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vcg::LocalOptimization< MeshType > Class Template Reference

#include <local_optimization.h>

List of all members.


struct  HeapElem
 the element of the heap More...

Public Types

typedef std::vector< HeapElemHeapType
typedef LocalModification
< MeshType > * 
typedef LocalModification
< MeshType > 
enum  LOTermination {
  LOnSimplices = 0x01, LOnVertices = 0x02, LOnOps = 0x04, LOMetric = 0x08,
  LOTime = 0x10
 termination conditions More...
typedef MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType

Public Member Functions

void ClearHeap ()
void ClearHeapOld ()
 erase from the heap the operations that are out of date
void ClearTermination ()
void ClearTerminationFlag (int v)
bool DoOptimization ()
 main cycle of optimization
template<class LocalModificationType >
void Finalize ()
bool GoalReached ()
template<class LocalModificationType >
void Init ()
bool IsTerminationFlag (int v)
 LocalOptimization (MeshType &mm, BaseParameterClass *_pp)
void SetTargetMetric (ScalarType tm)
void SetTargetOperations (int to)
void SetTargetSimplices (int ts)
void SetTargetVertices (int tv)
void SetTerminationFlag (int v)
void SetTimeBudget (float tb)
 ~LocalOptimization ()
 Default distructor.

Public Attributes

ScalarType currMetric
double e
HeapType h
 the heap of operations
float HeapSimplexRatio
MeshType & m
 the mesh to optimize
int nPerfmormedOps
int nTargetOps
int nTargetSimplices
int nTargetVertices
clock_t start
ScalarType targetMetric
int tf
float timeBudget

Detailed Description

template<class MeshType>
class vcg::LocalOptimization< MeshType >

LocalOptimization: This class implements the algorihms running on 0-1-2-3-simplicial complex that are based on local modification The local modification can be and edge_collpase, or an edge_swap, a vertex far as they implement the interface defined in LocalModification. Implementation note: in order to keep the local modification itself indepented by its use in this class, they are not really derived by LocalModification. Instead, a wrapper is done to this purpose (see vcg/complex/tetramesh/decimation/collapse.h)

Definition at line 167 of file local_optimization.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:41:19