Public Attributes
crl::multisense::image::SensorCalibration Class Reference

#include <MultiSenseTypes.hh>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

uint8_t adc_gain [2]
int16_t bl_offset [2]

Detailed Description

Class to store sensor gains used to perform a DC level adjustment to calibrate the left imager to the right imager. For more information on the specific applications please email

Example code to query a devices's imager calibration:

     // Instantiate a channel connecting to a sensor at the factory default
     // IP address
     crl::multisense::Channel* channel;
     channel = crl::multisense::Channel::Create("");


     // Create a instance of SensorCalibration to store the device's imager
     // calibration
     crl::multisense::image::SensorCalibration sensorCalibration;

     // Query the imager calibration from the Channel instance
     crl::multisense::Status status = channel->getSensorCalibration(sensorCalibration));

     // Check to see if the network configuration query succeeded
     if(crl::multisense::Status_Ok != status) {
          throw std::runtime_error("Unable to query device's imager calibration");

     // Use the image calibration...

     // Destroy the channel instance

Example code to set a devices imager calibration:

     // Instantiate a channel connecting to a sensor at the factory default
     // IP address
     crl::multisense::Channel* channel;
     channel = crl::multisense::Channel::Create("");


     // Create a instance of SensorCalibration to store the device's imager
     // calibration
     crl::multisense::image::SensorCalibration sensorCalibration;

     // Query the imager calibration from the Channel instance
     crl::multisense::Status status = channel->getSensorCalibration(sensorCalibration));

     // Modify the imager calibration gains based on the pre-existing default
     // values
     sensorCalibration.adc_gain[0] += 1;
     sensorCalibration.adc_gain[1] += 1;
     sensorCalibration.bl_offset[0] += 1;
     sensorCalibration.bl_offset[1] += 1;

     // Send the new imager calibration to the device
     crl::multisense::Status status = channel->setSensorCalibration(sensorCalibration));

     // Check to see if the new network configuration was received
     if(crl::multisense::Status_Ok != status) {
          throw std::runtime_error("Unable to set the devices's imager calibration");

     // Destroy the channel instance

Definition at line 1199 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

Member Data Documentation

The CMV2000/CMV4000 ADC gain applied to each pixel value. Index 0 corresponds to the left imager, index 1 corresponds to the right imager

Definition at line 1204 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

The imager black level offset for each imager. Index 0 corresponds to the left imager, index 1 corresponds to the right imager

Definition at line 1208 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

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autogenerated on Fri Apr 5 2019 02:28:24