Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import os
00004 import rtm
00006 from rtm import *
00007 from OpenHRP import *
00008 from hrpsys import *  # load ModelLoader
00009 from hrpsys import ImpedanceControllerService_idl
00010 from waitInput import waitInputConfirm
00012 import socket
00013 import time
00014 import subprocess
00015 from distutils.version import StrictVersion
00017 # copy from, Christoph Gohlke, The Regents of the University of California
00019 import numpy
00020 # map axes strings to/from tuples of inner axis, parity, repetition, frame
00021 _AXES2TUPLE = {
00022     'sxyz': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'sxyx': (0, 0, 1, 0), 'sxzy': (0, 1, 0, 0),
00023     'sxzx': (0, 1, 1, 0), 'syzx': (1, 0, 0, 0), 'syzy': (1, 0, 1, 0),
00024     'syxz': (1, 1, 0, 0), 'syxy': (1, 1, 1, 0), 'szxy': (2, 0, 0, 0),
00025     'szxz': (2, 0, 1, 0), 'szyx': (2, 1, 0, 0), 'szyz': (2, 1, 1, 0),
00026     'rzyx': (0, 0, 0, 1), 'rxyx': (0, 0, 1, 1), 'ryzx': (0, 1, 0, 1),
00027     'rxzx': (0, 1, 1, 1), 'rxzy': (1, 0, 0, 1), 'ryzy': (1, 0, 1, 1),
00028     'rzxy': (1, 1, 0, 1), 'ryxy': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'ryxz': (2, 0, 0, 1),
00029     'rzxz': (2, 0, 1, 1), 'rxyz': (2, 1, 0, 1), 'rzyz': (2, 1, 1, 1)}
00031 # axis sequences for Euler angles
00032 _NEXT_AXIS = [1, 2, 0, 1]
00034 # epsilon for testing whether a number is close to zero
00035 _EPS = numpy.finfo(float).eps * 4.0
00038 def euler_matrix(ai, aj, ak, axes='sxyz'):
00039     """Return homogeneous rotation matrix from Euler angles and axis sequence.
00041     ai, aj, ak : Euler's roll, pitch and yaw angles
00042     axes : One of 24 axis sequences as string or encoded tuple
00044     >>> R = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3, 'syxz')
00045     >>> numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(R[0]), -1.34786452)
00046     True
00047     >>> R = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3, (0, 1, 0, 1))
00048     >>> numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(R[0]), -0.383436184)
00049     True
00050     >>> ai, aj, ak = (4.0*math.pi) * (numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5)
00051     >>> for axes in _AXES2TUPLE.keys():
00052     ...    R = euler_matrix(ai, aj, ak, axes)
00053     >>> for axes in _TUPLE2AXES.keys():
00054     ...    R = euler_matrix(ai, aj, ak, axes)
00056     """
00057     try:
00058         firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = _AXES2TUPLE[axes]
00059     except (AttributeError, KeyError):
00060         _ = _TUPLE2AXES[axes]
00061         firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = axes
00063     i = firstaxis
00064     j = _NEXT_AXIS[i + parity]
00065     k = _NEXT_AXIS[i - parity + 1]
00067     if frame:
00068         ai, ak = ak, ai
00069     if parity:
00070         ai, aj, ak = -ai, -aj, -ak
00072     si, sj, sk = math.sin(ai), math.sin(aj), math.sin(ak)
00073     ci, cj, ck = math.cos(ai), math.cos(aj), math.cos(ak)
00074     cc, cs = ci * ck, ci * sk
00075     sc, ss = si * ck, si * sk
00077     M = numpy.identity(4)
00078     if repetition:
00079         M[i, i] = cj
00080         M[i, j] = sj * si
00081         M[i, k] = sj * ci
00082         M[j, i] = sj * sk
00083         M[j, j] = -cj * ss + cc
00084         M[j, k] = -cj * cs - sc
00085         M[k, i] = -sj * ck
00086         M[k, j] = cj * sc + cs
00087         M[k, k] = cj * cc - ss
00088     else:
00089         M[i, i] = cj * ck
00090         M[i, j] = sj * sc - cs
00091         M[i, k] = sj * cc + ss
00092         M[j, i] = cj * sk
00093         M[j, j] = sj * ss + cc
00094         M[j, k] = sj * cs - sc
00095         M[k, i] = -sj
00096         M[k, j] = cj * si
00097         M[k, k] = cj * ci
00098     return M
00101 def euler_from_matrix(matrix, axes='sxyz'):
00102     """Return Euler angles from rotation matrix for specified axis sequence.
00104     axes : One of 24 axis sequences as string or encoded tuple
00106     Note that many Euler angle triplets can describe one matrix.
00108     >>> R0 = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3, 'syxz')
00109     >>> al, be, ga = euler_from_matrix(R0, 'syxz')
00110     >>> R1 = euler_matrix(al, be, ga, 'syxz')
00111     >>> numpy.allclose(R0, R1)
00112     True
00113     >>> angles = (4.0*math.pi) * (numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5)
00114     >>> for axes in _AXES2TUPLE.keys():
00115     ...    R0 = euler_matrix(axes=axes, *angles)
00116     ...    R1 = euler_matrix(axes=axes, *euler_from_matrix(R0, axes))
00117     ...    if not numpy.allclose(R0, R1): print axes, "failed"
00119     """
00120     try:
00121         firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = _AXES2TUPLE[axes.lower()]
00122     except (AttributeError, KeyError):
00123         _ = _TUPLE2AXES[axes]
00124         firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = axes
00126     i = firstaxis
00127     j = _NEXT_AXIS[i + parity]
00128     k = _NEXT_AXIS[i - parity + 1]
00130     M = numpy.array(matrix, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)[:3, :3]
00131     if repetition:
00132         sy = math.sqrt(M[i, j] * M[i, j] + M[i, k] * M[i, k])
00133         if sy > _EPS:
00134             ax = math.atan2(M[i, j], M[i, k])
00135             ay = math.atan2(sy, M[i, i])
00136             az = math.atan2(M[j, i], -M[k, i])
00137         else:
00138             ax = math.atan2(-M[j, k], M[j, j])
00139             ay = math.atan2(sy, M[i, i])
00140             az = 0.0
00141     else:
00142         cy = math.sqrt(M[i, i] * M[i, i] + M[j, i] * M[j, i])
00143         if cy > _EPS:
00144             ax = math.atan2(M[k, j], M[k, k])
00145             ay = math.atan2(-M[k, i], cy)
00146             az = math.atan2(M[j, i], M[i, i])
00147         else:
00148             ax = math.atan2(-M[j, k], M[j, j])
00149             ay = math.atan2(-M[k, i], cy)
00150             az = 0.0
00152     if parity:
00153         ax, ay, az = -ax, -ay, -az
00154     if frame:
00155         ax, az = az, ax
00156     return ax, ay, az
00159 # class for configure hrpsys RTCs and ports
00160 #   In order to specify robot-dependent code, please inherit this HrpsysConfigurator
00161 class HrpsysConfigurator(object):
00163     # RobotHardware
00164     rh = None
00165     rh_svc = None
00166     ep_svc = None
00167     rh_version = None
00169     # SequencePlayer
00170     seq = None
00171     seq_svc = None
00172     seq_version = None
00174     # StateHolder
00175     sh = None
00176     sh_svc = None
00177     sh_version = None
00179     # ServoController
00180     sc= None
00181     sc_svc = None
00182     sc_version = None
00184     # ForwardKinematics
00185     fk = None
00186     fk_svc = None
00187     fk_version = None
00189     tf = None  # TorqueFilter
00190     kf = None  # KalmanFilter
00191     vs = None  # VirtualForceSensor
00192     rmfo = None  # RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset
00193     ic = None  # ImpedanceController
00194     abc = None  # AutoBalancer
00195     st = None  # Stabilizer
00197     tf_version = None
00198     kf_version = None
00199     vs_version = None
00200     rmfo_version = None
00201     ic_version = None
00202     abc_version = None
00203     st_version = None
00205     # EmergencyStopper
00206     es = None
00207     es_svc = None
00208     es_version = None
00210     # EmergencyStopper (HardEmergencyStopper)
00211     hes = None
00212     hes_svc = None
00213     hes_version = None
00215     # CollisionDetector
00216     co = None
00217     co_svc = None
00218     co_version = None
00220     # GraspController
00221     gc = None
00222     gc_svc = None
00223     gc_version = None
00225     # SoftErrorLimiter
00226     el = None
00227     el_svc = None
00228     el_version = None
00230     # ThermoEstimator
00231     te = None
00232     te_svc = None
00233     te_version = None
00235     # ThermoLimiter
00236     tl = None
00237     tl_svc = None
00238     tl_version = None
00240     # TorqueController
00241     tc = None
00242     tc_svc = None
00243     tc_version = None
00245     # DataLogger
00246     log = None
00247     log_svc = None
00248     log_version = None
00249     log_use_owned_ec = False
00251     # Beeper
00252     bp = None
00253     bp_svc = None
00254     bp_version = None
00256     # ReferenceForceUpdater
00257     rfu = None
00258     rfu_svc = None
00259     rfu_version = None
00261     # Acceleration Filter
00262     acf = None
00263     acf_svc = None
00264     acf_version = None
00266     # ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector
00267     octd = None
00268     octd_svc = None
00269     octd_version = None
00271     # rtm manager
00272     ms = None
00274     # HGController(Simulation)
00275     hgc = None
00277     # PDController(Simulation)
00278     pdc = None
00280     # flag isSimulation?
00281     simulation_mode = None
00283     # sensors
00284     sensors = None
00286     # for setSelfGroups
00287     Groups = []  # [['torso', ['CHEST_JOINT0']], ['head', ['HEAD_JOINT0', 'HEAD_JOINT1']], ....]
00289     hrpsys_version = None
00291     # flag isKinamticsOnlyMode?
