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pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer Class Reference

Viewer for the in-hand scanner based on Qt and OpenGL. More...

#include <opengl_viewer.h>

Inheritance diagram for pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


class  BoxCoefficients
 Coefficients for the wireframe box. More...
class  FPS
 Please have a look at the documentation of calcFPS. More...

Public Types

typedef pcl::PointCloud
< PointXYZRGBNormal
typedef CloudXYZRGBNormal::ConstPtr CloudXYZRGBNormalConstPtr
typedef CloudXYZRGBNormal::Ptr CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr
 How to color the shapes. More...
typedef enum
 How to color the shapes.
typedef pcl::ihs::Mesh Mesh
typedef pcl::ihs::MeshConstPtr MeshConstPtr
typedef pcl::ihs::MeshPtr MeshPtr
enum  MeshRepresentation { MR_POINTS, MR_EDGES, MR_FACES }
 How to draw the mesh. More...
typedef enum
 How to draw the mesh.
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal PointXYZRGBNormal

Public Slots

void resetCamera ()
 Reset the virtual camera position and orientation.
void setColoring (const Coloring &coloring)
 Set the coloring mode.
void setMeshRepresentation (const MeshRepresentation &representation)
 Set the mesh representation.
void timerCallback ()
 Requests the scene to be re-drawn (called periodically from a timer).
void toggleColoring ()
 Toggle the coloring mode.
void toggleMeshRepresentation ()
 Toggle the mesh representation.

Public Member Functions

bool addMesh (const MeshConstPtr &mesh, const std::string &id, const Eigen::Isometry3d &T=Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity())
 Add a mesh to be drawn.
bool addMesh (const CloudXYZRGBNormalConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &id, const Eigen::Isometry3d &T=Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity())
 Convert an organized cloud to a mesh and draw it.
bool getDrawBox () const
 Check if the box is drawn.
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint () const
 OpenGLViewer (QWidget *parent=0)
void removeAllMeshes ()
 Remove all meshes that are currently drawn.
bool removeMesh (const std::string &id)
 Remove the mesh with the given id.
void setBoxCoefficients (const BoxCoefficients &coeffs)
 Set the coefficients for the box.
void setDrawBox (const bool enabled)
 Enable / disable drawing the box.
void setPivot (const Eigen::Vector3d &pivot)
 Set the point around which the camera rotates during mouse navigation.
void setPivot (const std::string &id)
 Searches the given id in the drawn meshes and calculates the pivot as the centroid of the found geometry.
void setScalingFactor (const double scale)
 Set the scaling factor to convert from meters to the unit of the drawn files.
void setVisibilityConfidenceNormalization (const float vis_conf_norm)
 The visibility confidence is normalized with this value (must be greater than 1).
virtual QSize sizeHint () const
void stopTimer ()
 Stop the visualization timer.
 ~OpenGLViewer ()

Protected Member Functions

template<class FPS >
void calcFPS (FPS &fps) const
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event)

Private Types

typedef pcl::ihs::CloudIHS CloudIHS
typedef pcl::ihs::CloudIHSConstPtr CloudIHSConstPtr
typedef pcl::ihs::CloudIHSPtr CloudIHSPtr
typedef boost::unordered_map
< std::string,
typedef Eigen::Matrix
< unsigned char, 3, 1 > 
typedef Eigen::Matrix
< unsigned char, 3, 256 > 
typedef Eigen::Matrix
< unsigned char,
3, Eigen::Dynamic > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< const FaceVertexMesh
typedef boost::unordered_map
< std::string,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< FaceVertexMesh
typedef pcl::ihs::PointIHS PointIHS

Private Member Functions

void calcPivot ()
 Calculate the pivot for the stored id.
void drawBox ()
 Draw a wireframe box.
void drawMeshes ()
 Draw all meshes.
bool getMeshIsAdded (const std::string &id)
 Check if the mesh with the given id is added.
void initializeGL ()
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
void resizeGL (int w, int h)
void setupViewport (const int w, const int h)
void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event)

