GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_autovector_impl< T, Base > | |
AbortAppender | This Appender causes the application to abort() upon the first append() call |
Appender | Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements |
appender_t | A function table which is bound to log4cpp's Appender class |
AppendersFactory | |
AppenderSkeleton | AppenderSkeleton is a helper class, simplifying implementation of Appenders: it already takes care of handling of Thresholds and Filters |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::AttachStatistics_t | Delivers information about the attached chunks and nodes |
details::base_validator_data | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::BaseT< Base > | Implementation of the IBase interface |
BasicConfigurator | This class implements a trivial default configuration for log4cpp: it adds a FileAppender that logs to stdout and uses a BasicLayout to the root Category |
BasicLayout | BasicLayout is a simple fixed format Layout implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::BooleanT< Base > | Implementation of the IBoolean interface |
rcg::Buffer | The buffer class encapsulates a Genicam buffer that is provided by a stream |
BufferingAppender | |
Category | This is the central class in the log4j package |
category_t | A function table which is bound to log4cpp's Category class |
CategoryStream | This class enables streaming simple types and objects to a category |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CBooleanImpl | IBoolean implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CBooleanPolyRef | A reference to a bool which can bei either an bool variable, or a pointer to an IInteger, an IEnumeration, or an IBoolean |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CCategoryImpl | Holds a list of features and sub-categories |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CCategoryRefT< T > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkAdapter | Connects a chunked buffer to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkAdapterDcam | Connects a chunked DCAM buffer to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkAdapterGeneric | Connects a generic chunked buffer to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkAdapterGEV | Connects a chunked DCAM buffer to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkAdapterU3V | Connects a chunked U3V buffer to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkPort | Port attachable to a chunk in a buffer |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CCommandImpl | ICommand implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CConverter | Class implementing the converter object |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CConverterImpl | IFloat implementation with integrated conversion |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CDcamAccessCtrlReg | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CDcamAccessCtrlRegImpl | Implements the IIDC DCAM Access Control Register for Advanced Features |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEnumEntry | Implements the EnumEntry node |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEnumEntryImpl | Mapping of Enum Values to symbolic values |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEnumeration | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEnumerationImpl | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEnumerationTRef< EnumT > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEnumSelectorDigit | A selector set counter digit formed by an enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapter | Delivers Events to ports |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapter1394 | Distribute the events to the node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapterCL | Connects a U3V Event to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapterGeneric | Connects a generic event to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapterGEV | Connects a GigE Event to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapterU3V | Connects a U3V Event to a node map |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventPort | Port attachable to an event |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFeatureBag | Basic interface to persist values to |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFeatureBagger | Class use to bag features |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFloat | Float node implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFloatImpl | Core pf the Float node implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFloatPolyRef | A reference to a float which can be either a double variable, or a pointer to an IFloat, IInteger, or an IEnumeration interface |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFloatPtr | SmartPointer for IFloat interface pointer |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFltReg | Clkass implementing the FltReg node |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFltRegImpl | IFloat implementation for a register |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CGeneric_XMLLoaderParams | Empty base class used by class CNodeMapRef as generic template argument |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::CGlobalLock | Named global lock which can be used over process boundaries |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::CGlobalLockUnlocker | Unlocks the global lock object on destruction |
CInt64Lexer | Lexical analyzer for CIntSwissKnife |
CInt64MathParser | Parser and evaluator for CIntSwissKnife |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntConverter | Class implementingthe converter object |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntConverterImpl | IInteger implementation with integrated conversion |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CInteger | Integer node implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntegerImpl | Core of the Integer node implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntegerOffsetPolyRef | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntegerPolyRef | A reference to an int64 which can bei either an int64 variable, or a pointer to an IInteger, an IEnumeration, an IBoolean, or a IFloat |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntegerRefT< T, I > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntKeyImpl | IInteger implementation for IEEE1212 integer entries |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntReg | Implements the IntReg node |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl | IInteger implementation for a register |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntSelectorDigit | A selector set counter digit formed by an integer |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntSwissKnifeImpl | IInteger implementation for a SwissKnife used for formula evaluation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CL_EVENT_DATA | CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITHOUT event specific data |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CL_EVENT_DATA1 | CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITH event specific data |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CL_EVENT_MESSAGE | Entire event data message |