00292     kinematics_only_mode = False
00294     # public method
00295     def connectComps(self):
00296         '''!@brief
00297         Connect components(plugins)
00298         '''
00299         if self.rh == None or self.seq == None or == None or == None:
00300             print(self.configurator_name + "\033[31m connectComps : hrpsys requries rh, seq, sh and fk, please check rtcd.conf or rtcd arguments\033[0m")
00301             return
00302         # connection for reference joint angles
00303         tmp_controllers = self.getJointAngleControllerList()
00304         if len(tmp_controllers) > 0:
00305             connectPorts("qOut"), tmp_controllers[0].port("qRef"))
00306             for i in range(len(tmp_controllers) - 1):
00307                 connectPorts(tmp_controllers[i].port("q"),
00308                              tmp_controllers[i + 1].port("qRef"))
00309             if self.simulation_mode:
00310                 if self.pdc:
00311                     connectPorts(tmp_controllers[-1].port("q"), self.pdc.port("angleRef"))
00312                 else:
00313                     connectPorts(tmp_controllers[-1].port("q"), self.hgc.port("qIn"))
00314                     connectPorts(self.hgc.port("qOut"), self.rh.port("qRef"))
00315             else:
00316                 connectPorts(tmp_controllers[-1].port("q"), self.rh.port("qRef"))
00317         else:
00318             if self.simulation_mode:
00319                 if self.pdc:
00320                     connectPorts("qOut"), self.pdc.port("angleRef"))
00321                 else:
00322                     connectPorts("qOut"), self.hgc.port("qIn"))
00323                     connectPorts(self.hgc.port("qOut"), self.rh.port("qRef"))
00324             else:
00325                 connectPorts("qOut"), self.rh.port("qRef"))
00327         # only for kinematics simulator
00328         if rtm.findPort(self.rh.ref, "basePoseRef"):
00329             self.kinematics_only_mode = True
00330             if
00331                 connectPorts("basePoseOut"), self.rh.port("basePoseRef"))
00332             else:
00333                 connectPorts("basePoseOut"), self.rh.port("basePoseRef"))
00335         # connection for kf
00336         if self.kf:
00337             #   currently use first acc and rate sensors for kf
00338             s_acc = filter(lambda s: s.type == 'Acceleration', self.sensors)
00339             if (len(s_acc) > 0) and self.rh.port(s_acc[0].name) != None:  # check existence of sensor ;; currently original HRP4C.xml has different naming rule of gsensor and gyrometer
00340                 connectPorts(self.rh.port(s_acc[0].name), self.kf.port('acc'))
00341             s_rate = filter(lambda s: s.type == 'RateGyro', self.sensors)
00342             if (len(s_rate) > 0) and self.rh.port(s_rate[0].name) != None:  # check existence of sensor ;; currently original HRP4C.xml has different naming rule of gsensor and gyrometer
00343                 connectPorts(self.rh.port(s_rate[0].name), self.kf.port("rate"))
00344             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.kf.port("qCurrent"))
00346         # connection for rh
00347         if self.rh.port("servoState") != None:
00348             if self.te and self.el:
00349                 connectPorts(self.rh.port("servoState"),
00350                              self.te.port("servoStateIn"))
00351                 connectPorts(self.te.port("servoStateOut"),
00352                              self.el.port("servoStateIn"))
00353             elif self.el:
00354                 connectPorts(self.rh.port("servoState"),
00355                              self.el.port("servoStateIn"))
00356             elif self.te:
00357                 connectPorts(self.rh.port("servoState"),
00358                              self.te.port("servoStateIn"))
00360         # connection for sh, seq, fk
00361         connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), ["currentQIn"),
00362                                "q")])  # connection for actual joint angles
00363         connectPorts("qOut"),"qRef"))
00364         connectPorts(self.seq.port("qRef"),"qIn"))
00365         connectPorts(self.seq.port("tqRef"),"tqIn"))
00366         connectPorts(self.seq.port("basePos"),"basePosIn"))
00367         connectPorts(self.seq.port("baseRpy"),"baseRpyIn"))
00368         connectPorts(self.seq.port("zmpRef"),"zmpIn"))
00369         if StrictVersion(self.seq_version) >= StrictVersion('315.2.6'):
00370             connectPorts(self.seq.port("optionalData"),"optionalDataIn"))
00371         connectPorts("basePosOut"), [self.seq.port("basePosInit"),
00372                                         "basePosRef")])
00373         connectPorts("baseRpyOut"), [self.seq.port("baseRpyInit"),
00374                                         "baseRpyRef")])
00375         connectPorts("qOut"), self.seq.port("qInit"))
00376         if StrictVersion(self.seq_version) >= StrictVersion('315.2.0'):
00377             connectPorts("zmpOut"), self.seq.port("zmpRefInit"))
00378         for sen in self.getForceSensorNames():
00379             connectPorts(self.seq.port(sen + "Ref"),
00380                 + "In"))
00382         # connection for st
00383         if rtm.findPort(self.rh.ref, "lfsensor") and rtm.findPort(
00384                                      self.rh.ref, "rfsensor") and
00385             connectPorts(self.kf.port("rpy"),"rpy"))
00386             connectPorts("zmpOut"),"zmpIn"))
00387             connectPorts("basePosOut"),"basePosIn"))
00388             connectPorts("baseRpyOut"),"baseRpyIn"))
00389             connectPorts("optionalDataOut"),"optionalData"))
00390             connectPorts("zmpOut"),"zmpRef"))
00391             connectPorts("baseRpyOut"),"baseRpyIn"))
00392             connectPorts("basePosOut"),"basePosIn"))
00393             connectPorts("accRef"), self.kf.port("accRef"))
00394             connectPorts("contactStates"),"contactStates"))
00395             connectPorts("controlSwingSupportTime"),"controlSwingSupportTime"))
00396             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"),"qCurrent"))
00397             connectPorts(self.seq.port("qRef"),"qRefSeq"))
00398             connectPorts("walkingStates"),"walkingStates"))
00399             connectPorts("sbpCogOffset"),"sbpCogOffset"))
00400             connectPorts("toeheelRatio"),"toeheelRatio"))
00401             if
00402                 connectPorts("emergencySignal"),"emergencySignal"))
00403             connectPorts("emergencySignal"),"emergencySignal"))
00404             connectPorts("diffCapturePoint"),"diffCapturePoint"))
00405             connectPorts("actContactStates"),"actContactStates"))
00406             if self.rfu:
00407                 connectPorts("diffFootOriginExtMoment"), self.rfu.port("diffFootOriginExtMoment"))
00408                 connectPorts(self.rfu.port("refFootOriginExtMoment"),"refFootOriginExtMoment"))
00409                 connectPorts(self.rfu.port("refFootOriginExtMomentIsHoldValue"),"refFootOriginExtMomentIsHoldValue"))
00410             if self.octd:
00411                 connectPorts("contactStates"), self.octd.port("contactStates"))
00413         # ref force moment connection
00414         for sen in self.getForceSensorNames():
00415             if and
00416                 connectPorts(,
00417                     + "Ref"))
00418                 connectPorts("limbCOPOffset_"+sen),
00419                    "limbCOPOffset_"+sen))
00420             if self.rfu:
00421                 ref_force_port_from = self.rfu.port("ref_"+sen+"Out")
00422             elif
00423                 ref_force_port_from ="Out")
00424             else:
00425                 ref_force_port_from ="Out")
00426             if self.ic:
00427                 connectPorts(ref_force_port_from,
00428                              self.ic.port("ref_" + sen+"In"))
00429             if
00430                 connectPorts(ref_force_port_from,
00431                    "ref_" + sen))
00432             if
00433                 connectPorts("Out"),
00434                    "In"))
00435                 if self.rfu:
00436                     connectPorts("Out"),
00437                                  self.rfu.port("ref_" + sen+"In"))
00438             else:
00439                 if self.rfu:
00440                     connectPorts("Out"),
00441                                  self.rfu.port("ref_" + sen+"In"))
00443         #  actual force sensors
00444         if self.rmfo:
00445             if self.kf: # use IMU values if exists
00446                 # connectPorts(self.kf.port("rpy"), self.ic.port("rpy"))
00447                 connectPorts(self.kf.port("rpy"), self.rmfo.port("rpy"))
00448             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.rmfo.port("qCurrent"))
00449             for sen in filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors):
00450                 connectPorts(self.rh.port(, self.rmfo.port(
00451                 if self.ic:
00452                     connectPorts(self.rmfo.port("off_" +,
00453                                  self.ic.port(
00454                 if self.rfu:
00455                     connectPorts(self.rmfo.port("off_" +,
00456                                  self.rfu.port(
00457                 if
00458                     connectPorts(self.rmfo.port("off_" +,
00460         elif self.ic: # if the robot does not have rmfo and kf, but have ic
00461             for sen in filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors):
00462                 connectPorts(self.rh.port(,
00463                              self.ic.port(
00465         # connection for ic
00466         if self.ic:
00467             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.ic.port("qCurrent"))
00468             if StrictVersion(self.seq_version) >= StrictVersion('315.3.0'):
00469                 connectPorts("basePosOut"), self.ic.port("basePosIn"))
00470                 connectPorts("baseRpyOut"), self.ic.port("baseRpyIn"))
00471         # connection for rfu
00472         if self.rfu:
00473             if
00474                 connectPorts("q"), self.rfu.port("qRef"))
00475             if StrictVersion(self.seq_version) >= StrictVersion('315.3.0'):
00476                 connectPorts("basePosOut"), self.rfu.port("basePosIn"))
00477                 connectPorts("baseRpyOut"), self.rfu.port("baseRpyIn"))
00478         # connection for tf
00479         if
00480             # connection for actual torques
00481             if rtm.findPort(self.rh.ref, "tau") != None:
00482                 connectPorts(self.rh.port("tau"),"tauIn"))
00483             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"),"qCurrent"))
00484         # connection for vs
00485         if self.vs:
00486             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.vs.port("qCurrent"))
00487             connectPorts("tauOut"), self.vs.port("tauIn"))
00488             #  virtual force sensors
00489             if self.ic:
00490                 for vfp in filter(lambda x: str.find(x, 'v') >= 0 and
00491                                   str.find(x, 'sensor') >= 0, self.vs.ports.keys()):
00492                     connectPorts(self.vs.port(vfp), self.ic.port(vfp))
00493         # connection for co
00494         if
00495             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"),"qCurrent"))
00496             connectPorts(self.rh.port("servoState"),"servoStateIn"))
00497         # connection for octd
00498         if self.octd:
00499             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.octd.port("qCurrent"))
00500             if self.kf:
00501                 connectPorts(self.kf.port("rpy"), self.octd.port("rpy"))
00502             if self.rmfo:
00503                 for sen in filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors):
00504                     connectPorts(self.rmfo.port("off_" +, self.octd.port(
00506         # connection for gc
00507         if self.gc:
00508             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.gc.port("qCurrent"))  # other connections
00509             tmp_controller = self.getJointAngleControllerList()
00510             index = tmp_controller.index(self.gc)
00511             if index == 0:
00512                 connectPorts("qOut"), self.gc.port("qIn"))
00513             else:
00514                 connectPorts(tmp_controller[index - 1].port("q"),
00515                              self.gc.port("qIn"))
00517         # connection for te
00518         if self.te:
00519             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.te.port("qCurrentIn"))
00520             connectPorts("qOut"), self.te.port("qRefIn"))
00521             if
00522                 connectPorts("tauOut"), self.te.port("tauIn"))
00523             else:
00524                 connectPorts(self.rh.port("tau"), self.te.port("tauIn"))
00525             # sevoStateIn is connected above
00527         # connection for tl
00528         if
00529             if self.te:
00530                 connectPorts(self.te.port("tempOut"),"tempIn"))
00532         # connection for tc
00533         if
00534             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"),"qCurrent"))
00535             if
00536                 connectPorts("tauOut"),
00537                    "tauCurrent"))
00538             else:
00539                 connectPorts(self.rh.port("tau"),"tauCurrent"))
00540             if
00541                 connectPorts("tauMax"),"tauMax"))
00543         # connection for el
00544         if self.el:
00545             connectPorts(self.rh.port("q"), self.el.port("qCurrent"))
00547         # connection for es
00548         if
00549             connectPorts(self.rh.port("servoState"),"servoStateIn"))
00551         # connection for bp
00552         if self.bp:
00553             if
00554                 connectPorts("beepCommand"), self.bp.port("beepCommand"))
00555             if
00556                 connectPorts("beepCommand"), self.bp.port("beepCommand"))
00557             if self.el:
00558                 connectPorts(self.el.port("beepCommand"), self.bp.port("beepCommand"))
00559             if
00560                 connectPorts("beepCommand"), self.bp.port("beepCommand"))
00562         # connection for acf
00563         if self.acf:
00564             #   currently use first acc and rate sensors for acf
00565             s_acc = filter(lambda s: s.type == 'Acceleration', self.sensors)
00566             if (len(s_acc) > 0) and self.rh.port(s_acc[0].name) != None:
00567                 connectPorts(self.rh.port(s_acc[0].name), self.acf.port('accIn'))
00568             s_rate = filter(lambda s: s.type == 'RateGyro', self.sensors)
00569             if (len(s_rate) > 0) and self.rh.port(s_rate[0].name) != None:
00570                 connectPorts(self.rh.port(s_rate[0].name), self.acf.port("rateIn"))
00571             if self.kf:
00572                 connectPorts(self.kf.port("rpy"), self.acf.port("rpyIn"))
00573             if
00574                 connectPorts("basePosOut"), self.acf.port("posIn"))
00576     def activateComps(self):
00577         '''!@brief
00578         Activate components(plugins)
00579         '''
00580         rtcList = self.getRTCInstanceList()
00581         rtm.serializeComponents(rtcList)
00582         for r in rtcList:
00583             r.start()
00585     def deactivateComps(self):
00586         '''!@brief
00587         Deactivate components(plugins)
00588         '''
00589         rtcList = self.getRTCInstanceList()
00590         for r in reversed(rtcList):
00591             r.stop()
00593     def createComp(self, compName, instanceName):
00594         '''!@brief
00595         Create RTC component (plugins)
00597         @param instanceName str: name of instance, choose one of
00598         @param comName str: name of component that to be created.