Private Attributes

BoxCoefficients box_coefficients_
 Coefficients of the drawn box.
Eigen::Vector3d cam_pivot_
 Center of rotation during mouse navigation.
std::string cam_pivot_id_
 Compute the pivot for the mesh with the given id.
Coloring coloring_
 How to color the shapes.
Colormap colormap_
bool draw_box_
 A box is drawn if this value is true.
FaceVertexMeshMap drawn_meshes_
 Meshes stored for visualization.
MeshRepresentation mesh_representation_
 How to draw the mesh.
bool mouse_pressed_begin_
 Set to true right after the mouse got pressed and false if the mouse got moved.
boost::mutex mutex_vis_
Eigen::Quaterniond R_cam_
 Rotation of the camera.
double scaling_factor_
 Scaling factor to convert from meters to the unit of the drawn files.
Eigen::Vector3d t_cam_
 Translation of the camera.
boost::shared_ptr< QTimer > timer_vis_
 Visualization timer.
float vis_conf_norm_
 The visibility confidence is normalized with this value.
int x_prev_
 Mouse x-position of the previous mouse move event.
int y_prev_
 Mouse y-position of the previous mouse move event.

Detailed Description

Viewer for the in-hand scanner based on Qt and OpenGL.

Currently you have to derive from this class to use it. Implement the paintEvent: Call the paint event of this class and declare a QPainter.

Definition at line 107 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner.

Definition at line 337 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner.

Definition at line 339 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner.

Definition at line 338 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 114 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef CloudXYZRGBNormal::ConstPtr pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::CloudXYZRGBNormalConstPtr

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 116 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr> pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::CloudXYZRGBNormalMap [private]

Definition at line 334 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef CloudXYZRGBNormal::Ptr pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 115 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<unsigned char, 3, 1 > pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::Color [private]

Definition at line 330 of file opengl_viewer.h.

How to color the shapes.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<unsigned char, 3, 256 > pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::Colormap [private]

Definition at line 332 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<unsigned char, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::Colors [private]

Definition at line 331 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Definition at line 341 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const FaceVertexMesh> pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::FaceVertexMeshConstPtr [private]

Definition at line 343 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, FaceVertexMeshPtr> pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::FaceVertexMeshMap [private]

Definition at line 344 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< FaceVertexMesh> pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::FaceVertexMeshPtr [private]

Definition at line 342 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef pcl::ihs::Mesh pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::Mesh

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 118 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef pcl::ihs::MeshConstPtr pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::MeshConstPtr

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 120 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef pcl::ihs::MeshPtr pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::MeshPtr

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 119 of file opengl_viewer.h.

How to draw the mesh.

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner.

Definition at line 336 of file opengl_viewer.h.

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::PointXYZRGBNormal

Reimplemented in pcl::ihs::InHandScanner, and pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration.

Definition at line 113 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

How to color the shapes.


Coloring according to the rgb values.


Use one color for all points.


Coloring according to the visibility confidence.

Definition at line 131 of file opengl_viewer.h.

How to draw the mesh.


Draw the points.


Wireframe represen of the mesh.


Draw the faces of the mesh without edges.

Definition at line 123 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::OpenGLViewer ( QWidget *  parent = 0) [explicit]


Definition at line 109 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.


Definition at line 446 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::addMesh ( const MeshConstPtr mesh,
const std::string &  id,
const Eigen::Isometry3d &  T = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity () 

Add a mesh to be drawn.

[in]meshThe input mesh.
[in]idUnique identifier for the mesh. The internal mesh is replaced by the input mesh if the id already exists.
[in]TTransformation applied to the mesh. Defaults to an identity transformation.
true if success.
Converts the mesh to the internal representation better suited for visualization. Therefore this method takes some time.

Definition at line 454 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

bool pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::addMesh ( const CloudXYZRGBNormalConstPtr cloud,
const std::string &  id,
const Eigen::Isometry3d &  T = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity () 

Convert an organized cloud to a mesh and draw it.

[in]cloudOrganized input cloud.
[in]idUnique identifier for the mesh. The internal mesh is replaced by the converted input mesh if the id already exists.
[in]TTransformation applied to the mesh. Defaults to an identity transformation.
true if success.
This method takes some time for the conversion).

