Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def add_callback
def add_callback_from_signal
def add_handler
def add_timeout
def close
def initialize
def remove_handler
def remove_timeout
def start
def stop
def update_handler

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

IOLoop implementation that runs on Twisted.

Uses the global Twisted reactor by default.  To create multiple
`TwistedIOLoops` in the same process, you must pass a unique reactor
when constructing each one.

Not compatible with `tornado.process.Subprocess.set_exit_callback`
because the ``SIGCHLD`` handlers used by Tornado and Twisted conflict
with each other.

Definition at line 398 of file

Member Function Documentation

def rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop.add_callback (   self,
Calls the given callback on the next I/O loop iteration.

It is safe to call this method from any thread at any time,
except from a signal handler.  Note that this is the **only**
method in `IOLoop` that makes this thread-safety guarantee; all
other interaction with the `IOLoop` must be done from that
`IOLoop`'s thread.  `add_callback()` may be used to transfer
control from other threads to the `IOLoop`'s thread.

To add a callback from a signal handler, see

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 493 of file

def rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop.add_callback_from_signal (   self,
Calls the given callback on the next I/O loop iteration.

Safe for use from a Python signal handler; should not be used

Callbacks added with this method will be run without any
`.stack_context`, to avoid picking up the context of the function
that was interrupted by the signal.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 498 of file

def rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop.add_handler (   self,
Registers the given handler to receive the given events for ``fd``.

The ``fd`` argument may either be an integer file descriptor or
a file-like object with a ``fileno()`` method (and optionally a
``close()`` method, which may be called when the `IOLoop` is shut

The ``events`` argument is a bitwise or of the constants
``IOLoop.READ``, ``IOLoop.WRITE``, and ``IOLoop.ERROR``.

When an event occurs, ``handler(fd, events)`` will be run.

.. versionchanged:: 4.0
   Added the ability to pass file-like objects in addition to
   raw file descriptors.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 426 of file

def rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop.add_timeout (   self,
Runs the ``callback`` at the time ``deadline`` from the I/O loop.

Returns an opaque handle that may be passed to
`remove_timeout` to cancel.

``deadline`` may be a number denoting a time (on the same
scale as `IOLoop.time`, normally `time.time`), or a
`datetime.timedelta` object for a deadline relative to the
current time.  Since Tornado 4.0, `call_later` is a more
convenient alternative for the relative case since it does not
require a timedelta object.

Note that it is not safe to call `add_timeout` from other threads.
Instead, you must use `add_callback` to transfer control to the
`IOLoop`'s thread, and then call `add_timeout` from there.

Subclasses of IOLoop must implement either `add_timeout` or
`call_at`; the default implementations of each will call
the other.  `call_at` is usually easier to implement, but
subclasses that wish to maintain compatibility with Tornado
versions prior to 4.0 must use `add_timeout` instead.

.. versionchanged:: 4.0
   Now passes through ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` to the callback.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 475 of file

def rosbridge_tools.tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop.close (   self,
  all_fds = False 
Closes the `IOLoop`, freeing any resources used.

If ``all_fds`` is true, all file descriptors registered on the
IOLoop will be closed (not just the ones created by the
`IOLoop` itself).

Many applications will only use a single `IOLoop` that runs for the
entire lifetime of the process.  In that case closing the `IOLoop`
is not necessary since everything will be cleaned up when the
process exits.  `IOLoop.close` is provided mainly for scenarios
such as unit tests, which create and destroy a large number of

An `IOLoop` must be completely stopped before it can be closed.  This
means that `IOLoop.stop()` must be called *and* `IOLoop.start()` must
be allowed to return before attempting to call `IOLoop.close()`.
Therefore the call to `close` will usually appear just after
the call to `start` rather than near the call to `stop`.

.. versionchanged:: 3.1
   If the `IOLoop` implementation supports non-integer objects
   for "file descriptors", those objects will have their
   ``close`` method when ``all_fds`` is true.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 417 of file

Definition at line 409 of file

Stop listening for events on ``fd``.

.. versionchanged:: 4.0
   Added the ability to pass file-like objects in addition to
   raw file descriptors.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 457 of file

Cancels a pending timeout.

The argument is a handle as returned by `add_timeout`.  It is
safe to call `remove_timeout` even if the callback has already
been run.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 489 of file

Starts the I/O loop.

The loop will run until one of the callbacks calls `stop()`, which
will make the loop stop after the current event iteration completes.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 468 of file

Stop the I/O loop.

If the event loop is not currently running, the next call to `start()`
will return immediately.

To use asynchronous methods from otherwise-synchronous code (such as
unit tests), you can start and stop the event loop like this::

  ioloop = IOLoop()
  async_method(ioloop=ioloop, callback=ioloop.stop)

``ioloop.start()`` will return after ``async_method`` has run
its callback, whether that callback was invoked before or
after ``ioloop.start``.

Note that even after `stop` has been called, the `IOLoop` is not
completely stopped until `IOLoop.start` has also returned.
Some work that was scheduled before the call to `stop` may still
be run before the `IOLoop` shuts down.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 472 of file

Changes the events we listen for ``fd``.

.. versionchanged:: 4.0
   Added the ability to pass file-like objects in addition to
   raw file descriptors.

Reimplemented from rosbridge_tools.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.

Definition at line 438 of file

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 409 of file

Definition at line 409 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Jonathan Mace
autogenerated on Sun Dec 28 2014 11:43:22