00035 import rospy
00036 from moveit_commander import RobotCommander, MoveGroupCommander, PlanningSceneInterface, MoveItCommanderException
00037 from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseStamped
00038 import tf
00039 import re
00040 import time
00041 import os.path
00043 class MoveGroupInfoLevel:
00044 FAIL = 1
00045 WARN = 2
00046 SUCCESS = 3
00047 INFO = 4
00048 DEBUG = 5
00050 class MoveGroupCommandInterpreter(object):
00051 """
00052 Interpreter for simple commands
00053 """
00055 DEFAULT_FILENAME = "move_group.cfg"
00056 GO_DIRS = {"up" : (2,1), "down" : (2, -1), "z" : (2, 1),
00057 "left" : (1, 1), "right" : (1, -1), "y" : (1, 1),
00058 "forward" : (0, 1), "backward" : (0, -1), "back" : (0, -1), "x" : (0, 1) }
00060 def __init__(self):
00061 self._gdict = {}
00062 self._group_name = ""
00063 self._prev_group_name = ""
00064 self._planning_scene_interface = PlanningSceneInterface()
00065 self._robot = RobotCommander()
00066 self._last_plan = None
00067 self._db_host = None
00068 self._db_port = 33829
00069 self._trace = False
00071 def get_active_group(self):
00072 if len(self._group_name) > 0:
00073 return self._gdict[self._group_name]
00074 else:
00075 return None
00077 def get_loaded_groups(self):
00078 return self._gdict.keys()
00080 def execute(self, cmd):
00081 cmd = self.resolve_command_alias(cmd)
00082 result = self.execute_generic_command(cmd)
00083 if result != None:
00084 return result
00085 else:
00086 if len(self._group_name) > 0:
00087 return self.execute_group_command(self._gdict[self._group_name], cmd)
00088 else:
00089 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, self.get_help() + "\n\nNo groups initialized yet. You must call the 'use' or the 'load' command first.\n")
00091 def execute_generic_command(self, cmd):
00092 if os.path.isfile("cmd/" + cmd):
00093 cmd = "load cmd/" + cmd
00094 cmdlow = cmd.lower()
00095 if cmdlow.startswith("use"):
00096 if cmdlow == "use":
00097 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "\n".join(self.get_loaded_groups()))
00098 clist = cmd.split()
00099 clist[0] = clist[0].lower()
00100 if len(clist) == 2:
00101 if clist[0] == "use":
00102 if clist[1] == "previous":
00103 clist[1] = self._prev_group_name
00104 if len(clist[1]) == 0:
00105 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00106 if self._gdict.has_key(clist[1]):
00107 self._prev_group_name = self._group_name
00108 self._group_name = clist[1]
00109 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00110 else:
00111 try:
00112 mg = MoveGroupCommander(clist[1])
00113 self._gdict[clist[1]] = mg
00114 self._group_name = clist[1]
00115 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00116 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00117 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Initializing " + clist[1] + ": " + str(e))
00118 except:
00119 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Unable to initialize " + clist[1])
00120 elif cmdlow.startswith("trace"):
00121 if cmdlow == "trace":
00122 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "trace is on" if self._trace else "trace is off")
00123 clist = cmdlow.split()
00124 if clist[0] == "trace" and clist[1] == "on":
00125 self._trace = True
00126 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00127 if clist[0] == "trace" and clist[1] == "off":
00128 self._trace = False
00129 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00130 elif cmdlow.startswith("load"):
00131 filename = self.DEFAULT_FILENAME
00132 clist = cmd.split()
00133 if len(clist) > 2:
00134 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse load command")
00135 if len(clist) == 2:
00136 filename = clist[1]
00137 if not os.path.isfile(filename):
00138 filename = "cmd/" + filename
00139 line_num = 0
00140 line_content = ""
00141 try:
00142 f = open(filename, 'r')
00143 for line in f:
00144 line_num += 1
00145 line = line.rstrip()
00146 line_content = line
00147 if self._trace:
00148 print ("%s:%d: %s" % (filename, line_num, line_content))
00149 comment = line.find("#")
00150 if comment != -1:
00151 line = line[0:comment].rstrip()
00152 if line != "":
00153 self.execute(line.rstrip())
00154 line_content = ""
00155 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00156 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00157 if line_num > 0:
00158 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Error at %s:%d: %s\n%s" % (filename, line_num, line_content, str(e)))
00159 else:
00160 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Processing " + filename + ": " + str(e))
00161 except:
00162 if line_num > 0:
00163 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Error at %s:%d: %s" % (filename, line_num, line_content))
00164 else:
00165 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to load " + filename)
00166 elif cmdlow.startswith("save"):
00167 filename = self.DEFAULT_FILENAME
00168 clist = cmd.split()
00169 if len(clist) > 2:
00170 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse save command")
00171 if len(clist) == 2:
00172 filename = clist[1]
00173 try:
00174 f = open(filename, 'w')
00175 for gr in self._gdict.keys():
00176 f.write("use " + gr + "\n")
00177 known = self._gdict[gr].get_remembered_joint_values()
00178 for v in known.keys():