Definition at line 475 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

template<class FPS >
void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::calcFPS ( FPS fps) const [inline, protected]

Measures the performance of the current thread (selected by passing the corresponding 'fps' helper object). The resulting value is stored in the fps object.

Definition at line 308 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Calculate the pivot for the stored id.

Definition at line 868 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::drawBox ( ) [private]

Draw a wireframe box.

Definition at line 980 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Draw all meshes.

Only triangle meshes are currently supported.

Definition at line 889 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Check if the box is drawn.

Definition at line 626 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

bool pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::getMeshIsAdded ( const std::string &  id) [private]

Check if the mesh with the given id is added.

Must lock the mutex before calling this method.

Definition at line 859 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

QSize pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::minimumSizeHint ( ) const [virtual]
void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event) [private]
void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event) [private]
void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *  event) [protected, virtual]

Remove all meshes that are currently drawn.

Definition at line 599 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

bool pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::removeMesh ( const std::string &  id)

Remove the mesh with the given id.

[in]idIdentifier of the mesh (results in a failure if the id does not exist).
true if success.

Definition at line 586 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Reset the virtual camera position and orientation.

Definition at line 707 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::resizeGL ( int  w,
int  h 
) [private]

Set the coefficients for the box.

Definition at line 608 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setColoring ( const Coloring coloring) [slot]

Set the coloring mode.

Definition at line 764 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setDrawBox ( const bool  enabled)

Enable / disable drawing the box.

Definition at line 617 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setMeshRepresentation ( const MeshRepresentation representation) [slot]

Set the mesh representation.

Definition at line 732 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setPivot ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  pivot)

Set the point around which the camera rotates during mouse navigation.

Definition at line 634 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setPivot ( const std::string &  id)

Searches the given id in the drawn meshes and calculates the pivot as the centroid of the found geometry.

Returns immediately and computes the pivot in another thread.

Definition at line 643 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setScalingFactor ( const double  scale)

Set the scaling factor to convert from meters to the unit of the drawn files.

Definition at line 690 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::setupViewport ( const int  w,
const int  h 
) [private]

The visibility confidence is normalized with this value (must be greater than 1).

Definition at line 664 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

QSize pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::sizeHint ( ) const [virtual]

Stop the visualization timer.

Definition at line 652 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Requests the scene to be re-drawn (called periodically from a timer).

Definition at line 699 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Toggle the coloring mode.

Definition at line 750 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

Toggle the mesh representation.

Definition at line 718 of file opengl_viewer.cpp.

void pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent *  event) [private]

Member Data Documentation

Coefficients of the drawn box.

Definition at line 419 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Eigen::Vector3d pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::cam_pivot_ [private]

Center of rotation during mouse navigation.

Definition at line 431 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Compute the pivot for the mesh with the given id.

Definition at line 434 of file opengl_viewer.h.

How to color the shapes.

Definition at line 413 of file opengl_viewer.h.


Definition at line 401 of file opengl_viewer.h.

A box is drawn if this value is true.

Definition at line 416 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Meshes stored for visualization.

Definition at line 407 of file opengl_viewer.h.

How to draw the mesh.

Definition at line 410 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Set to true right after the mouse got pressed and false if the mouse got moved.

Definition at line 437 of file opengl_viewer.h.

boost::mutex pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::mutex_vis_ [private]


Definition at line 395 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Eigen::Quaterniond pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::R_cam_ [private]

Rotation of the camera.

Definition at line 425 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Scaling factor to convert from meters to the unit of the drawn files.

Definition at line 422 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Eigen::Vector3d pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::t_cam_ [private]

Translation of the camera.

Definition at line 428 of file opengl_viewer.h.

boost::shared_ptr<QTimer> pcl::ihs::OpenGLViewer::timer_vis_ [private]

Visualization timer.

Definition at line 398 of file opengl_viewer.h.

The visibility confidence is normalized with this value.

Definition at line 404 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Mouse x-position of the previous mouse move event.

Definition at line 440 of file opengl_viewer.h.

Mouse y-position of the previous mouse move event.

Definition at line 443 of file opengl_viewer.h.

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