Keyboard teleoperation for Kobuki: relays commands from a keyboard to Kobuki.
Provides a keyboard teleoperation control to kobukibot. Just enables a simple increase velocity mechanism both linearly and angularly as well as power off and power on functions.
kobuki_keyop/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
Sends command velocities to the mobile base interface.
kobuki_keyop/enable (std_msgs/String)
kobuki_keyop/disable (std_msgs/String)
Send power-off and power-on commands to the robot core.
Use a launcher to fire up the keyop command as this will allow you to map the above topics to the appropriate namespace. e.g. there is a launcher in kobuki_keyop/resources/launch/robot_core.launch for ycs' robot core:
<launch> <node pkg="kobuki_keyop" type="keyop" name="kobuki_keyop"> <remap from="kobuki_keyop/enable" to="/robot_core/enable"/> <remap from="kobuki_keyop/disable" to="/robot_core/disable"/> <remap from="kobuki_keyop/vel_cmd" to="/robot_core/cmd_vel"/> </node> </launch>
You may wish to change the remappings to suit the currently running robot. You can initiate with
roslaunch kobuki_keyop robot_core.launch
and use the arrow keys to navigation, with 'e', 'd' to enable or disable the motors and 'q' to quit.