00599         '''
00601         comp =, instanceName)
00602         version = comp.ref.get_component_profile().version
00603         print(self.configurator_name + "create Comp -> %s : %s (%s)" % (compName, comp, version))
00604         if comp == None:
00605             raise RuntimeError("Cannot create component: " + compName)
00606         if comp.service("service0"):
00607             comp_svc = narrow(comp.service("service0"), compName + "Service")
00608             print(self.configurator_name + "create CompSvc -> %s Service : %s" % (compName, comp_svc))
00609             return [comp, comp_svc, version]
00610         else:
00611             return [comp, None, version]
00613     def createComps(self):
00614         '''!@brief
00615         Create components(plugins) in getRTCList()
00616         '''
00617         for rn in self.getRTCList():
00618             try:
00619                 rn2 = 'self.' + rn[0]
00620                 if eval(rn2) == None:
00621                     create_str = "[self." + rn[0] + ", self." + rn[0] + "_svc, self." + rn[0] + "_version] = self.createComp(\"" + rn[1] + "\",\"" + rn[0] + "\")"
00622                     print(self.configurator_name + "  eval : " + create_str)
00623                     exec(create_str)
00624             except Exception:
00625                 _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
00626                 print(self.configurator_name + '\033[31mFail to createComps ' + str(e) + '\033[0m')
00629     def deleteComp(self, compName):
00630         '''!@brief
00631         Delete RTC component (plugins)
00633         @param compName str: name of component that to be deleted
00634         '''
00635         # component must be stoppped before delete
00636         comp = rtm.findRTC(compName)
00637         comp.stop()
00638         return
00640     def deleteComps(self):
00641         '''!@brief
00642         Delete components(plugins) in getRTCInstanceList()
00643         '''
00644         self.deactivateComps()
00645         rtcList = self.getRTCInstanceList()
00646         if rtcList:
00647             try:
00648                 rtcList.remove(self.rh)
00649                 for r in reversed(rtcList):
00650                     if r.isActive():
00651                         print(self.configurator_name, '\033[31m ' + + ' is staill active\033[0m')
00652                     self.deleteComp(
00653             except Exception:
00654                 _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
00655                 print(self.configurator_name + '\033[31mFail to deleteComps' + str(e) + '\033[0m')
00657     def findComp(self, compName, instanceName, max_timeout_count=10, verbose=True):
00658         '''!@brief
00659         Find component(plugin) 
00661         @param compName str: component name
00662         @param instanceName str: instance name
00663         @max_timeout_count int: max timeout in seconds
00664         '''
00665         timeout_count = 0
00666         comp = rtm.findRTC(instanceName)
00667         version = None
00668         while comp == None and timeout_count < max_timeout_count:
00669             comp = rtm.findRTC(instanceName)
00670             if comp != None:
00671                 break
00672             if verbose:
00673                 print(self.configurator_name + " find Comp wait for " + instanceName)
00674             time.sleep(1)
00675             timeout_count += 1
00676         if comp and comp.ref:
00677             version = comp.ref.get_component_profile().version
00678         if verbose:
00679             print(self.configurator_name + " find Comp    : %s = %s (%s)" % (instanceName, comp, version))
00680         if comp == None:
00681             if verbose:
00682                 print(self.configurator_name + " Cannot find component: %s (%s)" % (instanceName, compName))
00683             return [None, None, None]
00684         comp_svc_port = comp.service("service0")
00685         if comp_svc_port:
00686             comp_svc = narrow(comp_svc_port, compName + "Service")
00687             if verbose:
00688                 print(self.configurator_name + " find CompSvc : %s_svc = %s"%(instanceName, comp_svc))
00689             return [comp, comp_svc, version]
00690         else:
00691             return [comp, None, version]
00693     def findComps(self, max_timeout_count = 10, verbose=True):
00694         '''!@brief
00695         Check if all components in getRTCList() are created
00696         '''
00697         for rn in self.getRTCList():
00698             rn2 = 'self.' + rn[0]
00699             if eval(rn2) == None:
00700                 create_str = "[self." + rn[0] + ", self." + rn[0] + "_svc, self." + rn[0] + "_version] = self.findComp(\"" + rn[1] + "\",\"" + rn[0] + "\"," + str(max_timeout_count) + "," + str(verbose) + ")"
00701                 if verbose:
00702                     print(self.configurator_name + create_str)
00703                 exec(create_str)
00704                 if eval(rn2) == None:
00705                     max_timeout_count = 0
00707     # public method to configure all RTCs to be activated on rtcd
00708     def getRTCList(self):
00709         '''!@brief
00710         Get list of available STABLE components
00711         @return list of list: List of available components. Each element consists of a list
00712                  of abbreviated and full names of the component.
00713         '''
00714         return [
00715             ['seq', "SequencePlayer"],
00716             ['sh', "StateHolder"],
00717             ['fk', "ForwardKinematics"],
00718             # ['tf', "TorqueFilter"],
00719             # ['kf', "KalmanFilter"],
00720             # ['vs', "VirtualForceSensor"],
00721             # ['rmfo', "RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset"],
00722             # ['ic', "ImpedanceController"],
00723             # ['abc', "AutoBalancer"],
00724             # ['st', "Stabilizer"],
00725             ['co', "CollisionDetector"],
00726             # ['tc', "TorqueController"],
00727             # ['te', "ThermoEstimator"],
00728             # ['tl', "ThermoLimiter"],
00729             ['el', "SoftErrorLimiter"],
00730             ['log', "DataLogger"]
00731             ]
00733     # public method to configure all RTCs to be activated on rtcd which includes unstable RTCs
00734     def getRTCListUnstable(self):
00735         '''!@brief
00736         Get list of available components including stable and unstable.
00738         @return list of list: List of available unstable components. Each element consists
00739                  of a list of abbreviated and full names of the component.
00740         '''
00741         return [
00742             ['seq', "SequencePlayer"],
00743             ['sh', "StateHolder"],
00744             ['fk', "ForwardKinematics"],
00745             ['tf', "TorqueFilter"],
00746             ['kf', "KalmanFilter"],
00747             ['vs', "VirtualForceSensor"],
00748             ['rmfo', "RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset"],
00749             ['octd', "ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector"],
00750             ['es', "EmergencyStopper"],
00751             ['rfu', "ReferenceForceUpdater"],
00752             ['ic', "ImpedanceController"],
00753             ['abc', "AutoBalancer"],
00754             ['st', "Stabilizer"],
00755             ['co', "CollisionDetector"],
00756             ['tc', "TorqueController"],
00757             ['te', "ThermoEstimator"],
00758             ['hes', "EmergencyStopper"],
00759             ['el', "SoftErrorLimiter"],
00760             ['tl', "ThermoLimiter"],
00761             ['bp', "Beeper"],
00762             ['acf', "AccelerationFilter"],
00763             ['log', "DataLogger"]
00764             ]
00766     def getJointAngleControllerList(self):
00767         '''!@brief
00768         Get list of controller list that need to control joint angles
00769         '''
00770         controller_list = [, self.ic, self.gc,,,,
00771                  , self.hes, self.el]
00772         return filter(lambda c: c != None, controller_list)  # only return existing controllers
00774     def getRTCInstanceList(self, verbose=True):
00775         '''!@brief
00776         Get list of RTC Instance
00777         '''
00778         ret = [self.rh]
00779         for rtc in self.getRTCList():
00780             r = 'self.'+rtc[0]
00781             try:
00782                 if eval(r): 
00783                     ret.append(eval(r))
00784                 else:
00785                     if verbose:
00786                         print(self.configurator_name + '\033[31mFail to find instance ('+str(rtc)+') for getRTCInstanceList\033[0m')
00787             except Exception:
00788                 _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
00789                 print(self.configurator_name + '\033[31mFail to getRTCInstanceList'+str(e)+'\033[0m')
00790         return ret
00792     # private method to replace $(PROJECT_DIR)
00793     # PROJECT_DIR=(OpenHRP3  installed directory)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/project
00794     # see
00795     def parseUrl(self, url):
00796         if '$(PROJECT_DIR)' in url:
00797             path = subprocess.Popen(['pkg-config', 'openhrp3.1', '--variable=prefix'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip()
00798             path = os.path.join(path, 'share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/project')
00799             url = url.replace('$(PROJECT_DIR)', path)
00800         return url
00802     # public method to get bodyInfo
00803     def getBodyInfo(self, url):
00804         '''!@brief
00805         Get bodyInfo
00806         '''
00807         import CosNaming
00808         obj = rtm.rootnc.resolve([CosNaming.NameComponent('ModelLoader', '')])
00809         mdlldr = obj._narrow(ModelLoader_idl._0_OpenHRP__POA.ModelLoader)
00810         url = self.parseUrl(url)
00811         print(self.configurator_name + "  bodyinfo URL = file://" + url)
00812         return mdlldr.getBodyInfo("file://" + url)
00814     # public method to get sensors list
00815     def getSensors(self, url):
00816         '''!@brief
00817         Get list of sensors
00819         @param url str: model file url
00820         '''
00821         if url == '':
00822             return []
00823         else:
00824             return sum(map(lambda x: x.sensors,
00825                            filter(lambda x: len(x.sensors) > 0,
00826                                   self.getBodyInfo(url)._get_links())), [])  # sum is for list flatten
00828     # public method to get sensors list
00829     def getForceSensorNames(self):
00830         '''!@brief
00831         Get list of force sensor names. Returns existence force sensors and virtual force sensors. self.sensors and virtual force sensors are assumed.