00179 f.write(v + " = [" + " ".join([str(x) for x in known[v]]) + "]\n")
00180 if self._db_host != None:
00181 f.write("database " + self._db_host + " " + str(self._db_port) + "\n")
00182 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00183 except:
00184 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to save " + filename)
00185 else:
00186 return None
00188 def execute_group_command(self, g, cmdorig):
00189 cmd = cmdorig.lower()
00191 if cmd == "stop":
00192 g.stop()
00193 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00195 if cmd == "id":
00196 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, g.get_name())
00198 if cmd == "help":
00199 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, self.get_help())
00201 if cmd == "vars":
00202 known = g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00203 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "[" + " ".join(known.keys()) + "]")
00205 if cmd == "joints":
00206 joints = g.get_joints()
00207 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "\n" + "\n".join([str(i) + " = " + joints[i] for i in range(len(joints))]) + "\n")
00209 if cmd == "show":
00210 return self.command_show(g)
00212 if cmd == "current":
00213 return self.command_current(g)
00215 if cmd == "ground":
00216 pose = PoseStamped()
00217 pose.pose.position.x = 0
00218 pose.pose.position.y = 0
00220 pose.pose.position.z = -0.0501
00221 pose.pose.orientation.x = 0
00222 pose.pose.orientation.y = 0
00223 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0
00224 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
00225 pose.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
00226 pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_root_link()
00227 self._planning_scene_interface.attach_box(self._robot.get_root_link(), "ground", pose, (3, 3, 0.1))
00228 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "Added ground")
00230 if cmd == "eef":
00231 if len(g.get_end_effector_link()) > 0:
00232 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, g.get_end_effector_link())
00233 else:
00234 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "There is no end effector defined")
00236 if cmd == "database":
00237 if self._db_host == None:
00238 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "Not connected to a database")
00239 else:
00240 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "Connected to " + self._db_host + ":" + str(self._db_port))
00241 if cmd == "plan":
00242 if self._last_plan != None:
00243 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, str(self._last_plan))
00244 else:
00245 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "No previous plan")
00247 if cmd == "constrain":
00248 g.clear_path_constraints()
00249 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Cleared path constraints")
00251 if cmd == "tol" or cmd == "tolerance":
00252 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "Joint = %0.6g, Position = %0.6g, Orientation = %0.6g" % g.get_goal_tolerance())
00254 if cmd == "time":
00255 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, str(g.get_planning_time()))
00257 if cmd == "execute":
00258 if self._last_plan != None:
00259 if g.execute(self._last_plan):
00260 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Plan submitted for execution")
00261 else:
00262 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Failed to submit plan for execution")
00263 else:
00264 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "No motion plan computed")
00267 assign_match = re.match(r"^(\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+)$", cmd)
00268 if assign_match:
00269 known = g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00270 if known.has_key(assign_match.group(2)):
00271 g.remember_joint_values(assign_match.group(1), known[assign_match.group(2)])
00272 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, assign_match.group(1) + " is now the same as " + assign_match.group(2))
00273 else:
00274 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unknown command: '" + cmd + "'")
00277 set_match = re.match(r"^(\w+)\s*=\s*\[([\d\.e\-\+\s]+)\]$", cmd)
00278 if set_match:
00279 try:
00280 g.remember_joint_values(set_match.group(1), [float(x) for x in set_match.group(2).split()])
00281 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Remembered joint values [" + set_match.group(2) + "] under the name " + set_match.group(1))
00282 except:
00283 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse joint value [" + set_match.group(2) + "]")
00286 component_match = re.match(r"^(\w+)\s*\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]\s*=\s*([\d\.e\-\+]+)$", cmd)
00287 if component_match:
00288 known = g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00289 if known.has_key(component_match.group(1)):
00290 try:
00291 val = known[component_match.group(1)]
00292 val[int(component_match.group(2))] = float(component_match.group(3))
00293 g.remember_joint_values(component_match.group(1), val)
00294 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Updated " + component_match.group(1) + "[" + component_match.group(2) + "]")
00295 except:
00296 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse index or value in '" + cmd +"'")
00297 else:
00298 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unknown command: '" + cmd + "'")