CLexer | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CLock | A lock class |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::CLock | A lock class |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CLockEx | This class is for testing purposes only |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::CLockEx | This class is for testing purposes only |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::CLog | Helper class encapsulating log4cpp |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CMaskedIntRegImpl | IInteger implementation for a masked register |
CMathParser | Expression parser and evaluator of CSwissKnife |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallback | Callback body instance for INode pointers |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeImpl | Standard implementation for the INode and the ISelector interface |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeMap | Hold a map of all nodes |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeMapFactory | The node map factory is used for creating node maps from camera description files |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeMapRef | Smartpointer for NodeMaps with create function |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeMapRefT< TCameraParams > | Smartpointer template for NodeMaps with create function |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CommandT< Base > | Implementation of the ICommand interface |
ConfigureFailure | Exception class for configuration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFeatureBagger::const_iterator | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPointer< T, B > | Encapsulates a GenApi pointer dealing with the dynamic_cast automatically |
rcg::CPort | This is the port definition that connects GenAPI to GenTL |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPortImpl | Standard implementation for a port ! |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPortImplIntern | Standard IPort implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPortRecorderRefT< T > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPortWriteList | Container holding a list of port write commands |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CReferenceT< T, I > | Interface to construct a reference |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CRegisterImpl | Standard IRegister implementation Provides a chunk of memory which acts as a proxy to the register |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CRegisterRefT< T > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CRegisterSetHelper | Copies data from buffer to variables in a typesafe manner |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CSelectorRefT< T > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CSelectorSet | The set of selectors selecting a given node |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CSmartFeatureImpl | Implements the Basler Smart Feature class |
CStaticFuncMapDouble | |
CStaticFuncMapInt64 | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CStringNodeImpl | Implements a floating string node |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CStringPolyRef | A reference to a gcstring which can be either a gcstring variable, or a pointer to an IString |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CStringRegister | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CStringRegisterImpl | Implements a simple string register |
CStrMap | Map for variables in swissknife expression |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CSwissKnifeImpl | Specialized SwissKnife for float nodes |
CSymTable | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CTestPortStruct< CDataStruct > | Implements a register spaces based on a C++ struct |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CTestValueNode | Generic Node with dummy IValue implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CTxtKeyImpl | IString implementation for IEEE1212 string entries |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CValueCache | Cache for Registervalues |
rcg::Device | The device class encapsulates a Genicam device |
NDC::DiagnosticContext | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::double_autovector_t | Vector of doubles with reference counting |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EAccessModeClass | EAccessModeClass holds conversion methods for the access mode enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ECachingModeClass | ECachingModeClass holds conversion methods for the caching mode enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EDisplayNotationClass | Holds conversion methods for the notation type of floats |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EEndianessClass | EEndianessClass holds conversion methods for the endianess enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EGenApiSchemaVersionClass | Helper class converting EGenApiSchemaVersion from and to string |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EInputDirectionClass | Holds conversion methods for the notation type of floats |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ENameSpaceClass | Holds conversion methods for the namespace enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeImpl::EntryMethodFinalizer | Used to ensure that PostSetValue() is called in any case |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EnumerationT< Base > | Implementation of the IEnumeration Interface |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ERepresentationClass | ERepresentationClass holds conversion methods for the representation enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ESignClass | ESignClass holds conversion methods for the sign enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ESlopeClass | Holds conversion methods for the converter formulas |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EStandardNameSpaceClass | Holds conversion methods for the standard namespace enumeration |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EVisibilityClass | EVisibilityClass holds conversion methods for the visibility enumeration |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ExceptionReporter< E > | Printf like creation of exceptions |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ExceptionReporterNode< E > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EYesNoClass | Holds conversion methods for the standard namespace enumeration |
FactoryParams | |
FileAppender | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FileProtocolAdapter | Adapter between the std::iostreambuf and the SFNC Features representing the device filesystem |
Filter | Users should extend this class to implement customized logging event filtering |