00832         '''
00833         ret = map (lambda x :, filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors))
00834         if self.vs != None:
00835             ret += filter(lambda x: str.find(x, 'v') >= 0 and str.find(x, 'sensor') >= 0, self.vs.ports.keys())
00836         return ret
00838     def connectLoggerPort(self, artc, sen_name, log_name=None):
00839         '''!@brief
00840         Connect port to logger
00842         @param artc object: object of component that contains sen_name port
00843         @param sen_name str: name of port for logging
00844         @param log_name str: name of port in logger
00845         '''
00846         log_name = log_name if log_name else + "_" + sen_name
00847         if artc and rtm.findPort(artc.ref, sen_name) != None:
00848             sen_type = rtm.dataTypeOfPort(artc.port(sen_name)).split("/")[1].split(":")[0]
00849             if rtm.findPort(self.log.ref, log_name) == None:
00850                 print(self.configurator_name + "  setupLogger : record type = %s, name = %s to %s" % ( sen_type, sen_name, log_name))
00851                 self.log_svc.add(sen_type, log_name)
00852             else:
00853                 print(self.configurator_name + "  setupLogger : %s arleady exists in DataLogger"% sen_name)
00854             connectPorts(artc.port(sen_name), self.log.port(log_name))
00856     # public method to configure default logger data ports
00857     def setupLogger(self, maxLength=4000):
00858         '''!@brief
00859         Setup logging function.
00860         @param maxLength : max length of data from DataLogger.h #define DEFAULT_MAX_LOG_LENGTH (200*20)
00861                            if the robot running at 200hz (5msec) 4000 means 20 secs
00862         '''
00863         if self.log == None:
00864             print(self.configurator_name + "\033[31m  setupLogger : self.log is not defined, please check rtcd.conf or rtcd arguments\033[0m")
00865             return
00866         self.log_svc.maxLength(maxLength);
00867         #
00868         for pn in ['q', 'dq', 'tau']:
00869             self.connectLoggerPort(self.rh, pn)
00870         # sensor logger ports
00871         print(self.configurator_name + "sensor names for DataLogger")
00872         for sen in self.sensors:
00873             self.connectLoggerPort(self.rh,
00874         #
00875         if self.kf != None:
00876             self.connectLoggerPort(self.kf, 'rpy')
00877         if != None:
00878             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'qOut')
00879             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'tqOut')
00880             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'basePosOut')
00881             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'baseRpyOut')
00882             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'zmpOut')
00883         if self.ic != None:
00884             self.connectLoggerPort(self.ic, 'q')
00885         if != None:
00886             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'zmpOut')
00887             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'baseTformOut')
00888             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'q')
00889             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'contactStates')
00890             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'controlSwingSupportTime')
00891             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'cogOut')
00892         if != None:
00893             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'zmp')
00894             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originRefZmp')
00895             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originRefCog')
00896             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originRefCogVel')
00897             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originNewZmp')
00898             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originActZmp')
00899             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originActCog')
00900             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'originActCogVel')
00901             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'allRefWrench')
00902             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'allEEComp')
00903             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'q')
00904             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'actBaseRpy')
00905             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'currentBasePos')
00906             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'currentBaseRpy')
00907             self.connectLoggerPort(, 'debugData')
00908         if self.el != None:
00909             self.connectLoggerPort(self.el, 'q')
00910         if self.rh != None:
00911             self.connectLoggerPort(self.rh, 'emergencySignal',
00912                                    'emergencySignal')
00913             self.connectLoggerPort(self.rh, 'servoState')
00914             if self.simulation_mode:
00915                 self.connectLoggerPort(self.rh, 'WAIST')
00916         for sen in filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors):
00917             self.connectLoggerPort(, + "Out")
00918         if self.rmfo != None:
00919             for sen in filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors):
00920                 self.connectLoggerPort(self.rmfo, "off_"
00921         if self.rfu != None:
00922             for sen in filter(lambda x: x.type == "Force", self.sensors):
00923                 self.connectLoggerPort(self.rfu, "ref_""Out")
00924         if self.octd != None:
00925             self.connectLoggerPort(self.octd, "octdData")
00926         self.log_svc.clear()
00927         ## parallel running log process (outside from rtcd) for saving logs by emergency signal
00928         if self.log and (self.log_use_owned_ec or not isinstance(self.log.owned_ecs[0], OpenRTM._objref_ExtTrigExecutionContextService)):
00929             print(self.configurator_name + "\033[32mruning DataLogger with own Execution Context\033[0m")
00930             self.log.owned_ecs[0].start()
00931             self.log.start(self.log.owned_ecs[0])
00933     def waitForRTCManager(self, managerhost=nshost):
00934         '''!@brief
00935         Wait for RTC manager.
00937         @param managerhost str: name of host computer that manager is running
00938         '''
00939 = None
00940         while == None:
00941             time.sleep(1)
00942             if managerhost == "localhost":
00943                 managerhost = socket.gethostname()
00944    = rtm.findRTCmanager(managerhost)
00945             print(self.configurator_name + "wait for RTCmanager : " + str(managerhost))
00947     def waitForRobotHardware(self, robotname="Robot"):
00948         '''!@brief
00949         Wait for RobotHardware is exists and activated.
00951         @param robotname str: name of RobotHardware component.
00952         '''
00953         self.rh = None
00954         timeout_count = 0
00955         # wait for simulator or RobotHardware setup which sometime takes a long time
00956         while self.rh == None and timeout_count < 10:  # <- time out limit
00957             if timeout_count > 0: # do not sleep initial loop
00958                 time.sleep(1);
00959             self.rh = rtm.findRTC("RobotHardware0")
00960             if not self.rh:
00961                 self.rh = rtm.findRTC(robotname)
00962             print(self.configurator_name + "wait for %s : %s ( timeout %d < 10)" % ( robotname, self.rh, timeout_count))
00963             if self.rh and self.rh.isActive() == None:  # just in case rh is not ready...
00964                 self.rh = None
00965             timeout_count += 1
00966         if not self.rh:
00967             print(self.configurator_name + "Could not find " + robotname)
00968             if
00969                 print(self.configurator_name + "Candidates are .... " + str([  for x in]))
00970             print(self.configurator_name + "Exitting.... " + robotname)
00971             exit(1)
00973         print(self.configurator_name + "findComps -> %s : %s isActive? = %s " % (, self.rh,  self.rh.isActive()))
00975     def checkSimulationMode(self):
00976         '''!@brief
00977         Check if this is running as simulation
00978         '''
00979         # distinguish real robot from simulation by check "HG/PD controller" ( > 315.3.0)
00980         # distinguish real robot from simulation by using "servoState" port  (<= 315.3.0)
00981         self.hgc = findRTC("HGcontroller0")
00982         self.pdc = findRTC("PDcontroller0")
00983         if self.hgc or self.pdc:
00984             self.simulation_mode = True
00985         else:
00986             self.simulation_mode = False
00988         if rtm.findPort(self.rh.ref, "servoState"): # for RobotHadware <= 315.3.0, which does not have service port
00989             self.rh_svc = narrow(self.rh.service("service0"), "RobotHardwareService")
00990             self.ep_svc = narrow(, "ExecutionProfileService")
00992         print(self.configurator_name + "simulation_mode : %s" % self.simulation_mode)
00994     def waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware(self, robotname="Robot", managerhost=nshost):
00995         print("\033[93m%s waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to " % self.configurator_name + \
00996               "waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code\033[0m")
00997         return self.waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware(robotname=robotname, managerhost=managerhost)
00999     def waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware(self, robotname="Robot", managerhost=nshost):
01000         '''!@brief
01001         Wait for both RTC Manager (waitForRTCManager()) and RobotHardware (waitForRobotHardware())
01003         @param managerhost str: name of host computer that manager is running
01004         @param robotname str: name of RobotHardware component.
01005         '''
01006         self.waitForRTCManager(managerhost)
01007         self.waitForRobotHardware(robotname)
01008         self.checkSimulationMode()
01010     def findModelLoader(self):
01011         '''!@brief
01012         Try to find ModelLoader
01013         '''
01014         try:
01015             return rtm.findObject("ModelLoader")
01016         except:
01017             return None
01019     def waitForModelLoader(self):
01020         '''!@brief
01021         Wait for ModelLoader.
01022         '''
01023         while self.findModelLoader() == None:  # seq uses modelloader
01024             print(self.configurator_name + "wait for ModelLoader")
01025             time.sleep(3)
01027     def setSelfGroups(self):
01028         '''!@brief
01029         Set to the hrpsys.SequencePlayer the groups of links and joints that
01030         are statically defined as member variables (Groups) within this class.
01031         '''
01032         for item in self.Groups:
01033             self.seq_svc.addJointGroup(item[0], item[1])
01035     # #
01036     # # service interface for RTC component
01037     # #
01038     def goActual(self):
01039         '''!@brief
01040         Adjust commanded values to the angles in the physical state
01041         by calling StateHolder::goActual.
01043         This needs to be run BEFORE servos are turned on.
01044         '''
01045         self.sh_svc.goActual()
01047     def setJointAngle(self, jname, angle, tm):
01048         '''!@brief
01049         Set angle to the given joint.
01050         \verbatim
01051         NOTE-1: It's known that this method does not do anything after
01052                 some group operation is done.
01053                 TODO: at least need to warn users.
01054         NOTE-2: While this method does not check angle value range,
01055                 any joints could emit position limit over error, which has not yet
01056                 been thrown by hrpsys so that there's no way to catch on this python client. 
01057                 Worthwhile opening an enhancement ticket at designated issue tracker.
01058         \endverbatim
01060         @param jname str: name of joint
01061         @param angle float: In degree.
01062         @param tm float: Time to complete.
01063         @rtype bool
01064         @return False upon any problem during execution.
01065         '''
01066         radangle = angle / 180.0 * math.pi
01067         return self.seq_svc.setJointAngle(jname, radangle, tm)
01069     def setJointAngles(self, angles, tm):
01070         '''!@brief
01071         Set all joint angles.
01072         \verbatim
01073         NOTE: While this method does not check angle value range,
01074               any joints could emit position limit over error, which has not yet
01075               been thrown by hrpsys so that there's no way to catch on this python client. 
01076               Worthwhile opening an enhancement ticket at designated issue tracker.
01077         \endverbatim
01078         @param angles list of float: In degree.
01079         @param tm float: Time to complete.
01080         @rtype bool
01081         @return False upon any problem during execution.
01082         '''
01083         ret = []
01084         for angle in angles:
01085             ret.append(angle / 180.0 * math.pi)
01086         return self.seq_svc.setJointAngles(ret, tm)
01088     def setJointAnglesOfGroup(self, gname, pose, tm, wait=True):
01089         '''!@brief
01090         Set the joint angles to aim. By default it waits interpolation to be
01091         over.
01093         \verbatim
01094         NOTE: While this method does not check angle value range,
01095               any joints could emit position limit over error, which has not yet
01096               been thrown by hrpsys so that there's no way to catch on this python client. 
01097               Worthwhile opening an enhancement ticket at designated issue tracker.
01098         \endverbatim
01100         @param gname str: Name of the joint group.
01101         @param pose list of float: list of positions and orientations
01102         @param tm float: Time to complete.
01103         @param wait bool: If true, all other subsequent commands wait until
01104                           the movement commanded by this method call finishes.
01105         @rtype bool
01106         @return False upon any problem during execution.
01107         '''
01108         angles = [x / 180.0 * math.pi for x in pose]
01109         ret = self.seq_svc.setJointAnglesOfGroup(gname, angles, tm)
01110         if wait:
01111             self.waitInterpolationOfGroup(gname)
01112         return ret
01114     def setJointAnglesSequence(self, angless, tms):
01115         '''!@brief
01116         Set all joint angles. len(angless) should be equal to len(tms).
01117         \verbatim
01118         NOTE: While this method does not check angle value range,
01119               any joints could emit position limit over error, which has not yet
01120               been thrown by hrpsys so that there's no way to catch on this python client. 
01121               Worthwhile opening an enhancement ticket at designated issue tracker.
01122         \endverbatim
01123         @param sequential list of angles in float: In rad
01124         @param tm sequential list of time in float: Time to complete, In Second
01125         @rtype bool
01126         @return False upon any problem during execution.
