CoreImpl::ReaderConfig Namespace Reference


namespace  AccessProtection

Configuration parameters for security and access protection.

namespace  AirInterface

Configuration parameters for adjusting the RF-Interface.

namespace  Clock

Configuration parameters for internal clock or timer.

namespace  DigitalIO

Configuration parameters for digital inputs and outputs, Relays and LEDs.

namespace  HostInterface

Configuration parameters for communication interfaces.

namespace  OperatingMode

Configuration parameters for configuring the different working modes.

namespace  PeripheralDevice

Configuration parameters for Peripheral Devices, like People-Counter.

namespace  PowerManagement

Configuration parameters for adjusting the power consumption.

namespace  SystemTools

Additional tools.

namespace  Transponder

Configuration parameters for Transponder drivers.

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Mon Sep 14 2015 03:05:32