Public Member Functions
Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, IsComplex > Class Template Reference

Class for computing matrix functions. More...

#include <MatrixFunction.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

template<typename ResultType >
void compute (ResultType &result)
 Compute the matrix function.
 MatrixFunction (const MatrixType &A, AtomicType &atomic)

Detailed Description

template<typename MatrixType, typename AtomicType, int IsComplex = NumTraits<typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar>::IsComplex>
class Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, IsComplex >

Class for computing matrix functions.

Template Parameters:
MatrixTypetype of the argument of the matrix function, expected to be an instantiation of the Matrix class template.
AtomicTypetype for computing matrix function of atomic blocks.
IsComplexused internally to select correct specialization.

This class implements the Schur-Parlett algorithm for computing matrix functions. The spectrum of the matrix is divided in clustered of eigenvalues that lies close together. This class delegates the computation of the matrix function on every block corresponding to these clusters to an object of type AtomicType and uses these results to compute the matrix function of the whole matrix. The class AtomicType should have a compute() member function for computing the matrix function of a block.

See also:
class MatrixFunctionAtomic, class MatrixLogarithmAtomic

Definition at line 37 of file MatrixFunction.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename MatrixType, typename AtomicType, int IsComplex = NumTraits<typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar>::IsComplex>
Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, IsComplex >::MatrixFunction ( const MatrixType &  A,
AtomicType &  atomic 


[in]Aargument of matrix function, should be a square matrix.
[in]atomicclass for computing matrix function of atomic blocks.

The class stores references to A and atomic, so they should not be changed (or destroyed) before compute() is called.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename MatrixType, typename AtomicType, int IsComplex = NumTraits<typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar>::IsComplex>
template<typename ResultType >
void Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, IsComplex >::compute ( ResultType &  result)

Compute the matrix function.

[out]resultthe function f applied to A, as specified in the constructor.

See MatrixBase::matrixFunction() for details on how this computation is implemented.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:40:21