01127         '''
01128         for angles in angless:
01129             for i in range(len(angles)):
01130                 angles[i] = angles[i] / 180.0 * math.pi
01131         return self.seq_svc.setJointAnglesSequence(angless, tms)
01133     def setJointAnglesSequenceOfGroup(self, gname, angless, tms):
01134         '''!@brief
01135         Set all joint angles.
01136         \verbatim
01137         NOTE: While this method does not check angle value range,
01138               any joints could emit position limit over error, which has not yet
01139               been thrown by hrpsys so that there's no way to catch on this python client. 
01140               Worthwhile opening an enhancement ticket at designated issue tracker.
01141         \endverbatim
01142         @param gname str: Name of the joint group.
01143         @param sequential list of angles in float: In rad
01144         @param tm sequential list of time in float: Time to complete, In Second
01145         @rtype bool
01146         @return False upon any problem during execution.
01147         '''
01148         for angles in angless:
01149             for i in range(len(angles)):
01150                 angles[i] = angles[i] / 180.0 * math.pi
01151         return self.seq_svc.setJointAnglesSequenceOfGroup(gname, angless, tms)
01153     def loadPattern(self, fname, tm):
01154         '''!@brief
01155         Load a pattern file that is created offline.
01157         Format of the pattern file:
01158         - example format:
01159         \verbatim
01160           t0 j0 j1 j2...jn
01161           t1 j0 j1 j2...jn
01162           :
01163           tn j0 j1 j2...jn
01164         \endverbatim
01165         - Delimmitted by space
01166         - Each line consists of an action.
01167         - Time between each action is defined by tn+1 - tn
01168           - The time taken for the 1st line is defined by the arg tm.
01170         @param fname str: Name of the pattern file.
01171         @param tm float: - The time to take for the 1st line.
01172         @return: List of 2 oct(string) values.
01173         '''
01174         fname = self.parseUrl(fname)
01175         return self.seq_svc.loadPattern(fname, tm)
01177     def waitInterpolation(self):
01178         '''!@brief
01179         Lets SequencePlayer wait until the movement currently happening to
01180         finish.
01181         '''
01182         self.seq_svc.waitInterpolation()
01184     def waitInterpolationOfGroup(self, gname):
01185         '''!@brief
01186         Lets SequencePlayer wait until the movement currently happening to
01187         finish.
01189         @see: SequencePlayer.waitInterpolationOfGroup
01190         @see: This method
01191               corresponds to JointTrajectoryGoal in ROS.
01193         @param gname str: Name of the joint group.
01194         '''
01195         self.seq_svc.waitInterpolationOfGroup(gname)
01197     def setInterpolationMode(self, mode):
01198         '''!@brief
01199         Set interpolation mode. You may need to import OpenHRP in order to pass an argument. For more info See 
01200         @param mode new interpolation mode. Either { OpenHRP.SequencePlayerService.LINEAR, OpenHRP.SequencePlayerService.HOFFARBIB }.
01201         @return true if set successfully, false otherwise
01202         '''
01203         return self.seq_svc.setInterpolationMode(mode)
01205     def getJointAngles(self):
01206         '''!@brief
01207         Returns the commanded joint angle values.
01209         @see: HrpsysConfigurator.getJointAngles
01211         Note that it's not the physical state of the robot's joints, which
01212         can be obtained by getActualState().angle.
01214         @return List of float: List of angles (degree) of all joints, in the order defined
01215                  in the member variable 'Groups' (eg. chest, head1, head2, ..).
01216         '''
01217         return [x * 180.0 / math.pi for x in self.sh_svc.getCommand().jointRefs]
01219     def getCurrentPose(self, lname=None, frame_name=None):
01220         '''!@brief
01221         Returns the current physical pose of the specified joint in the joint space.
01222         cf. getReferencePose that returns commanded value.
01224         eg.
01225         \verbatim
01226              IN: robot.getCurrentPose('LARM_JOINT5')
01227              OUT: [-0.0017702356144599085,
01228               0.00019034630541264752,
01229               -0.9999984150158207,
01230               0.32556275164378523,
01231               0.00012155879975329215,
01232               0.9999999745367515,
01233                0.0001901314142046251,
01234                0.18236394191140365,
01235                0.9999984257434246,
01236                -0.00012122202968358842,
01237                -0.001770258707652326,
01238                0.07462472659364472,
01239                0.0,
01240                0.0,
01241                0.0,
01242                1.0]
01243         \endverbatim
01245         @type lname: str
01246         @param lname: Name of the link.
01247         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01248         @rtype: list of float
01249         @return: Rotational matrix and the position of the given joint in
01250                  1-dimensional list, that is:
01251         \verbatim
01252                  [a11, a12, a13, x,
01253                   a21, a22, a23, y,
01254                   a31, a32, a33, z,
01255                    0,   0,   0,  1]
01256         \endverbatim
01257         '''
01258         if not lname:
01259             for item in self.Groups:
01260                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01261                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getCurrentPose(eef_name)))
01262             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01263         if frame_name:
01264             lname = lname + ':' + frame_name
01265         if StrictVersion(self.fk_version) < StrictVersion('315.2.5') and ':' in lname:
01266             raise RuntimeError('frame_name ('+lname+') is not supported')
01267         pose = self.fk_svc.getCurrentPose(lname)
01268         if not pose[0]:
01269             raise RuntimeError("Could not find reference : " + lname)
01270         return pose[1].data
01272     def getCurrentPosition(self, lname=None, frame_name=None):
01273         '''!@brief
01274         Returns the current physical position of the specified joint in Cartesian space.
01275         cf. getReferencePosition that returns commanded value.
01277         eg.
01278         \verbatim
01279             robot.getCurrentPosition('LARM_JOINT5')
01280             [0.325, 0.182, 0.074]
01281         \endverbatim
01283         @type lname: str
01284         @param lname: Name of the link.
01285         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01286         @rtype: list of float
01287         @return: List of x, y, z positions about the specified joint.
01288         '''
01289         if not lname:
01290             for item in self.Groups:
01291                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01292                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getCurrentPosition(eef_name)))
01293             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01294         pose = self.getCurrentPose(lname, frame_name)
01295         return [pose[3], pose[7], pose[11]]
01297     def getCurrentRotation(self, lname, frame_name=None):
01298         '''!@brief
01299         Returns the current physical rotation of the specified joint.
01300         cf. getReferenceRotation that returns commanded value.
01302         @type lname: str
01303         @param lname: Name of the link.
01304         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01305         @rtype: list of float
01306         @return: Rotational matrix of the given joint in 2-dimensional list,
01307                  that is:
01308         \verbatim
01309                  [[a11, a12, a13],
01310                   [a21, a22, a23],
01311                   [a31, a32, a33]]
01312         \endverbatim
01313         '''
01314         if not lname:
01315             for item in self.Groups:
01316                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01317                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getCurrentRotation(eef_name)))
01318             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01319         pose = self.getCurrentPose(lname, frame_name)
01320         return [pose[0:3], pose[4:7], pose[8:11]]
01322     def getCurrentRPY(self, lname, frame_name=None):
01323         '''!@brief
01324         Returns the current physical rotation in RPY of the specified joint.
01325         cf. getReferenceRPY that returns commanded value.
01327         @type lname: str
01328         @param lname: Name of the link.
01329         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01330         @rtype: list of float
01331         @return: List of orientation in rpy form about the specified joint.
01332         '''
01333         if not lname:
01334             for item in self.Groups:
01335                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01336                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getCurrentRPY(eef_name)))
01337             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01338         return euler_from_matrix(self.getCurrentRotation(lname), 'sxyz')
01340     def getReferencePose(self, lname, frame_name=None):
01341         '''!@brief
01342         Returns the current commanded pose of the specified joint in the joint space.
01343         cf. getCurrentPose that returns physical pose.
01345         @type lname: str
01346         @param lname: Name of the link.
01347         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01348         @rtype: list of float
01349         @return: Rotational matrix and the position of the given joint in
01350                  1-dimensional list, that is:
01351         \verbatim
01352                  [a11, a12, a13, x,
01353                   a21, a22, a23, y,
01354                   a31, a32, a33, z,
01355                    0,   0,   0,  1]
01356         \endverbatim
01357         '''
01358         if not lname:
01359             for item in self.Groups:
01360                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01361                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getReferencePose(eef_name)))
01362             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01363         if frame_name:
01364             lname = lname + ':' + frame_name
01365         if StrictVersion(self.fk_version) < StrictVersion('315.2.5') and ':' in lname:
01366             raise RuntimeError('frame_name ('+lname+') is not supported')
01367         pose = self.fk_svc.getReferencePose(lname)
01368         if not pose[0]:
01369             raise RuntimeError("Could not find reference : " + lname)
01370         return pose[1].data
01372     def getReferencePosition(self, lname, frame_name=None):
01373         '''!@brief
01374         Returns the current commanded position of the specified joint in Cartesian space.
01375         cf. getCurrentPosition that returns physical value.
01377         @type lname: str
01378         @param lname: Name of the link.
01379         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01380         @rtype: list of float
01381         @return: List of angles (degree) of all joints, in the order defined
01382                  in the member variable 'Groups' (eg. chest, head1, head2, ..).
01383         '''
01384         if not lname:
01385             for item in self.Groups:
01386                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01387                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getReferencePosition(eef_name)))
01388             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01389         pose = self.getReferencePose(lname, frame_name)
01390         return [pose[3], pose[7], pose[11]]
01392     def getReferenceRotation(self, lname, frame_name=None):
01393         '''!@brief
01394         Returns the current commanded rotation of the specified joint.
01395         cf. getCurrentRotation that returns physical value.
01397         @type lname: str
01398         @param lname: Name of the link.
01399         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01400         @rtype: list of float
01401         @return: Rotational matrix of the given joint in 2-dimensional list,
01402                  that is:
01403         \verbatim
01404                  [[a11, a12, a13],
01405                   [a21, a22, a23],
01406                   [a31, a32, a33]]
01407         \endverbatim
01408         '''
01409         if not lname:
01410             for item in self.Groups:
01411                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01412                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getReferencePotation(eef_name)))
01413             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01414         pose = self.getReferencePose(lname, frame_name)
01415         return [pose[0:3], pose[4:7], pose[8:11]]
01417     def getReferenceRPY(self, lname, frame_name=None):
01418         '''!@brief
01419         Returns the current commanded rotation in RPY of the specified joint.
01420         cf. getCurrentRPY that returns physical value.
01422         @type lname: str
01423         @param lname: Name of the link.
01424         @param frame_name str: set reference frame name (from 315.2.5)
01425         @rtype: list of float
01426         @return: List of orientation in rpy form about the specified joint.
01427         '''
01428         if not lname:
01429             for item in self.Groups:
01430                 eef_name = item[1][-1]
01431                 print("{}: {}".format(eef_name, self.getReferenceRPY(eef_name)))
01432             raise RuntimeError("need to specify joint name")
01433         return euler_from_matrix(self.getReferenceRotation(lname, frame_name), 'sxyz')
01435     def setTargetPose(self, gname, pos, rpy, tm, frame_name=None):
01436         '''!@brief
01437         Move the end-effector to the given absolute pose.
01438         All d* arguments are in meter.
01440         @param gname str: Name of the joint group.
01441         @param pos list of float: In meter.
01442         @param rpy list of float: In radian.
01443         @param tm float: Second to complete the command. This only includes the time taken for execution
01444                          (i.e. time for planning and other misc. processes are not considered).
01445         @param frame_name str: Name of the frame that this particular command
01446                            references to.
01447         @return bool: False if unreachable.
