Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

Implements an online state/parameter estimator based on dynamic optimization. More...

#include <dynamic_estimator.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for DynamicEstimator:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual Estimatorclone () const
 DynamicEstimator ()
 DynamicEstimator (const RealTimeAlgorithm &_realTimeAlgorithm, double _samplingTime=DEFAULT_SAMPLING_TIME)
 DynamicEstimator (const DynamicEstimator &rhs)
virtual returnValue init (double startTime=0.0, const DVector &x0_=emptyConstVector, const DVector &p_=emptyConstVector)
DynamicEstimatoroperator= (const DynamicEstimator &rhs)
virtual returnValue step (double currentTime, const DVector &_y)
virtual ~DynamicEstimator ()

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

Implements an online state/parameter estimator based on dynamic optimization.

The class DynamicEstimator implements an online state/parameter estimators based on dynamic optimization.

Hans Joachim Ferreau, Boris Houska

Definition at line 55 of file dynamic_estimator.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Definition at line 45 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

DynamicEstimator::DynamicEstimator ( const RealTimeAlgorithm _realTimeAlgorithm,
double  _samplingTime = DEFAULT_SAMPLING_TIME 

Constructor taking minimal sub-block configuration.

_realTimeAlgorithmDynamic optimizer.

Definition at line 50 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

Copy constructor (deep copy).

Definition at line 59 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.


Definition at line 68 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Estimator * DynamicEstimator::clone ( ) const [virtual]

Implements Estimator.

Definition at line 96 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

returnValue DynamicEstimator::init ( double  startTime = 0.0,
const DVector x0_ = emptyConstVector,
const DVector p_ = emptyConstVector 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from Estimator.

Definition at line 103 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

DynamicEstimator & DynamicEstimator::operator= ( const DynamicEstimator rhs)

Assignment operator (deep copy).

Definition at line 75 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

returnValue DynamicEstimator::step ( double  currentTime,
const DVector _y 
) [virtual]

Executes next single step.

Implements Estimator.

Definition at line 114 of file dynamic_estimator.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Optimization algorithm for online OCPs.

Definition at line 104 of file dynamic_estimator.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:40:23