Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # -*- python -*-
00002 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et:
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2014 Vladimir Ermakov.
00005 #
00006 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00009 # (at your option) any later version.
00010 #
00011 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00012 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
00013 # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
00014 # for more details.
00015 #
00016 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00017 # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
00018 # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
00020 import csv
00021 import time
00023 from mavros.msg import Waypoint, WaypointList
00024 from mavros.srv import WaypointPull, WaypointPush, WaypointClear, \
00025     WaypointSetCurrent, WaypointGOTO
00028 FRAMES = {
00029     Waypoint.FRAME_GLOBAL: 'GAA',
00030     Waypoint.FRAME_GLOBAL_REL_ALT: 'GRA',
00031     Waypoint.FRAME_LOCAL_ENU: 'LOC-ENU',
00032     Waypoint.FRAME_LOCAL_NED: 'LOC-NED',
00033     Waypoint.FRAME_MISSION: 'MIS'
00034 }
00036 NAV_CMDS = {
00037     Waypoint.NAV_LAND: 'LAND',
00038     Waypoint.NAV_LOITER_TIME: 'LOITER-TIME',
00039     Waypoint.NAV_LOITER_TURNS: 'LOITER-TURNS',
00040     Waypoint.NAV_LOITER_UNLIM: 'LOITER-UNLIM',
00041     Waypoint.NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH: 'RTL',
00042     Waypoint.NAV_TAKEOFF: 'TAKEOFF',
00043     Waypoint.NAV_WAYPOINT: 'WAYPOINT',
00044     # Maybe later i will add this enum to message
00045     112: 'COND-DELAY',
00046     113: 'COND-CHANGE-ALT',
00047     114: 'COND-DISTANCE',
00048     115: 'COND-YAW',
00049     177: 'DO-JUMP',
00050     178: 'DO-CHANGE-SPEED',
00051     181: 'DO-SET-RELAY',
00052     182: 'DO-REPEAT-RELAY',
00053     183: 'DO-SET-SERVO',
00054     184: 'DO-REPEAT-SERVO',
00055     201: 'DO-SET-ROI',
00056 }
00059 class WaypointFile(object):
00060     """Base class for waypoint file parsers"""
00061     def read(self, file_):
00062         """Returns a iterable of waypoints"""
00063         raise NotImplementedError
00065     def write(self, file_, waypoints):
00066         """Writes waypoints to file"""
00067         raise NotImplementedError
00070 class QGroundControlWP(WaypointFile):
00071     """Parse QGC waypoint file"""
00073     file_header = 'QGC WPL 120'
00074     known_versions = (110, 120)
00076     class CSVDialect(csv.Dialect):
00077         delimiter = '\t'
00078         doublequote = False
00079         skipinitialspace = True
00080         lineterminator = '\r\n'
00081         quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE
00083     def read(self, file_):
00084         got_header = False
00085         for data in csv.reader(file_, self.CSVDialect):
00086             if data[0].startswith('#'):
00087                 continue; # skip comments (i think in next format version they add this)
00089             if not got_header:
00090                 qgc, wpl, ver = data[0].split(' ', 3)
00091                 ver = int(ver)
00092                 if qgc == 'QGC' and wpl == 'WPL' and ver in self.known_versions:
00093                     got_header = True
00095             else:
00096                 yield Waypoint(
00097                     is_current = bool(int(data[1])),
00098                     frame = int(data[2]),
00099                     command = int(data[3]),
00100                     param1 = float(data[4]),
00101                     param2 = float(data[5]),
00102                     param3 = float(data[6]),
00103                     param4 = float(data[7]),
00104                     x_lat = float(data[8]),
00105                     y_long = float(data[9]),
00106                     z_alt = float(data[10]),
00107                     autocontinue = bool(int(data[11]))
00108                 )
00110     def write(self, file_, waypoints):
00111         writer = csv.writer(file_, self.CSVDialect)
00112         writer.writerow((self.file_header ,))
00113         for seq, w in enumerate(waypoints):
00114             writer.writerow((
00115                 seq,
00116                 int(w.is_current),
00117                 w.frame,
00118                 w.command,
00119                 w.param1,
00120                 w.param2,
00121                 w.param3,
00122                 w.param4,
00123                 w.x_lat,
00124                 w.y_long,
00125                 w.z_alt,
00126                 int(w.autocontinue)
00127             ))

Author(s): Vladimir Ermakov
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 12:29:13