Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
control_toolbox::Sinusoid Class Reference

A basic sine class. More...

#include <sinusoid.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void debug ()
bool initXml (TiXmlElement *ti_xml_element)
 Initializes the parameters of the sine wave from the given xml element.
 Sinusoid ()
 Sinusoid (double offset, double amplitude, double frequency, double phase)
 Constructor which intializes values.
double update (double time, double &qd, double &qdd)
 Gets the value and derivatives of the sinusoid at a given time.
virtual ~Sinusoid ()

Private Attributes

double amplitude_
double frequency_
double offset_
double phase_

Detailed Description

A basic sine class.

This class calculates the output for a sine wave and its derivatives, given the amplitude, phase, frequency and offset.

Definition at line 54 of file sinusoid.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Definition at line 72 of file sinusoid.cpp.

control_toolbox::Sinusoid::Sinusoid ( double  offset,
double  amplitude,
double  frequency,
double  phase 

Constructor which intializes values.

offsetA DC offset to be added to the sine wave
amplitudeAmplitude of the sine wave
frequencyFrequency of the sine wave
phasePhase (in radians) of the sine wave at t=0

Definition at line 46 of file sinusoid.cpp.


Definition at line 68 of file sinusoid.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Prints the parameters of the sine wave to stdout (for debugging)

Definition at line 88 of file sinusoid.cpp.

bool control_toolbox::Sinusoid::initXml ( TiXmlElement *  ti_xml_element)

Initializes the parameters of the sine wave from the given xml element.

ti_xml_elementThis XML element needs to contain the following attributes: offset, amplitude, frequency, phase
true if successful, false if not

Definition at line 54 of file sinusoid.cpp.

double control_toolbox::Sinusoid::update ( double  time,
double &  qd,
double &  qdd 

Gets the value and derivatives of the sinusoid at a given time.

timeTime at which to sample the sine wave
qd(output) The derivative of the sine wave
qdd(output) Second derivative of the sine wave
The sampled value of the sine wave

Definition at line 76 of file sinusoid.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Amplitude of the sine wave.

Definition at line 102 of file sinusoid.h.

Frequency of the sine wave.

Definition at line 103 of file sinusoid.h.

DC offset of the sine wave.

Definition at line 101 of file sinusoid.h.

Phase of the sine wave at t=0.

Definition at line 104 of file sinusoid.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Melonee Wise, Sachin Chitta, John Hsu
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:43:37