Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #
00002 # License: BSD
00003 #   https://raw.github.com/robotics-in-concert/concert_services/license/LICENSE
00004 #
00005 ##############################################################################
00007 import os
00008 import subprocess
00009 import tempfile
00011 # Utilities 
00012 def reformat_position_vector(position_vector):
00013     """
00014     Reformats position vector so that it can be used with the segbot launch script
00015     """
00016     if len(position_vector) == 2:
00017         reformatted_vector = [position_vector[0], position_vector[1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
00018     elif len(position_vector) == 3:
00019         reformatted_vector = [position_vector[0], position_vector[1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, position_vector[2]]
00020     else:
00021         reformatted_vector = [position_vector[x] if x < len(position_vector) else 0.0 for x in range(6)]
00023     location = {}
00024     location['loc_x']     = reformatted_vector[0]
00025     location['loc_y']     = reformatted_vector[1]
00026     location['loc_z']     = reformatted_vector[2]
00027     location['loc_roll']  = reformatted_vector[3]
00028     location['loc_pitch'] = reformatted_vector[4]
00029     location['loc_yaw']   = reformatted_vector[5]
00031     return location
00034 def generate_spawn_robot_launch_script(name, location, world_namespace, launch_file, args):
00035     """
00036     Generates the roslaunch script for a single robot, wrapping the appropriate
00037     launch file in gazebo robot 
00038     """
00039     launch_text  = '<launch>\n' 
00040     launch_text += '  <include ns="%s" file="%s">\n' %(name, launch_file)
00041     launch_text += '    <arg name="name" value="%s"/>\n'%(name)
00042     launch_text += '    <arg name="world_namespace" value="%s"/>\n'%world_namespace
00043     for loc_key, loc_value in location.items():
00044         launch_text += '    <arg name="%s" value="%s"/>\n'%(loc_key, loc_value)
00046     if args:
00047         for arg_name, arg_value in args.items():
00048             launch_text += '    <arg name="%s" value="%s"/>\n'%(arg_name, arg_value)
00049     launch_text += '  </include>\n'
00050     launch_text += '</launch>'
00051     return launch_text
00054 def start_roslaunch_process(launch_script):
00055     """
00056     Robots are spawned using roslaunch instead of gazebo/spawn_model so that
00057     a few other scripts such as robot_state_publisher can also be launched.
00058     This convenience function helps launch a roslaunch script
00059     """
00060     temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False)
00061     temp.write(launch_script)
00062     temp.close()
00063     command_args = ['roslaunch', temp.name]
00064     command_args.append('--screen')
00065     roslaunch_env = os.environ.copy()
00066     try:
00067         # ROS_NAMESPACE gets set since we are inside a node here
00068         # got to get rid of this otherwise it pushes things down
00069         del roslaunch_env['ROS_NAMESPACE']
00070     except KeyError:
00071         pass
00072     process = subprocess.Popen(command_args, env=roslaunch_env)
00073     return process

Author(s): Daniel Stonier, Piyush Khandelwal
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:35:16