00300 clist = cmdorig.split()
00301 clist[0] = clist[0].lower()
00304 if len(clist) == 1:
00305 known = g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00306 if known.has_key(cmd):
00307 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "[" + " ".join([str(x) for x in known[cmd]]) + "]")
00308 else:
00309 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unknown command: '" + cmd + "'")
00312 if len(clist) == 2:
00313 if clist[0] == "go":
00314 self._last_plan = None
00315 if clist[1] == "rand" or clist[1] == "random":
00316 vals = g.get_random_joint_values()
00317 g.set_joint_value_target(vals)
00318 if g.go():
00319 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Moved to random target [" + " ".join([str(x) for x in vals]) + "]")
00320 else:
00321 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while moving to random target [" + " ".join([str(x) for x in vals]) + "]")
00322 else:
00323 try:
00324 g.set_named_target(clist[1])
00325 if g.go():
00326 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Moved to " + clist[1])
00327 else:
00328 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while moving to " + clist[1])
00329 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00330 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Going to " + clist[1] + ": " + str(e))
00331 except:
00332 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, clist[1] + " is unknown")
00333 if clist[0] == "plan":
00334 self._last_plan = None
00335 vals = None
00336 if clist[1] == "rand" or clist[1] == "random":
00337 vals = g.get_random_joint_values()
00338 g.set_joint_value_target(vals)
00339 self._last_plan = g.plan()
00340 else:
00341 try:
00342 g.set_named_target(clist[1])
00343 self._last_plan = g.plan()
00344 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00345 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Planning to " + clist[1] + ": " + str(e))
00346 except:
00347 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, clist[1] + " is unknown")
00348 if self._last_plan != None:
00349 if len(self._last_plan.joint_trajectory.points) == 0 and len(self._last_plan.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.points) == 0:
00350 self._last_plan = None
00351 dest_str = clist[1]
00352 if vals != None:
00353 dest_str = "[" + " ".join([str(x) for x in vals]) + "]"
00354 if self._last_plan != None:
00355 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Planned to " + dest_str)
00356 else:
00357 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while planning to " + dest_str)
00358 elif clist[0] == "pick":
00359 self._last_plan = None
00360 if g.pick(clist[1]):
00361 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Picked object " + clist[1])
00362 else:
00363 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while trying to pick object " + clist[1])
00364 elif clist[0] == "place":
00365 self._last_plan = None
00366 if g.place(clist[1]):
00367 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Placed object " + clist[1])
00368 else:
00369 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while trying to place object " + clist[1])
00370 elif clist[0] == "planner":
00371 g.set_planner_id(clist[1])
00372 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Planner is now " + clist[1])
00373 elif clist[0] == "record" or clist[0] == "rec":
00374 g.remember_joint_values(clist[1])
00375 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Remembered current joint values under the name " + clist[1])
00376 elif clist[0] == "rand" or clist[0] == "random":
00377 g.remember_joint_values(clist[1], g.get_random_joint_values())
00378 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Remembered random joint values under the name " + clist[1])
00379 elif clist[0] == "del" or clist[0] == "delete":
00380 g.forget_joint_values(clist[1])
00381 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Forgot joint values under the name " + clist[1])
00382 elif clist[0] == "show":
00383 known = g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00384 if known.has_key(clist[1]):
00385 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "[" + " ".join([str(x) for x in known[clist[1]]]) + "]")
00386 else:
00387 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Joint values for " + clist[1] + " are not known")
00388 elif clist[0] == "tol" or clist[0] == "tolerance":
00389 try:
00390 g.set_goal_tolerance(float(clist[1]))
00391 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "OK")
00392 except:
00393 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse tolerance value '" + clist[1] + "'")
00394 elif clist[0] == "time":
00395 try:
00396 g.set_planning_time(float(clist[1]))
00397 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "OK")
00398 except:
00399 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse planning duration value '" + clist[1] + "'")
00400 elif clist[0] == "constrain":
00401 try:
00402 g.set_path_constraints(clist[1])
00403 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "OK")
00404 except:
00405 if self._db_host != None:
00406 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Constraint " + clist[1] + " is not known.")
00407 else:
00408 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Not connected to a database.")
