Public Slots | Signals | Public Member Functions
swri_console::BagReader Class Reference

#include <bag_reader.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

void promptForBagFile ()


void finishedReading ()
void logReceived (const rosgraph_msgs::LogConstPtr &msg)

Public Member Functions

void readBagFile (const QString &filename)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file bag_reader.h.

Member Function Documentation

Emitted after we're completely done reading the bag file.

void swri_console::BagReader::logReceived ( const rosgraph_msgs::LogConstPtr &  msg) [signal]

Emitted every time a log message is received. This will likely be emitted several times per bag file; finishedReading will be emitted when we're done.

void BagReader::promptForBagFile ( ) [slot]

Displays a file dialog that prompts the user to pick a bag file. After picking a bag file, log messages in the bag will be read and displayed in the log console.

Definition at line 66 of file bag_reader.cpp.

void BagReader::readBagFile ( const QString &  filename)

Reads a bag file at the specified path. Any log messages that were broadcast on the /rosout topic will be loaded and displayed.

[in]filenameThe name of the bag file to load.

Definition at line 41 of file bag_reader.cpp.

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