FixedContextCategory | This Category subclass replaces the NDC field in LoggingEvents with a fixed context string |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FloatT< Base > | Implementation of the IFloat Interface |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Function_NodeCallback< Function > | Container for a function pointer |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcarray< T > | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | A string class which is a clone of std::string |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GenericException | GenICam's exception class |
rcg::GenTLException | |
rcg::GenTLWrapper | Wrapper for dynamically loaded GenICam transport layers |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_CHUNK_TRAILER | Header of a GVCP request packet |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_ITEM | Layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag not set) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_ITEM_BASIC | Layout of a GVCP event item (common to all types) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_ITEM_EXTENDED_ID | Layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag set) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_REQUEST | Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag not set) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_REQUEST_EXTENDED_ID | Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag set) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENTDATA_REQUEST | Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag not set) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENTDATA_REQUEST_EXTENDED_ID | Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag set) |
HierarchyMaintainer | HierarchyMaintainer is an internal log4cpp class |
threading::ThreadLocalDataHolder< T >::Holder | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IDevFileStreamBase< CharType, Traits > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IDevFileStreamBuf< CharType, Traits > | |
IdsaAppender | IdsaAppender is an Appender that sends LoggingEvents to the IDS/A logger and reference monitor by Marc Welz |
rcg::Image | The image class encapsulates image information |
rcg::ImageList | An object of this class manages a limited number of images |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::int64_autovector_t | Vector of integers with reference counting |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IntegerT< Base > | Implementation of the IInteger Interface |
rcg::Interface | The interface class encapsulates a Genicam interface |
IReference | |
Layout | Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format |
LayoutAppender | LayoutAppender is a common superclass for all Appenders that require a Layout |
LayoutsFactory | |
LevelEvaluator | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object >::Lock | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object >::Lock | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object > | Instance-Lock for an object |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object > | Instance-Lock for an object |
LoggingEvent | The top level namespace for all 'Log for C++' types and classes |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Member_NodeCallback< Client, Member > | Container for a member function pointer |
threading::MSMutex | A simple object wrapper around CreateMutex() and DeleteMutex() |
threading::MSScopedLock | A simple object wrapper around WaitForSingleObject() and ReleaseMutex() |
threading::Mutex | |
NDC | Implements nested diagnostic contexts as defined by Neil Harrison in the article "Patterns for Logging
Diagnostic Messages" part of the book "<i>Pattern Languages of
Program Design 3</i>" edited by Martin et al |
ndc_t | A function table which is bound to log4cpp's NDC class |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeMapFactory::NodeStatistics_t | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeT< Base > | Implementation of the INode interface |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ODevFileStreamBase< CharType, Traits > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ODevFileStreamBuf< CharType, Traits > | |
CInt64MathParser::Operation | |
CMathParser::Operation | |
details::optional_params_validator | |
OstreamAppender | OstreamAppender appends LoggingEvents to ostreams |
std::ostringstream | |
details::parameter_validator | |
PassThroughLayout | |
pattern_layout_t | A function table which is bound to log4cpp's PatternLayout class |
PatternLayout::PatternComponent | |
PatternLayout | PatternLayout is a simple fixed format Layout implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeImpl::PostSetValueFinalizer | Used to ensure that PostSetValue() is called in any case |
Priority | Importance levels with which one can categorize log messages |
property_configurator_t | A function table which is bound to log4cpp's PropertyConfigurator class |
PropertyConfigurator | Property configurator will read a config file using the same (or similar) format to the config file used by log4j |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::MyAlloc< T >::rebind< U > | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::RegisterT< Base > | Implementation of the IRegister interface |
RemoteSyslogAppender | RemoteSyslogAppender sends LoggingEvents to a remote syslog system |
details::required_params_validator | |
RollingFileAppender | RollingFileAppender is a FileAppender that rolls over the logfile once it has reached a certain size limit |
threading::ScopedLock | Definition of ScopedLock; |
SimpleConfigurator | This class implements a simple configurator for log4cpp |
SimpleLayout | BasicLayout is a simple fixed format Layout implementation |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SingleChunkData_t | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SingleChunkDataStr_t | |
rcg::Stream | The stream class encapsulates a Genicam stream |
StringQueueAppender | This class puts log messages in an in-memory queue |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::StringT< Base > | Implementation of the IString interface |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SwissKnifeT< Base > | Implementation of the SwissKnife Interface |
SyslogAppender | SyslogAppender sends LoggingEvents to the local syslog system |
rcg::System | The system class encapsulates a Genicam transport layer |
T | |
tab | |
threading::ThreadLocalDataHolder< T > | This class holds Thread local data of type T, i.e |
TimeStamp | A simple TimeStamp abstraction |
TriggeringEventEvaluator | |
TriggeringEventEvaluatorFactory | |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::U3V_CHUNK_TRAILER | Header of a GVCP request packet |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::U3V_EVENT_DATA | U3V/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::U3V_EVENT_MESSAGE | Entire event data message (without the variable-sized data field) |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ValueT< Base > | Implementation of the IValue interface |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::Version_t | Version |
width | |
wrapper_t | A wrapper which bridges to log4cpp functionality |
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPortWriteList::WriteCommand_t | The data associated with a write command |