01448         '''
01449         print(gname, frame_name, pos, rpy, tm)
01450         if frame_name:
01451             gname = gname + ':' + frame_name
01452         result = self.seq_svc.setTargetPose(gname, pos, rpy, tm)
01453         if not result:
01454             print("setTargetPose failed. Maybe SequencePlayer failed to solve IK.\n"
01455                    + "Currently, returning IK result error\n"
01456                    + "(like the one in"
01457                    + " is not implemented. Patch is welcomed.")
01458         return result
01460     def setTargetPoseRelative(self, gname, eename, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0,
01461 dr=0, dp=0, dw=0, tm=10, wait=True):
01462         '''!@brief
01463         Move the end-effector's location relative to its current pose.
01465         Note that because of "relative" nature, the method waits for the commands
01466         run previously to finish. Do not get confused with the "wait" argument,
01467         which regulates all subsequent commands, not previous ones.
01469         For d*, distance arguments are in meter while rotations are in degree.
01471         Example usage: The following moves RARM_JOINT5 joint 0.1mm forward
01472                        within 0.1sec.
01473         \verbatim
01474             robot.setTargetPoseRelative('rarm', 'RARM_JOINT5', dx=0.0001, tm=0.1)
01475         \endverbatim
01476         @param gname str: Name of the joint group that is to be manipulated.
01477         @param eename str: Name of the joint that the manipulated joint group references to.
01478         @param dx float: In meter.
01479         @param dy float: In meter.
01480         @param dz float: In meter.
01481         @param dr float: In radian.
01482         @param dp float: In radian.
01483         @param dw float: In radian.
01484         @param tm float: Second to complete the command. This only includes the time taken for execution
01485                          (i.e. time for planning and other misc. processes are not considered).
01486         @param wait bool: If true, all other subsequent commands wait until
01487                           the movement commanded by this method call finishes.
01488         @return bool: False if unreachable.
01489         '''
01490         self.waitInterpolationOfGroup(gname)
01491         # curPose = self.getCurrentPose(eename)
01492         posRef = None
01493         rpyRef = None
01494         tds = self.getCurrentPose(eename)
01495         if tds:
01496             posRef = numpy.array([tds[3], tds[7], tds[11]])
01497             matRef = numpy.array([tds[0:3], tds[4:7], tds[8:11]])
01498             posRef += [dx, dy, dz]
01499             matRef =, dp, dw)[:3, :3])) 
01500             rpyRef = euler_from_matrix(matRef)
01501             print(posRef, rpyRef)
01502             ret = self.setTargetPose(gname, list(posRef), list(rpyRef), tm)
01503             if ret and wait:
01504                 self.waitInterpolationOfGroup(gname)
01505             return ret
01506         return False
01508     def clear(self):
01509         '''!@brief
01510         Clears the Sequencer's current operation. Works for joint groups too.
01511         @see HrpsysConfigurator.clear
01513         Discussed in
01514         Examples is found in a unit test:
01515         '''
01516         self.seq_svc.clear()
01518     def clearOfGroup(self, gname, tm=0.0):
01519         '''!@brief
01520         Clears the Sequencer's current operation for joint groups.
01521         '''
01522         self.seq_svc.clearOfGroup(gname, tm)
01524     def saveLog(self, fname='sample'):
01525         '''!@brief
01526         Save log to the given file name
01528         @param fname str: name of the file
01529         '''
01531         print(self.configurator_name + "saved data to " + fname)
01533     def clearLog(self):
01534         '''!@brief
01535         Clear logger's buffer
01536         '''
01537         self.log_svc.clear()
01539     def setMaxLogLength(self, length):
01540         '''!@brief
01541         Set logger's buffer
01542         @param length int: length of log, if the system runs at 500hz and you want to store 2min, set 2*60*500.
01543         '''
01544         self.log_svc.maxLength(length)
01546     def lengthDigitalInput(self):
01547         '''!@brief
01548         Returns the length of digital input port
01549         '''
01550         return self.rh_svc.lengthDigitalInput()
01552     def lengthDigitalOutput(self):
01553         '''!@brief
01554         Returns the length of digital output port
01555         '''
01556         return self.rh_svc.lengthDigitalOutput()
01558     def writeDigitalOutput(self, dout):
01559         '''!@brief
01560         Using writeDigitalOutputWithMask is recommended for the less data
01561         transport.
01563         @param dout list of int: List of bits, length of 32 bits where elements are
01564                      0 or 1.
01566                      What each element stands for depends on how
01567                      the robot's imlemented. Consult the hardware manual.
01568         @return bool: RobotHardware.writeDigitalOutput returns True if writable. False otherwise.
01569         '''
01570         if self.simulation_mode:
01571             return True
01572         doutBitLength = self.lengthDigitalOutput() * 8
01573         if len(dout) < doutBitLength:
01574             for i in range(doutBitLength - len(dout)):
01575                 dout.append(0)
01576         outStr = ''
01577         for i in range(0, len(dout), 8):
01578             oneChar = 0
01579             for j in range(8):
01580                 if dout[i + j]:
01581                     oneChar += 1 << j
01582             outStr = outStr + chr(oneChar)
01584         # octet sequences are mapped to strings in omniorbpy
01585         return self.rh_svc.writeDigitalOutput(outStr)
01587     def writeDigitalOutputWithMask(self, dout, mask):
01588         '''!@brief
01589         Both dout and mask are lists with length of 32. Only the bit in dout
01590         that corresponds to the bits in mask that are flagged as 1 will be
01591         evaluated.
01593         Example:
01594         \verbatim
01595          Case-1. Only 18th bit will be evaluated as 1.
01596           dout [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
01597                 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
01598           mask [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
01599                 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
01601          Case-2. Only 18th bit will be evaluated as 0.
01602           dout [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
01603                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
01604           mask [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
01605                 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
01607          Case-3. None will be evaluated since there's no flagged bit in mask.
01608           dout [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
01609                 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
01610           mask [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
01611                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
01612         \endverbatim
01613         @param dout list of int: List of bits, length of 32 bits where elements are
01614                      0 or 1.
01615         @param mask list of int: List of masking bits, length of 32 bits where elements are
01616                      0 or 1.
01617         @return bool: RobotHardware.writeDigitalOutput returns True if writable. False otherwise.
01618         '''
01619         if self.simulation_mode:
01620             return True
01621         doutBitLength = self.lengthDigitalOutput() * 8
01622         if len(dout) < doutBitLength and \
01623                len(mask) < doutBitLength and \
01624                len(dout) == len(mask):
01625             for i in range(doutBitLength - len(dout)):
01626                 dout.append(0)
01627                 mask.append(0)
01628         outStr = ''
01629         outMsk = ''
01630         for i in range(0, len(dout), 8):
01631             oneChar = 0
01632             oneMask = 0
01633             for j in range(8):
01634                 if dout[i + j]:
01635                     oneChar += 1 << j
01636                 if mask[i + j]:
01637                     oneMask += 1 << j
01638             outStr = outStr + chr(oneChar)
01639             outMsk = outMsk + chr(oneMask)
01641         # octet sequences are mapped to strings in omniorbpy
01642         return self.rh_svc.writeDigitalOutputWithMask(outStr, outMsk)
01644     def readDigitalInput(self):
01645         '''!@brief
01646         Read data from Digital Input
01647         @see: HrpsysConfigurator.readDigitalInput
01649         Digital input consits of 14 bits. The last 2 bits are lacking
01650         and compensated, so that the last 4 bits are 0x4 instead of 0x1.
01651         @author Hajime Saito (\@emijah)
01652         @return list of int: List of the values (2 octtets) in digital input register. Range: 0 or 1.
01654         #TODO: Catch AttributeError that occurs when RobotHardware not found.
01655         #      Typically with simulator, erro msg might look like this;
01656         #      'NoneType' object has no attribute 'readDigitalInput'
01657         '''
01658         if self.simulation_mode:
01659             return []
01660         ret, din = self.rh_svc.readDigitalInput()
01661         retList = []
01662         for item in din:
01663             for i in range(8):
01664                 if (ord(item) >> i) & 1:
01665                     retList.append(1)
01666                 else:
01667                     retList.append(0)
01668         return retList
01670     def readDigitalOutput(self):
01671         '''!@brief
01672         Read data from Digital Output
01674         Digital input consits of 14 bits. The last 2 bits are lacking
01675         and compensated, so that the last 4 bits are 0x4 instead of 0x1.
01677         #TODO: Catch AttributeError that occurs when RobotHardware not found.
01678         #      Typically with simulator, erro msg might look like this;
01679         #      'NoneType' object has no attribute 'readDigitaloutput'
01681         @author Hajime Saito (\@emijah)
01682         @return list of int: List of the values in digital input register. Range: 0 or 1.
01683         '''
01684         ret, dout = self.rh_svc.readDigitalOutput()
01685         retList = []
01686         for item in dout:
01687             for i in range(8):
01688                 if (ord(item) >> i) & 1:
01689                     retList.append(1)
01690                 else:
01691                     retList.append(0)
01692         return retList
01694     def getActualState(self):
01695         '''!@brief
01696         Get actual states of the robot that includes current reference joint angles and joint torques.
01697         @return: This returns actual states of the robot, which is defined in
01698         RobotHardware.idl
01699         (found at as of version 315.11.0)
01700         \verbatim
01701             /**
01702              * @brief status of the robot
01703              */
01704             struct RobotState
01705             {
01706               DblSequence               angle;  ///< current joint angles[rad]
01707               DblSequence               command;///< reference joint angles[rad]
01708               DblSequence               torque; ///< joint torques[Nm]
01709               /**
01710                * @brief servo statuses(32bit+extra states)
01711                *
01712                * 0: calib status ( 1 => done )\n
01713                * 1: servo status ( 1 => on )\n
01714                * 2: power status ( 1 => supplied )\n
01715                * 3-18: servo alarms (see @ref iob.h)\n
01716                * 19-23: unused
01717                        * 24-31: driver temperature (deg)
01718                */
01719               LongSequenceSequence              servoState;
01720               sequence<DblSequence6>    force;    ///< forces[N] and torques[Nm]
01721               sequence<DblSequence3>    rateGyro; ///< angular velocities[rad/s]
01722               sequence<DblSequence3>    accel;    ///< accelerations[m/(s^2)]
01723               double                    voltage;  ///< voltage of power supply[V]
01724               double                    current;  ///< current[A]
01725             };
01726         \endverbatim
01727         '''
01728         return self.rh_svc.getStatus()
01730     def isCalibDone(self):
01731         '''!@brief
01732         Check whether joints have been calibrated.
01733         @return bool: True if all joints are calibrated
01734         '''
01735         if self.simulation_mode:
01736             return True
01737         else:
01738             rstt = self.rh_svc.getStatus()
01739             for item in rstt.servoState:
01740                 if not item[0] & 1:
01741                     return False
01742         return True
01744     def isServoOn(self, jname='any'):
01745         '''!@brief
01746         Check whether servo control has been turned on.
01747         @param jname str: Name of a link (that can be obtained by "hiro.Groups"
01748                       as lists of groups).
01749                       When jname = 'all' or 'any' => If all joints are servoOn, return True, otherwise, return False.