00409 elif clist[0] == "wait":
00410 try:
00411 time.sleep(float(clist[1]))
00412 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, clist[1] + " seconds passed")
00413 except:
00414 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to wait '" + clist[1] + "' seconds")
00415 elif clist[0] == "database":
00416 try:
00417 g.set_constraints_database(clist[1], self._db_port)
00418 self._db_host = clist[1]
00419 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Connected to " + self._db_host + ":" + str(self._db_port))
00420 except:
00421 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to connect to '" + clist[1] + ":" + str(self._db_port) + "'")
00422 else:
00423 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unknown command: '" + cmd + "'")
00425 if len(clist) == 3:
00426 if clist[0] == "go" and self.GO_DIRS.has_key(clist[1]):
00427 self._last_plan = None
00428 try:
00429 offset = float(clist[2])
00430 (axis, factor) = self.GO_DIRS[clist[1]]
00431 return self.command_go_offset(g, offset, factor, axis, clist[1])
00432 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00433 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Going " + clist[1] + ": " + str(e))
00434 except:
00435 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse distance '" + clist[2] + "'")
00436 elif clist[0] == "allow" and (clist[1] == "look" or clist[1] == "looking"):
00437 if clist[2] == "1" or clist[2] == "true" or clist[2] == "T" or clist[2] == "True":
00438 g.allow_looking(True)
00439 else:
00440 g.allow_looking(False)
00441 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00442 elif clist[0] == "allow" and (clist[1] == "replan" or clist[1] == "replanning"):
00443 if clist[2] == "1" or clist[2] == "true" or clist[2] == "T" or clist[2] == "True":
00444 g.allow_replanning(True)
00445 else:
00446 g.allow_replanning(False)
00447 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.DEBUG, "OK")
00448 elif clist[0] == "database":
00449 try:
00450 g.set_constraints_database(clist[1], int(clist[2]))
00451 self._db_host = clist[1]
00452 self._db_port = int(clist[2])
00453 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Connected to " + self._db_host + ":" + str(self._db_port))
00454 except:
00455 self._db_host = None
00456 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to connect to '" + clist[1] + ":" + clist[2] + "'")
00457 if len(clist) == 4:
00458 if clist[0] == "rotate":
00459 try:
00460 g.set_rpy_target([float(x) for x in clist[1:]])
00461 if g.go():
00462 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Rotation complete")
00463 else:
00464 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while rotating to " + " ".join(clist[1:]))
00465 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00466 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, str(e))
00467 except:
00468 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse X-Y-Z rotation values '" + " ".join(clist[1:]) + "'")
00469 if len(clist) >= 7:
00470 if clist[0] == "go":
00471 self._last_plan = None
00472 approx = False
00473 if (len(clist) > 7):
00474 if (clist[7] == "approx" or clist[7] == "approximate"):
00475 approx = True
00476 try:
00477 p = Pose()
00478 p.position.x = float(clist[1])
00479 p.position.y = float(clist[2])
00480 p.position.z = float(clist[3])
00481 q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(float(clist[4]), float(clist[5]), float(clist[6]))
00482 p.orientation.x = q[0]
00483 p.orientation.y = q[1]
00484 p.orientation.z = q[2]
00485 p.orientation.w = q[3]
00486 if approx:
00487 g.set_joint_value_target(p, True)
00488 else:
00489 g.set_pose_target(p)
00490 if g.go():
00491 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Moved to pose target\n%s\n" % (str(p)))
00492 else:
00493 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while moving to pose \n%s\n" % (str(p)))
00494 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00495 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Going to pose target: %s" % (str(e)))
00496 except:
00497 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to parse pose '" + " ".join(clist[1:]) + "'")
00499 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unknown command: '" + cmd + "'")
00501 def command_show(self, g):
00502 known = g.get_remembered_joint_values()
00503 res = []
00504 for k in known.keys():
00505 res.append(k + " = [" + " ".join([str(x) for x in known[k]]) + "]")
00506 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, "\n".join(res))
00508 def command_current(self, g):
00509 res = "joints = [" + " ".join([str(x) for x in g.get_current_joint_values()]) + "]"
00510 if len(g.get_end_effector_link()) > 0:
00511 res = res + "\n" + g.get_end_effector_link() + " pose = [\n" + str(g.get_current_pose()) + " ]"
00512 res = res + "\n" + g.get_end_effector_link() + " RPY = " + str(g.get_current_rpy())
00513 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.INFO, res)
