Package rocon_conductor_graph :: Module dotcode :: Class RosGraphDotcodeGenerator
[frames] | no frames]

Class RosGraphDotcodeGenerator

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Instance Methods
__init__(self) source code
generate_namespaces(self, graph, graph_mode)
Determine the namespaces of the nodes being displayed
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generate_dotgraph(self, rosgraphinst, ns_filter, topic_filter, dotcode_factory, show_all_advertisements=False, hide_dead_end_topics=False, cluster_namespaces_level=0, orientation='LR', rank='same', ranksep=0.2, rankdir='TB', simplify=True)
See generate_dotcode
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generate_dotcode(self, rosgraphinst, dotcode_factory, ns_filter=' ', topic_filter=' ', show_all_advertisements=True, hide_dead_end_topics=True, cluster_namespaces_level=0, orientation='LR', rank='same', ranksep=0.2, rankdir='TB', simplify=True)
Returns: dotcode generated from graph singleton
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Method Details

generate_dotcode(self, rosgraphinst, dotcode_factory, ns_filter=' ', topic_filter=' ', show_all_advertisements=True, hide_dead_end_topics=True, cluster_namespaces_level=0, orientation='LR', rank='same', ranksep=0.2, rankdir='TB', simplify=True)

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  • rosgraphinst - RosGraph instance
  • ns_filter (string) - nodename filter
  • topic_filter - topicname filter
  • orientation - rankdir value (see ORIENTATIONS dict)
  • dotcode_factory (object) - abstract factory manipulating dot language objects
  • hide_single_connection_topics - if true remove topics with just one connection
  • hide_dead_end_topics - if true remove topics with publishers only
  • cluster_namespaces_level - if > 0 places box around members of same namespace (TODO: multiple namespace layers)
Returns: str
dotcode generated from graph singleton