y() << " " << palmTranslation.z() << "</translation>" << std::endl;
00197     str << "\t\t\t<rotationMatrix>"
00198         << m(0, 0) << " " << m(0, 1) << " " << m(0, 2) << " "
00199         << m(1, 0) << " " << m(1, 1) << " " << m(1, 2) << " "
00200         << m(2, 0) << " " << m(2, 1) << " " << m(2, 2) << " "
00201         << "</rotationMatrix> " << std::endl;
00202     str << "\t\t</transform>" << std::endl;
00203     for (std::vector<DHParam>::const_iterator it = c.prms.begin(); it != c.prms.end(); ++it)
00204     {
00205         // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Getting Joint for " << *it);
00206         std::string j = getChainJointSpec(*it, negateJointValues);
00207         str << j;
00208     }
00210     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator t = c.linkTypes.begin();
00211     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = c.linkFileNames.begin(); it != c.linkFileNames.end(); ++it)
00212     {
00213         str << "\t\t<link dynamicJointType='" << *t << "'>" << *it << "</link>" << std::endl;
00214         ++t;
00215     }
00216     str << "\t</chain>" << std::endl;
00217     return str.str();
00218 }
00221 std::string urdf2graspit::xmlfuncs::getDOF(float defaultVel, float maxEffort, float kp,
00222         float kd, float draggerScale, const std::string& type)
00223 {
00224     std::stringstream ret;
00225     ret << "\t<dof type='" << type << "'>" << std::endl;
00226     ret << "\t\t<defaultVelocity>" << defaultVel << "</defaultVelocity>" << std::endl;
00227     ret << "\t\t<maxEffort>" << maxEffort << "</maxEffort>" << std::endl;
00228     ret << "\t\t<Kp>" << kp << "</Kp>" << std::endl;
00229     ret << "\t\t<Kd>" << kd << "</Kd>" << std::endl;
00230     ret << "\t\t<draggerScale>" << draggerScale << "</draggerScale>" << std::endl;
00231     // ret<<"<breakAwayTorque>0.5</breakAwayTorque>"<<std::endl;
00232     ret << "\t</dof>" << std::endl;
00233     return ret.str();
00234 }
00237 std::string urdf2graspit::xmlfuncs::getLinkDescXML(
00238     const LinkPtr& link,
00239     const std::string& linkMeshFile,
00240     const std::string& material)
00241 {
00242     InertialPtr i = link->inertial;
00244     std::stringstream str;
00245     str << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << std::endl;
00246     str << "<root>" << std::endl;
00247     str << "\t<material>" << material << "</material>" << std::endl;
00248     float msc = 1000;
00249     if (i)
00250     {
00251       str << "\t<mass>" << i->mass*msc << "</mass>" << std::endl;  // mass in grams
00252       str << "\t<cog>" << i->origin.position.x << " " << i->origin.position.y
00253           << " " << i->origin.position.z << "</cog>" << std::endl;
00254       str << "\t<inertia_matrix>"
00255           << i->ixx*msc << " " << i->ixy*msc << " " << i->ixz*msc << " "
00256           << i->ixy*msc << " " << " " << i->iyy*msc << " " << i->iyz*msc << " "
00257           << i->ixz*msc << " " << " " << i->iyz*msc << " " << i->izz*msc << "</inertia_matrix>" << std::endl;
00258     }
00259     else
00260     {
00261       ROS_WARN_STREAM("No inertial for link "<<link->name<<", setting to mass=1");
00262       // setting mass of 1 because a mass of 0 causes problems in graspit 
00263       str << "\t<mass>1</mass>" << std::endl;  // mass in grams
00264       str << "\t<cog>0 0 0 </cog>" << std::endl;
00265       str << "\t<inertia_matrix>"
00266           <<"1 0 0 "
00267           <<"0 1 0 "
00268           <<"0 0 1</inertia_matrix>" << std::endl;
00269     }
00270     str << "\t<geometryFile>" << linkMeshFile << "</geometryFile>" << std::endl;
00271     str << "</root>" << std::endl;
00272     return str.str();
00273 }
00278 std::string urdf2graspit::xmlfuncs::getWorldFileTemplate(
00279     const std::string& robotName,
00280     const std::vector<DHParam>& dhparams,
00281     const std::string& robotFileRelToGraspitRoot,
00282     bool negateJointValues)
00283 {
00284     bool includeCube = false;
00286     std::stringstream str;
00287     str << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
00288     str << "<world>" << std::endl;
00290     if (!includeCube) str << "<!--" << std::endl;
00291     str << "\t<graspableBody>" << std::endl;
00292     str << "\t\t<filename>models/objects/small_cube.xml</filename>" << std::endl;
00293     str << "\t\t<transform>" << std::endl;
00294     str << "\t\t\t<fullTransform>(+1 0 0 0)[+100 +0 +0]</fullTransform>" << std::endl;
00295     str << "\t\t</transform>" << std::endl;
00296     str << "\t</graspableBody>" << std::endl;
00297     if (!includeCube) str << "-->" << std::endl;
00299     str << "\t<robot>" << std::endl;
00300     str << "\t\t<filename>" << robotFileRelToGraspitRoot << "</filename>" << std::endl;
00303     str << "\t\t<dofValues>";
00304     for (std::vector<DHParam>::const_iterator it = dhparams.begin(); it != dhparams.end(); ++it)
00305     {
00306         float min, max;
00307         getJointLimits(*(it->joint), min, max, negateJointValues, false, false);
00308         str<<((max + min) * 0.5)<<" ";
00309     }
00310     str << "</dofValues>" << std::endl;
00312     str << "\t\t<transform>" << std::endl;
00313     str << "\t\t\t<fullTransform>(+1 0 0 0)[0 0 0]</fullTransform>" << std::endl;
00314     str << "\t\t</transform>" << std::endl;
00315     str << "\t</robot>" << std::endl;
00316     str << "\t<camera>" << std::endl;
00317     str << "\t\t<position>+0 +0 +500</position>" << std::endl;
00318     str << "\t\t<orientation>0 0 0 1</orientation>" << std::endl;
00319     str << "\t\t<focalDistance>+500</focalDistance>" << std::endl;
00320     str << "\t</camera>" << std::endl;
00322     str << "</world>" << std::endl;
00323     str << "" << std::endl;
00325     return str.str();
00326 }

Author(s): Jennifer Buehler
autogenerated on Wed May 8 2019 02:53:45