00515 def command_go_offset(self, g, offset, factor, dimension_index, direction_name):
00516 if g.has_end_effector_link():
00517 try:
00518 g.shift_pose_target(dimension_index, factor * offset)
00519 if g.go():
00520 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.SUCCESS, "Moved " + direction_name + " by " + str(offset) + " m")
00521 else:
00522 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.FAIL, "Failed while moving " + direction_name)
00523 except MoveItCommanderException as e:
00524 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, str(e))
00525 except:
00526 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "Unable to process pose update")
00527 else:
00528 return (MoveGroupInfoLevel.WARN, "No known end effector. Cannot move " + direction_name)
00530 def resolve_command_alias(self, cmdorig):
00531 cmd = cmdorig.lower()
00532 if cmd == "which":
00533 return "id"
00534 if cmd == "groups":
00535 return "use"
00536 return cmdorig
00538 def get_help(self):
00539 res = []
00540 res.append("Known commands:")
00541 res.append(" help show this screen")
00542 res.append(" allow looking <true|false> enable/disable looking around")
00543 res.append(" allow replanning <true|false> enable/disable replanning")
00544 res.append(" constrain clear path constraints")
00545 res.append(" constrain <name> use the constraint <name> as a path constraint")
00546 res.append(" current show the current state of the active group")
00547 res.append(" database display the current database connection (if any)")
00548 res.append(" delete <name> forget the joint values under the name <name>")
00549 res.append(" eef print the name of the end effector attached to the current group")
00550 res.append(" execute execute a previously computed motion plan")
00551 res.append(" go <name> plan and execute a motion to the state <name>")
00552 res.append(" go rand plan and execute a motion to a random state")
00553 res.append(" go <dir> <dx>| plan and execute a motion in direction up|down|left|right|forward|backward for distance <dx>")
00554 res.append(" ground add a ground plane to the planning scene")
00555 res.append(" id|which display the name of the group that is operated on")
00556 res.append(" joints display names of the joints in the active group")
00557 res.append(" load [<file>] load a set of interpreted commands from a file")
00558 res.append(" pick <name> pick up object <name>")
00559 res.append(" place <name> place object <name>")
00560 res.append(" plan <name> plan a motion to the state <name>")
00561 res.append(" plan rand plan a motion to a random state")
00562 res.append(" planner <name> use planner <name> to plan next motion")
00563 res.append(" record <name> record the current joint values under the name <name>")
00564 res.append(" rotate <x> <y> <z> plan and execute a motion to a specified orientation (about the X,Y,Z axes)")
00565 res.append(" save [<file>] save the currently known variables as a set of commands")
00566 res.append(" show display the names and values of the known states")
00567 res.append(" show <name> display the value of a state")
00568 res.append(" stop stop the active group")
00569 res.append(" time show the configured allowed planning time")
00570 res.append(" time <val> set the allowed planning time")
00571 res.append(" tolerance show the tolerance for reaching the goal region")
00572 res.append(" tolerance <val> set the tolerance for reaching the goal region")
00573 res.append(" trace <on|off> enable/disable replanning or looking around")
00574 res.append(" use <name> switch to using the group named <name> (and load it if necessary)")
00575 res.append(" use|groups show the group names that are already loaded")
00576 res.append(" vars display the names of the known states")
00577 res.append(" wait <dt> sleep for <dt> seconds")
00578 res.append(" x = y assign the value of y to x")
00579 res.append(" x = [v1 v2...] assign a vector of values to x")
00580 res.append(" x[idx] = val assign a value to dimension idx of x")
00581 return "\n".join(res)
00583 def get_keywords(self):
00584 known_vars = []
00585 known_constr = []
00586 if self.get_active_group() != None:
00587 known_vars = self.get_active_group().get_remembered_joint_values().keys()
00588 known_constr = self.get_active_group().get_known_constraints()
00589 groups = self._robot.get_group_names()
00590 return {'go':['up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'backward', 'forward', 'random'] + known_vars,
00591 'help':[],
00592 'record':known_vars,
00593 'show':known_vars,
00594 'wait':[],
00595 'delete':known_vars,
00596 'database': [],
00597 'current':[],
00598 'use':groups,
00599 'load':[],
00600 'save':[],
00601 'pick':[],
00602 'place':[],
00603 'plan':known_vars,
00604 'allow':['replanning', 'looking'],
00605 'constrain':known_constr,
00606 'vars':[],
00607 'joints':[],
00608 'tolerance':[],
00609 'time':[],
00610 'eef':[],
00611 'execute':[],
00612 'ground':[],
00613 'id':[]}