Package rocon_gateway :: Module gateway :: Class Gateway
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Class Gateway

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object --+

Used to synchronise with hubs.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, hub_manager, param, unique_name, publish_gateway_info_callback)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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spin(self) source code
shutdown(self) source code
We often check if we're connected to any hubs often just to ensure we don't waste time processing if there is no-one listening.
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disengage_hub(self, hub)
Disengage from the specified hub.
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update_flipped_interface(self, local_connection_index, remote_gateway_hub_index)
Process the list of local connections and check against the current flip rules and patterns for changes.
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update_pulled_interface(self, unused_connections, remote_gateway_hub_index)
Process the list of local connections and check against the current pull rules and patterns for changes.
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update_public_interface(self, local_connection_index)
Process the list of local connections and check against the current rules and patterns for changes.
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process_remote_gateway_flip_request(self, registration)
Used as a callback for incoming requests on redis pubsub channels.
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process_remote_gateway_unflip_request(self, rule, remote_gateway) source code
ros_service_set_watcher_period(self, request)
Configures the watcher period.
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ros_subscriber_force_update(self, data)
Trigger a watcher loop update
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ros_service_advertise(self, request)
Puts/Removes a number of rules on the public interface watchlist.
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ros_service_advertise_all(self, request)
Toggles the advertise all mode.
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ros_service_flip(self, request)
Puts flip rules on a watchlist which (un)flips them when they become (un)available.
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ros_service_flip_all(self, request)
Flips everything except a specified blacklist to a particular gateway, or if the cancel flag is set, clears all flips to that gateway.
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ros_service_pull(self, request)
Puts a single rule on a watchlist and pulls it from a particular gateway when it becomes (un)available.
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ros_service_pull_all(self, request)
Pull everything except a specified blacklist from a particular gateway, or if the cancel flag is set, clears all pulls from that gateway.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, hub_manager, param, unique_name, publish_gateway_info_callback)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

  • hub_manager - container for all the hubs this gateway connects to @type hub_api.HubManmager
  • param - parameters set by @type : dictionary of parameter key-value pairs
  • unique_name - gateway name (param['name']) with unique uuid hash appended
  • publish_gateway_info_callback - callback for publishing gateway info
Overrides: object.__init__


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We often check if we're connected to any hubs often just to ensure we don't waste time processing if there is no-one listening.

@return True if at least one hub is connected, False otherwise @rtype Bool

disengage_hub(self, hub)

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Disengage from the specified hub. Don't actually need to clean up connections here like we do in shutdown - that can be handled from the watcher thread itself.

  • hub - the hub that will be deleted.

update_flipped_interface(self, local_connection_index, remote_gateway_hub_index)

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Process the list of local connections and check against the current flip rules and patterns for changes. If a rule has become (un)available take appropriate action.

  • local_connection_index - list of current local connections parsed from the master @type : dictionary of keyed lists of utils.Connections
  • gateways - list of remote gateway string id's @type string

update_pulled_interface(self, unused_connections, remote_gateway_hub_index)

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Process the list of local connections and check against the current pull rules and patterns for changes. If a rule has become (un)available take appropriate action.

This is called by the watcher thread. The remote_gateway_hub_index is always a full dictionary of all remote gateway and hub key-value pairs - it is only included as an argument here to save processing doubly in the watcher thread.

  • connections - list of current local connections parsed from the master @type : dictionary of keyed lists of utils.Connections
  • remote_gateway_hub_index - key-value remote gateway name-hub list pairs @type dictionary of remote_gateway_name-list of hub_api.Hub objects key-value pairs

update_public_interface(self, local_connection_index)

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Process the list of local connections and check against the current rules and patterns for changes. If a rule has become (un)available take appropriate action.

  • local_connection_index - list of current local connections parsed from the master @type : dictionary of keyed lists of utils.Connections

process_remote_gateway_flip_request(self, registration)

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Used as a callback for incoming requests on redis pubsub channels. It gets assigned to RedisManager.callback.

  • registration - fully detailed registration to be processed @type utils.Registration

ros_service_set_watcher_period(self, request)

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Configures the watcher period. This is useful to slow/speed up the watcher loop. Quite often you want it polling quickly early while configuring connections, but on long loops later when it does not have to do very much except look for shutdown.

@param request @type gateway_srvs.SetWatcherPeriodRequest @return service response @rtgateway_srvs.srv.SetWatcherPeriodResponse

ros_service_advertise(self, request)

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Puts/Removes a number of rules on the public interface watchlist. As local rules matching these rules become available/go away, the public interface is modified accordingly. A manual update is done at the end of the advertise call to quickly capture existing rules

@param request @type gateway_srvs.AdvertiseRequest @return service response @rtgateway_srvs.srv.AdvertiseReponse

ros_service_advertise_all(self, request)

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Toggles the advertise all mode. If advertising all, an additional blacklist parameter can be supplied which includes all the topics that will not be advertised/watched for. This blacklist is added to the default blacklist of the public interface

@param request @type gateway_srvs.AdvertiseAllRequest @return service response @rtype gateway_srvs.AdvertiseAllReponse

ros_service_flip(self, request)

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Puts flip rules on a watchlist which (un)flips them when they become (un)available.

@param request @type gateway_srvs.RemoteRequest @return service response @rtype gateway_srvs.RemoteResponse

ros_service_flip_all(self, request)

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Flips everything except a specified blacklist to a particular gateway, or if the cancel flag is set, clears all flips to that gateway.

@param request @type gateway_srvs.RemoteAllRequest @return service response @rtype gateway_srvs.RemoteAllResponse

ros_service_pull(self, request)

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Puts a single rule on a watchlist and pulls it from a particular gateway when it becomes (un)available.

@param request @type gateway_srvs.RemoteRequest @return service response @rtype gateway_srvs.RemoteResponse

ros_service_pull_all(self, request)

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Pull everything except a specified blacklist from a particular gateway, or if the cancel flag is set, clears all pulls from that gateway.

@param request @type gateway_srvs.RemoteAllRequest @return service response @rtype gateway_srvs.RemoteAllResponse