01750                       When jname = 'some' => If some joint is servoOn, return True, otherwise return False.
01751         @return bool: True if servo is on
01752         '''
01753         if self.simulation_mode:
01754             return True
01755         else:
01756             s_s = self.getActualState().servoState
01757             if jname.lower() == 'any' or jname.lower() == 'all':
01758                 for s in s_s:
01759                     # print(self.configurator_name, 's = ', s)
01760                     if (s[0] & 2) == 0:
01761                         return False
01762                 return True
01763             elif jname.lower() == 'some':
01764                 for s in s_s:
01765                     # print(self.configurator_name, 's = ', s)
01766                     if (s[0] & 2) != 0:
01767                         return True
01768                 return False
01769             else:
01770                 jid = eval('self.' + jname)
01771                 print(self.configurator_name + s_s[jid])
01772                 if s_s[jid][0] & 1 == 0:
01773                     return False
01774                 else:
01775                     return True
01777     def flat2Groups(self, flatList):
01778         '''!@brief
01779         Convert list of angles into list of joint list for each groups.
01780         @param flatList list: single dimension list with its length of 15
01781         @return list of list: 2-dimensional list of Groups.
01782         '''
01783         retList = []
01784         index = 0
01785         for group in self.Groups:
01786             joint_num = len(group[1])
01787             retList.append(flatList[index: index + joint_num])
01788             index += joint_num
01789         return retList
01791     def servoOn(self, jname='all', destroy=1, tm=3):
01792         '''!@brief
01793         Turn on servos.
01794         Joints need to be calibrated (otherwise error returns).
01796         @param jname str: The value 'all' works iteratively for all servos.
01797         @param destroy int: Not used.
01798         @param tm float: Second to complete.
01799         @return int: 1 or -1 indicating success or failure, respectively.
01800         '''
01801         # check joints are calibrated
01802         if not self.isCalibDone():
01803             waitInputConfirm('!! Calibrate Encoders with checkEncoders first !!\n\n')
01804             return -1
01806         # check servo state
01807         if self.isServoOn():
01808             return 1
01810         # check jname is acceptable
01811         if jname == '':
01812             jname = 'all'
01814         try:
01815             r = waitInputConfirm(\
01816                 '!! Robot Motion Warning (SERVO_ON) !!\n\n'
01817                 'Confirm RELAY switched ON\n'
01818                 'Push [OK] to switch servo ON(%s).' % (jname))
01819             if not r:
01820                 print(self.configurator_name, 'servo on: canceled')
01821                 return 0
01822         except:  # ths needs to change
01823             self.rh_svc.power('all', SWITCH_OFF)
01824             raise
01826         try:
01827             self.goActual()
01828             time.sleep(0.1)
01829             self.rh_svc.servo(jname, SWITCH_ON)
01830             time.sleep(2)
01831             if not self.isServoOn(jname):
01832                 print(self.configurator_name + 'servo on failed.')
01833                 raise
01834         except:
01835             print(self.configurator_name + 'exception occured')
01837         return 1
01839     def servoOff(self, jname='all', wait=True):
01840         '''!@brief
01841         Turn off servos.
01842         @param jname str: The value 'all' works iteratively for all servos.
01843         @param wait bool: Wait for user's confirmation via GUI
01844         @return int: 1 = all arm servo off. 2 = all servo on arms and hands off.
01845                 -1 = Something wrong happened.
01846         '''
01847         # do nothing for simulation
01848         if self.simulation_mode:
01849             print(self.configurator_name + 'omit servo off')
01850             return 0
01852         print('Turn off Hand Servo')
01853         if self.sc_svc:
01854             self.sc_svc.servoOff()
01855         # if the servos aren't on switch power off
01856         if not self.isServoOn(jname):
01857             if jname.lower() == 'all':
01858                 self.rh_svc.power('all', SWITCH_OFF)
01859             return 1
01861         # if jname is not set properly set to all -> is this safe?
01862         if jname == '':
01863             jname = 'all'
01865         if wait:
01866             r = waitInputConfirm(
01867                 '!! Robot Motion Warning (Servo OFF)!!\n\n'
01868                 'Push [OK] to servo OFF (%s).' % (jname))  # :
01869             if not r:
01870                 print(self.configurator_name, 'servo off: canceled')
01871                 return 2
01872         try:
01873             self.rh_svc.servo('all', SWITCH_OFF)
01874             time.sleep(0.2)
01875             if jname == 'all':
01876                 self.rh_svc.power('all', SWITCH_OFF)
01878             # turn off hand motors
01879             print('Turn off Hand Servo')
01880             if self.sc_svc:
01881                 self.sc_svc.servoOff()
01883             return 2
01884         except:
01885             print(self.configurator_name + 'servo off: communication error')
01886             return -1
01888     def checkEncoders(self, jname='all', option=''):
01889         '''!@brief
01890         Run the encoder checking sequence for specified joints,
01891         run goActual and turn on servos.
01893         @param jname str: The value 'all' works iteratively for all servos.
01894         @param option str: Possible values are follows (w/o double quote):\
01895                         "-overwrite": Overwrite calibration value.
01896         '''
01897         if self.isServoOn():
01898             waitInputConfirm('Servo must be off for calibration')
01899             return
01900         # do not check encoders twice
01901         elif self.isCalibDone():
01902             waitInputConfirm('System has been calibrated')
01903             return
01905         self.rh_svc.power('all', SWITCH_ON)
01906         msg = '!! Robot Motion Warning !!\n'\
01907               'Turn Relay ON.\n'\
01908               'Then Push [OK] to '
01909         if option == '-overwrite':
01910             msg = msg + 'calibrate(OVERWRITE MODE) '
01911         else:
01912             msg = msg + 'check '
01914         if jname == 'all':
01915             msg = msg + 'the Encoders of all.'
01916         else:
01917             msg = msg + 'the Encoder of the Joint "' + jname + '".'
01919         try:
01920             waitInputConfirm(msg)
01921         except:
01922             print("If you're connecting to the robot from remote, " + \
01923                   "make sure tunnel X (eg. -X option with ssh).")
01924             self.rh_svc.power('all', SWITCH_OFF)
01925             return 0
01927         print(self.configurator_name + 'calib-joint ' + jname + ' ' + option)
01928         self.rh_svc.initializeJointAngle(jname, option)
01929         print(self.configurator_name + 'done')
01930         self.rh_svc.power('all', SWITCH_OFF)
01931         self.goActual()
01932         time.sleep(0.1)
01933         self.rh_svc.servo(jname, SWITCH_ON)
01935         # turn on hand motors
01936         print('Turn on Hand Servo')
01937         if self.sc_svc:
01938             self.sc_svc.servoOn()
01940     def removeForceSensorOffset(self):
01941         '''!@brief
01942         remove force sensor offset
01943         '''
01944         self.rh_svc.removeForceSensorOffset()
01946     def playPattern(self, jointangles, rpy, zmp, tm):
01947         '''!@brief
01948         Play motion pattern using a given trajectory that is represented by 
01949         a list of joint angles, rpy, zmp and time.
01951         @type jointangles: [[float]]
01952         @param jointangles: Sequence of the sets of joint angles in radian.
01953                             The whole list represents a trajectory. Each element
01954                             of the 1st degree in the list consists of the joint angles.
01955         @param rpy list of float: Orientation in rpy.
01956         @param zmp list of float: TODO: description
01957         @param tm float: Second to complete the command. This only includes the time taken for execution
01958                          (i.e. time for planning and other misc. processes are not considered).
01959         @return bool:
01960         '''
01961         return self.seq_svc.playPattern(jointangles, rpy, zmp, tm)
01963     def playPatternOfGroup(self, gname, jointangles, tm):
01964         '''!@brief
01965         Play motion pattern using a set of given trajectories that are represented by 
01966         lists of joint angles. Each trajectory aims to run within the specified time (tm),
01967         and there's no slow down between trajectories unless the next one is the last.
01969         Example:
01970             self.playPatternOfGroup('larm',
01971                                     [[0.0, 0.0, -2.2689280275926285, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
01972                                      [0.0, 0.0, -1.9198621771937625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
01973                                      [0.0, 0.0, -1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
01974                                     [3, 3, 10])
01976         @param gname str: Name of the joint group.
01977         @type jointangles: [[float]]
01978         @param jointangles: Sequence of the sets of joint angles in radian.
01979                             The whole list represents a trajectory. Each element
01980                             of the 1st degree in the list consists of the joint
01981                             angles. To illustrate:
01983                             [[a0-0, a0-1,...,a0-n], # a)ngle. 1st path in trajectory
01984                              [a1-0, a1-1,...,a1-n], # 2nd path in the trajectory.
01985                              :
01986                              [am-0, am-1,...,am-n]]  # mth path in the trajectory
01987         @type tm: [float]
01988         @param tm float: Sequence of the time values to complete the task,
01989                          each element of which corresponds to a set of jointangles
01990                          in the same order.
01991         @return bool:
01992         '''
01993         return self.seq_svc.playPatternOfGroup(gname, jointangles, tm)
01995     def setSensorCalibrationJointAngles(self):
01996         '''!@brief
01997         Set joint angles for sensor calibration.
01998         Please override joint angles to avoid self collision.
01999         '''
02000         self.setJointAngles([0]*len(self.rh_svc.getStatus().servoState), 4.0)
02001         self.waitInterpolation()
02003     def calibrateInertiaSensor(self):
02004         '''!@brief
02005         Calibrate inertia sensor
02006         '''
02007         self.rh_svc.calibrateInertiaSensor()
02009     def calibrateInertiaSensorWithDialog(self):
02010         '''!@brief
02011         Calibrate inertia sensor with dialog and setting calibration pose
02012         '''
02013         r = waitInputConfirm (
02014                         '!! Robot Motion Warning (Move to Sensor Calibration Pose)!!\n\n'
02015                         'Push [OK] to move to sensor calibration pose.')
02016         if not r: return False
02017         self.setSensorCalibrationJointAngles()
02018         r = waitInputConfirm (
02019                         '!! Put the robot down!!\n\n'
02020                         'Push [OK] to the next step.')
02021         if not r: return False
02022         self.calibrateInertiaSensor()
02023         r = waitInputConfirm (
02024                         '!! Put the robot up!!\n\n'
02025                         'Push [OK] to the next step.')
02026         if not r: return False
02027         return True
02029     # #
02030     # # service interface for Unstable RTC component
02031     # #
02032     def startAutoBalancer(self, limbs=None):
02033         '''!@brief
02034         Start AutoBalancer mode
02035         @param limbs list of end-effector name to control.
02036         If Groups has rarm and larm, rleg, lleg, rarm, larm by default.
02037         If Groups is not defined or Groups does not have rarm and larm, rleg and lleg by default.
02038         '''
02039         if limbs==None:
02040             if self.Groups != None and "rarm" in map (lambda x : x[0], self.Groups) and "larm" in map (lambda x : x[0], self.Groups):
02041                 limbs=["rleg", "lleg", "rarm", "larm"]
02042             else:
02043                 limbs=["rleg", "lleg"]
02044         self.abc_svc.startAutoBalancer(limbs)
02046     def stopAutoBalancer(self):
02047         '''!@brief
02048         Stop AutoBalancer mode
02049         '''
02050         self.abc_svc.stopAutoBalancer()
02052     def startStabilizer(self):
02053         '''!@brief
02054         Start Stabilzier mode
02055         '''
02056         self.st_svc.startStabilizer()
02058     def stopStabilizer(self):
02059         '''!@brief
02060         Stop Stabilzier mode
02061         '''
02062         self.st_svc.stopStabilizer()
02064     def startImpedance_315_4(self, arm,
02065                        M_p = 100.0,
02066                        D_p = 100.0,
02067                        K_p = 100.0,
02068                        M_r = 100.0,
02069                        D_r = 2000.0,
02070                        K_r = 2000.0,
02071                        force_gain = [1, 1, 1],
02072                        moment_gain = [0, 0, 0],
02073                        sr_gain = 1.0,
02074                        avoid_gain = 0.0,
02075                        reference_gain = 0.0,
02076                        manipulability_limit = 0.1,
02077                        controller_mode = None,
02078                        ik_optional_weight_vector = None):
02079         '''!@brief
02080         start impedance mode
02082         @type arm: str name of artm to be controlled, this must be initialized using setSelfGroups()
02083         @param force_gain, moment_gain: multipliers to the eef offset position vel_p and orientation vel_r.
