Package roslib :: Module packages
[frames] | no frames]

Module packages

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Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superceded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be *deleted* in future releases.

Base class of package-related errors.
Exception that indicates that a ROS package does not exist
Exception that indicates that multiple ROS nodes by the same name are in the same package.
(str, str)
Get the package that the directory is contained within.
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get_pkg_dir(package, required=True, ros_root=None, ros_package_path=None)
Locate directory package is stored in.
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get_pkg_subdir(package, subdir, required=True, env=None)
Returns: Package subdirectory if package exist, otherwise None.
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resource_file(package, subdir, resource_name)
Returns: path to resource in the specified subdirectory of the package, or None if the package does not exists
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list_pkgs_by_path(path, packages=None, cache=None, env=None)
List ROS packages within the specified path.
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find_node(pkg, node_type, rospack=None)
Warning: unstable API due to catkin.
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find_resource(pkg, resource_name, filter_fn=None, rospack=None)
Warning: unstable API due to catkin.
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  SRC_DIR = 'src'
  MANIFEST_FILE = 'manifest.xml'
  PACKAGE_FILE = 'package.xml'
  __package__ = 'roslib'
Function Details


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Get the package that the directory is contained within. This is determined by finding the nearest parent manifest.xml file. This isn't 100% reliable, but symlinks can fool any heuristic that relies on ROS_ROOT.

  • d (str) - directory path
Returns: (str, str)
(package_directory, package) of the specified directory, or None,None if not in a package

get_pkg_dir(package, required=True, ros_root=None, ros_package_path=None)

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Locate directory package is stored in. This routine uses an internal cache.

NOTE: cache does *not* rebuild if packages are relocated after this process is initiated.

  • package (str) - package name
  • required (bool) - if True, an exception will be raised if the package directory cannot be located.
  • ros_root (str) - if specified, override ROS_ROOT
  • ros_package_path (str) - if specified, override ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
Returns: str
directory containing package or None if package cannot be found and required is False.

get_pkg_subdir(package, subdir, required=True, env=None)

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  • required (bool) - if True, will attempt to create the subdirectory if it does not exist. An exception will be raised if this fails.
  • package (str) - name of package
  • env (dict) - override os.environ dictionary
  • required (bool) - if True, directory must exist
Returns: str
Package subdirectory if package exist, otherwise None.

resource_file(package, subdir, resource_name)

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  • subdir (str) - name of subdir -- these should be one of the string constants, e.g. MSG_DIR
Returns: str
path to resource in the specified subdirectory of the package, or None if the package does not exists

list_pkgs_by_path(path, packages=None, cache=None, env=None)

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List ROS packages within the specified path.

Optionally, a cache dictionary can be provided, which will be updated with the package->path mappings. list_pkgs_by_path() does NOT returned cached results -- it only updates the cache.

  • path (str) - path to list packages in
  • packages ([str]) - list of packages to append to. If package is already present in packages, it will be ignored.
  • cache ({str: str}) - (optional) package path cache to update. Maps package name to directory path.
Returns: [str]
complete list of package names in ROS environment. Same as packages parameter.

find_node(pkg, node_type, rospack=None)

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Warning: unstable API due to catkin.

Locate the executable that implements the node

:param node_type: type of node, ``str`` :returns: path to node or None if node is not in the package ``str`` :raises: :exc:rospkg.ResourceNotFound` If package does not exist

find_resource(pkg, resource_name, filter_fn=None, rospack=None)

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Warning: unstable API due to catkin.

Locate the file named resource_name in package, optionally
matching specified filter.  find_resource() will return a list of
matches, but only for a given scope.  If the resource is found in
the binary build directory, it will only return matches in that
directory; it will not return matches from the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH as
well in this case.

:param filter: function that takes in a path argument and
    returns True if the it matches the desired resource, ``fn(str)``
:param rospack: `rospkg.RosPack` instance to use
:returns: lists of matching paths for resource within a given scope, ``[str]``
:raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` If package does not exist