Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
MotorControllerNode Class Reference

#include <motor_controller_node.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void init ()
 Initialize the mcdc3006s node.
 MotorControllerNode (MotorDriverInterface *driver)
 Empty constructor.
bool move_abs_pos (motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Response &resp)
 Callback to move motors by absolute position.
bool move_rel_pos (motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Response &resp)
 Callback to move motors by relative position.
bool move_vel (motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Response &resp)
 Callback to move motors in velocity.
void publish ()
 Publish information from the motors.
bool set_cur_lim (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the current limit of the motor.
bool set_max_acc (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the maximum acceleration of the motor.
bool set_max_dec (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the maximum deceleration of the motor.
bool set_max_pos (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the maximum position of the motor.
bool set_max_vel (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the maximum velocity of the motor.
bool set_min_pos (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the minimum position of the motor.
bool set_odometry_calibration (motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &req, motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &resp)
 Callback to set the odometry calibration of the motor.
void spin ()
 Spin the node.
 ~MotorControllerNode ()

Private Attributes

ros::ServiceServer _cur_lim_srv
ros::Publisher _data_msg
MotorDriverInterface * _driver
int _joint_id
std::string _joint_name
ros::ServiceServer _max_acc_srv
ros::ServiceServer _max_dec_srv
ros::ServiceServer _max_pos_srv
ros::ServiceServer _max_vel_srv
ros::ServiceServer _min_pos_srv
ros::ServiceServer _mov_abs_pos_srv
ros::ServiceServer _mov_rel_pos_srv
ros::ServiceServer _mov_vel_srv
ros::NodeHandle _nh
ros::NodeHandle _nh_private
ros::Publisher _odo_msg
ros::ServiceServer _odo_srv
int _pos_factor
ros::Rate _publish_rate
std::string _serial_device
int _vel_factor

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MotorControllerNode::MotorControllerNode ( MotorDriverInterface *  driver)

Empty constructor.

Definition at line 30 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.


Definition at line 125 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Initialize the mcdc3006s node.

Definition at line 132 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::move_abs_pos ( motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Response &  resp 

Callback to move motors by absolute position.

reqMoveAbsPos type request.
respMoveAbsPos type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 320 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::move_rel_pos ( motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Response &  resp 

Callback to move motors by relative position.

reqMoveAbsPos type request.
respMoveAbsPos type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 335 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::move_vel ( motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::MoveAbsPos::Response &  resp 

Callback to move motors in velocity.

reqMoveAbsPos type request.
respMoveAbsPos type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 350 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

Publish information from the motors.

Definition at line 168 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_cur_lim ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the current limit of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 293 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_max_acc ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the maximum acceleration of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 267 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_max_dec ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the maximum deceleration of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 280 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_max_pos ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the maximum position of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 227 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_max_vel ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the maximum velocity of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 254 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_min_pos ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the minimum position of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 241 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

bool MotorControllerNode::set_odometry_calibration ( motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Request &  req,
motor_controller_msgs::Configuration::Response &  resp 

Callback to set the odometry calibration of the motor.

reqConfiguration type request.
respConfiguration type response.
true if there are no errors.

Definition at line 303 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

Spin the node.

Definition at line 155 of file motor_controller_node.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 182 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 173 of file motor_controller_node.h.

MotorDriverInterface* MotorControllerNode::_driver [private]

Definition at line 197 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 192 of file motor_controller_node.h.

std::string MotorControllerNode::_joint_name [private]

Definition at line 193 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 180 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 181 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 177 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 179 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 178 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 184 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 185 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 186 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 169 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 170 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 174 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 183 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 195 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 189 of file motor_controller_node.h.

std::string MotorControllerNode::_serial_device [private]

Definition at line 193 of file motor_controller_node.h.

Definition at line 195 of file motor_controller_node.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Wed Apr 1 2015 10:17:09