Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import rospy
00003 import actionlib
00004 from jsk_teleop_joy.joy_plugin import JSKJoyPlugin
00005 from drc_task_common.srv import StringRequest, StringRequestResponse
00007 try:
00008   imp.find_module("std_msgs")
00009 except:
00010   import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('jsk_teleop_joy')
00013 from std_msgs.msg import String, Float64, Bool, Float32
00014 from std_srvs.srv import Empty, EmptyResponse
00015 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
00016 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
00017 import os, sys, time, numpy
00019 class VehicleJoyController(JSKJoyPlugin):
00020   def __init__(self, name, args):
00021     JSKJoyPlugin.__init__(self, name, args)
00022     self.command_states = {
00023       "handle": HandleCommandState("handle", Float64, Float32, "drive/controller/goal_handle_angle"),
00024       "accel": VehicleCommandState("accel", Float64, Float32, "drive/controller/step"),
00025       "brake": VehicleCommandState("brake", Float64, None, None), # do not support brake synchronize
00026       "neck_y": VehicleCommandState("neck_y", Float64, Float32, "drive/controller/neck_y_angle"),
00027       "neck_p": VehicleCommandState("neck_p", Float64, Float32, "drive/controller/neck_p_angle")
00028       }
00029     self.synchronizeAllCommand()
00030     self.execute_flag = False
00031     print >> sys.stderr, "Joystick initialization is finished"
00032     self.initialize_service = rospy.Service('drive/operation/initialize', Empty, self.initializeServiceCallback)
00033     self.synchronize_service = rospy.Service('drive/operation/synchronize', StringRequest, self.synchronizeServiceCallback)
00034     self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('drive/execute_flag', Bool, self.executeFlagCallback)
00036   def joyCB(self, status, history):
00037     latest = history.latest()
00038     handle_resolution = 0.025 # rad
00039     neck_y_resolution = 0.1 # deg
00040     neck_y_angle_max = 35.0
00041     neck_y_angle_min = -35.0
00042     neck_p_resolution = 0.1 # deg
00043     neck_p_angle_max = 35.0
00044     neck_p_angle_min = -35.0
00045     max_accel_resolution = 0.05
00046     max_brake_resolution = 1.0
00048     if not self.execute_flag or not latest:
00049       return
00051     # handle command
00052     if status.left_analog_x:
00053       self.command_states["handle"].command = self.command_states["handle"].command + handle_resolution * status.left_analog_x
00054     # neck_y command
00055     if status.left:
00056       self.command_states["neck_y"].command = self.commandJointAngle(self.command_states["neck_y"].command, neck_y_resolution, neck_y_angle_max, neck_y_angle_min)
00057     elif status.right:
00058       self.command_states["neck_y"].command = self.commandJointAngle(self.command_states["neck_y"].command, -neck_y_resolution, neck_y_angle_max, neck_y_angle_min)
00059     # neck_p command (head goes down when neck_p incleases)
00060     if status.up:
00061       self.command_states["neck_p"].command = self.commandJointAngle(self.command_states["neck_p"].command, -neck_p_resolution, neck_p_angle_max, neck_p_angle_min)
00062     elif status.down:
00063       self.command_states["neck_p"].command = self.commandJointAngle(self.command_states["neck_p"].command, neck_p_resolution, neck_p_angle_max, neck_p_angle_min)
00064     # accel command
00065     if status.right_analog_y:
00066       self.command_states["accel"].command = max(status.right_analog_y, 0.0)
00067       if status.right_analog_y < -0.5:
00068         self.command_states["brake"].command = 1.0
00069       else:
00070         self.command_states["brake"].command = 0.0
00071     else:
00072       self.command_states["accel"].command = 0.0
00073       self.command_states["brake"].command = 0.0
00075     for command in self.command_states.values():
00076       command.publishCommand()
00078   def commandJointAngle(self, current_value, resolution, max_value, min_value): # max_value assumed to be positive
00079     next_value = current_value + resolution
00080     if next_value > max_value:
00081       next_value = max_value
00082     elif next_value < min_value:
00083       next_value = min_value
00084     return next_value
00086   def initializeAllCommand(self):
00087     for command in self.command_states.values():
00088       command.initialize()
00090   def synchronizeCommand(self, key):
00091     print >> sys.stderr, "Sync " + key
00092     self.command_states[key].synchronize()
00094   def synchronizeAllCommand(self):
00095     for key in self.command_states.keys():
00096       self.synchronizeCommand(key)
00098   def executeFlagCallback(self, msg):
00099     self.execute_flag =
00100     print >> sys.stderr, "set execute_flag as " + str(self.execute_flag)
00102   def initializeServiceCallback(self, req):
00103     print >> sys.stderr, "initialize vehicle joy"
00104     self.initializeAllCommand()
00105     return EmptyResponse()
00107   def synchronizeServiceCallback(self, req):
00108     key =
00109     if key in self.command_states:
00110       self.synchronizeCommand(key)
00111     elif key == "neck":
00112       self.synchronizeCommand("neck_p")
00113       self.synchronizeCommand("neck_y")
00114     elif key == "all":
00115       self.synchronizeAllCommand()
00116     else:
00117       print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid key"
00118     return StringRequestResponse()
00120 class VehicleCommandState():
00121   def __init__(self, command_name, pub_type, sub_type, robot_topic):
00122     self.command_name = command_name
00123     self.pub_type = pub_type
00124     self.sub_type = sub_type
00125     self.wait_for_message_flag = True
00126     self.robot_topic = robot_topic
00127     self.publisher = rospy.Publisher("drive/operation/" + self.command_name + "_cmd_fast", self.pub_type)
00128     if robot_topic and self.sub_type:
00129       self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(robot_topic, self.sub_type, self.callback)
00130     else:
00131       self.subscriber = None
00132     self.initialize()
00133   def callback(self, msg):
00134     self.robot_value =
00135   def initialize(self):
00136     self.command = 0.0
00137     self.robot_value = 0.0
00138   def synchronize(self, timeout = 1.0):
00139     if self.robot_topic != None and self.sub_type != None:
00140       try:
00141         if self.wait_for_message_flag:
00142           rospy.wait_for_message(self.robot_topic, self.sub_type, timeout)
00143           self.wait_for_message_flag = False
00144         print >> sys.stderr, "Sync with " + self.robot_topic
00145         print "%s -> %s" % (str(self.command), str(self.robot_value))
00146         self.command = self.robot_value
00147       except rospy.ROSException, e:
00148         print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot subscribe " + self.robot_topic
00149   def publishCommand(self):
00150     pub_msg = self.pub_type(data = self.command)
00151     self.publisher.publish(pub_msg)
00153 class HandleCommandState(VehicleCommandState):
00154   def callback(self, msg):
00155     self.robot_value = * numpy.pi / 180.0 # goal_handle_angle[deg] -> command[rad]
00156   # def synchronize(self):
00157   #   self.command = self.robot_value * numpy.pi / 180.0 # robot_value[deg] -> command[rad]

Author(s): Ryohei Ueda
autogenerated on Wed Sep 16 2015 04:37:30