02084                                         3-dimensional vector (then converted internally into a diagonal matrix).
02085         '''
02086         r, p = self.ic_svc.getImpedanceControllerParam(arm)
02087         if not r:
02088             print('{}, Failt to getImpedanceControllerParam({})'.format(self.configurator_name, arm))
02089             return False
02090         if M_p != None: p.M_p = M_p
02091         if D_p != None: p.M_p = D_p
02092         if K_p != None: p.M_p = K_p
02093         if M_r != None: p.M_r = M_r
02094         if D_r != None: p.M_r = D_r
02095         if K_r != None: p.M_r = K_r
02096         if force_gain != None: p.force_gain = force_gain
02097         if moment_gain != None: p.moment_gain = moment_gain
02098         if sr_gain != None: p.sr_gain = sr_gain
02099         if avoid_gain != None: p.avoid_gain = avoid_gain
02100         if reference_gain != None: p.reference_gain = reference_gain
02101         if manipulability_limit != None: p.manipulability_limit = manipulability_limit
02102         if controller_mode != None: p.controller_mode = controller_mode
02103         if ik_optional_weight_vector != None: p.ik_optional_weight_vector = ik_optional_weight_vector
02104         self.ic_svc.setImpedanceControllerParam(arm, p)
02105         return self.ic_svc.startImpedanceController(arm)
02107     def stopImpedance_315_4(self, arm):
02108         '''!@brief
02109         stop impedance mode
02110         '''
02111         return self.ic_svc.stopImpedanceController(arm)
02113     def startImpedance(self, arm, **kwargs):
02114         '''!@brief
02115         Enable the ImpedanceController RT component. 
02116         This method internally calls startImpedance-*, hrpsys version-specific method.
02118         @requires: hrpsys version greather than 315.2.0.
02119         @requires: ImpedanceController RTC to be activated on the robot's controller.
02120         @change: From 315.2.0 onward, following arguments are dropped and can be set by
02121                  self.seq_svc.setWrenches instead of this method.
02122                  See an example at
02124                  - ref_force[fx, fy, fz] (unit: N) and ref_moment[tx, ty, tz] (unit: Nm) can be set via self.seq_svc.setWrenches. For example:
02126                    self.seq_svc.setWrenches([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
02127                                              fx, fy, fz, tx, ty, tz,
02128                                              0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
02129                                              0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,])
02131                    setWrenches takes 6 values per sensor, so the robot in the example above has 4 sensors where each line represents a sensor.
02132                    See this link ( for a concrete example.
02134         @param arm: Name of the kinematic group (i.e. self.Groups[n][0]).
02135         @param kwargs: This varies depending on the version of hrpsys your robot's controller runs on
02136                        (which you can find by "self.hrpsys_version" command). For instance, if your
02137                        hrpsys is 315.10.1, refer to "startImpedance_315_4" method.
02138         '''
02139         if self.hrpsys_version and StrictVersion(self.hrpsys_version) < StrictVersion('315.2.0'):
02140             print(self.configurator_name + '\033[31mstartImpedance: Try to connect unsupported RTC' + str(self.hrpsys_version) + '\033[0m')
02141         else:
02142             self.startImpedance_315_4(arm, **kwargs)
02144     def stopImpedance(self, arm):
02145         if self.hrpsys_version and StrictVersion(self.hrpsys_version) < StrictVersion('315.2.0'):
02146             print(self.configurator_name + '\033[31mstopImpedance: Try to connect unsupported RTC' + str(self.hrpsys_version) + '\033[0m')
02147         else:
02148             self.stopImpedance_315_4(arm)
02150     def startDefaultUnstableControllers (self, ic_limbs=[], abc_limbs=[]):
02151         '''!@brief
02152         Start default unstable RTCs controller mode.
02153         Currently Stabilzier, AutoBalancer, and ImpedanceController are started based on "Groups" setting.
02154         If ic_limbs or abc_limbs is not specified, default setting is set according to "Groups".
02155         By default,
02156           If the robot has an arm, start impedance for the arm.
02157           If the robot has a leg, start st and autobalancer.
02158           autobalancer's fixed limbs are all existing arms and legs.
02159         Use cases:
02160           Biped robot (leg only) : no impedance, start st, start autobalancer with ["rleg", "lleg"].
02161           Dual-arm robot (arm only) : start impedance ["rarm", "larm"], no st, no autobalancer.
02162           Dual-arm+biped robot (=humanoid robot) : start impedance ["rarm", "larm"], start st, start autobalancer with ["rleg", "lleg", "rarm", "larm"].
02163           Quadruped robot : same as "humanoid robot" by default.
02164         '''
02165         print(self.configurator_name + "Start Default Unstable Controllers")
02166         # Check robot setting
02167         is_legged_robot = map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x : re.match(".*leg", x[0]), self.Groups))
02168         # Select all arms in "Groups" for impedance as a default setting
02169         if not ic_limbs:
02170             ic_limbs = map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x : re.match(".*(arm)", x[0]), self.Groups))
02171         # Select all arms/legs in "Groups" for autobalancer as a default setting
02172         if not abc_limbs:
02173             abc_limbs = map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x : re.match(".*(leg|arm)", x[0]), self.Groups))
02174         # Start controllers
02175         for limb in ic_limbs:
02176             self.ic_svc.startImpedanceControllerNoWait(limb)
02177         if is_legged_robot:
02178             self.startAutoBalancer(abc_limbs)
02179             self.startStabilizer()
02180         for limb in ic_limbs:
02181             self.ic_svc.waitImpedanceControllerTransition(limb)
02182         # Print
02183         if is_legged_robot:
02184             print(self.configurator_name + "  Start AutoBalancer = "+str(abc_limbs))
02185             print(self.configurator_name + "  Start Stabilizer")
02186         if len(ic_limbs) != 0:
02187             print(self.configurator_name + "  Start ImpedanceController = "+str(ic_limbs))
02189     def stopDefaultUnstableControllers (self, ic_limbs=[]):
02190         '''!@brief
02191         Stop default unstable RTCs controller mode.
02192         Currently Stabilzier, AutoBalancer, and ImpedanceController are stopped based on "Groups" setting.
02193         Please see documentation of startDefaultUnstableControllers().
02194         '''
02195         print(self.configurator_name + "Stop Default Unstable Controllers")
02196         # Check robot setting
02197         is_legged_robot = map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x : re.match(".*leg", x[0]), self.Groups))
02198         # Select all arms in "Groups" for impedance as a default setting
02199         if not ic_limbs:
02200             ic_limbs = map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x : re.match(".*(arm)", x[0]), self.Groups))
02201         # Stop controllers
02202         if is_legged_robot:
02203             self.stopStabilizer()
02204         for limb in ic_limbs:
02205             self.ic_svc.stopImpedanceControllerNoWait(limb)
02206         if is_legged_robot:
02207             self.stopAutoBalancer()
02208         for limb in ic_limbs:
02209             self.ic_svc.waitImpedanceControllerTransition(limb)
02210         # Print
02211         if is_legged_robot:
02212             print(self.configurator_name + "  Stop AutoBalancer")
02213             print(self.configurator_name + "  Stop Stabilizer")
02214         if len(ic_limbs) != 0:
02215             print(self.configurator_name + "  Stop ImpedanceController = "+str(ic_limbs))
02217     def setFootSteps(self, footstep, overwrite_fs_idx = 0):
02218         '''!@brief
02219         setFootSteps
02220         @param footstep : FootstepSequence.
02221         @param overwrite_fs_idx : Index to be overwritten. overwrite_fs_idx is used only in walking.
02222         '''
02223         self.abc_svc.setFootSteps(footstep, overwrite_fs_idx)
02225     def setFootStepsWithParam(self, footstep, stepparams, overwrite_fs_idx = 0):
02226         '''!@brief
02227         setFootSteps
02228         @param footstep : FootstepSequence.
02229         @param stepparams : StepParamSeuqnce.
02230         @param overwrite_fs_idx : Index to be overwritten. overwrite_fs_idx is used only in walking.
02231         '''
02232         self.abc_svc.setFootStepsWithParam(footstep, stepparams, overwrite_fs_idx)
02234     def clearJointAngles(self):
02235         '''!@brief
02236         Cancels the commanded sequence of joint angle, by overwriting the command by the values of instant the method was invoked.
02237         Note that this only cancels the queue once. Icoming commands after this method is called will be processed as usual.
02238         @return bool
02239         '''
02240         return self.seq_svc.clearJointAngles()
02242     def clearJointAnglesOfGroup(self, gname):
02243         '''!@brief
02244         Cancels the commanded sequence of joint angle for the specified joint group, by overwriting the command by the values of instant the method was invoked.
02245         Note that this only cancels the queue once. Icoming commands after this method is called will be processed as usual.
02246         @param gname: Name of the joint group.
02247         @return bool
02248         '''
02249         return self.seq_svc.clearJointAnglesOfGroup(gname)
02251     def removeForceSensorOffsetRMFO(self, sensor_names=[], tm=8.0):
02252         '''!@brief
02253         remove force sensor offset by RemoveForceSensorOffset (RMFO) RTC.
02254         @param sensor_names : list of sensor names to be calibrated. If not specified, all sensors are calibrated by default.
02255         @param tm : calibration time[s]. 8.0[s] by default.
02256         @return bool : true if set successfully, false otherwise
02257         '''
02258         return self.rmfo_svc.removeForceSensorOffset(sensor_names, tm)
02260     # ##
02261     # ## initialize
02262     # ##
02264     def init(self, robotname="Robot", url=""):
02265         '''!@brief
02266         Calls init from its superclass, which tries to connect RTCManager,
02267         looks for ModelLoader, and starts necessary RTC components. Also runs
02268         config, logger.
02269         Also internally calls setSelfGroups().
02271         @type robotname: str
02272         @type url: str
02273         '''
02274         print(self.configurator_name + "waiting ModelLoader")
02275         self.waitForModelLoader()
02276         print(self.configurator_name + "start hrpsys")
02278         print(self.configurator_name + "finding RTCManager and RobotHardware")
02279         self.waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware(robotname)
02280         self.sensors = self.getSensors(url)
02282         print(self.configurator_name + "creating components")
02283         self.createComps()
02285         print(self.configurator_name + "connecting components")
02286         self.connectComps()
02288         print(self.configurator_name + "activating components")
02289         self.activateComps()
02291         print(self.configurator_name + "setup logger")
02292         self.setupLogger()
02294         print(self.configurator_name + "setup joint groups")
02295         self.setSelfGroups()
02297         print(self.configurator_name + '\033[32minitialized successfully\033[0m')
02299         # set hrpsys_version
02300         try:
02301             self.hrpsys_version =
02302         except:
02303             print(self.configurator_name + '\033[34mCould not get hrpsys_version\033[0m')
02305             pass
02307     def __init__(self, cname="[] "):
02308         initCORBA()
02309         self.configurator_name = cname
02312 if __name__ == '__main__':
02313     hcf = HrpsysConfigurator()
02314     if len(sys.argv) > 2:
02315         hcf.init(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
02316     elif len(sys.argv) > 1:
02317         hcf.init(sys.argv[1])
02318     else:
02319         hcf.init()

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Wed May 15 2019 05:02:18