cob_people_detection Documentation


Detects persons through head and face detection and identifies the detected faces. The results are tracked over time to increase confidence. The system is optimized to be used with a Microsoft Kinect or Asus Xtion Pro Live sensor but could also handle different sensors as long as depth and color images are provided.

face_detector is a package containing algorithms and nodes related to the detection of faces.


See launch/face_dector.wide.launch to launch in continuous detection mode, or launch/face_detector_action.wide.launch to launch as an action.

classifier_nameA readable string name for the classifier. Will be published with the result.
classifier_filenameFull path to the trained haar cascade. Currently useful cascades are haar_frontalface_alt.xml and haar_profileface.xml in opencv2
classifier_reliabilityDouble 0-1. Some notion of the classifier's reliability for use in a larger system.
do_continuoustrue = Run continuously. false = Wait for action call
do_publish_faces_of_unknown_sizetrue = If depth info is not available, publish the resulting face with a position of (0,0,0). false = Don't publish faces if stereo information isn't available.
do_displaynone = Don't display anything. local = Display in an OpenCV window.
face_size_min_mDouble. The minimum width of a face, in meters. Defaults to 0.1m.
face_size_max_mDouble. The maximum width of a face, in meters. Defaults to 0.5m.
max_face_z_mDouble. The maximum distance of a face from the camera, in meters. (In the camera frame, depth is along the z-axis.) Defaults to 8.0m.
face_separation_dist_mDouble. Only used for tracking. The maximum distance between two face detections before they are considered different faces. Defaults to 1.0m.


Author(s): Richard Bormann , Thomas Zwölfer
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 10:24:13