Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('projector_interface')
00003 from std_msgs.msg import ColorRGBA
00004 from pr2_python.pointclouds import pointcloud2_to_xyz_array, xyz_array_to_pointcloud2
00005 import datetime
00006 import scipy.io
00007 import numpy as np
00008 from itertools import chain
00011 from point_tests import sameObject, closestPoint
00013 load('rosh_robot', globals())
00015 xmin = -0.79651666
00016 xmax =  0.06501853
00017 ymin =  0.03261997
00018 ymax =  0.50817382
00020 # xs = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,4)
00021 ys = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,3)
00022 xs = np.arange(xmin+0.05, xmax, ys[1] - ys[0])
00023 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
00024 points = np.array([(x,y,0) for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel())])
00025 points_msg = xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(points, now(), '/table')
00026 topics.object_cloud(points_msg)
00027 services.set_selection_method(1)
00029 order = [
00030     [0,  2,  1,  3],
00031     [7,  5,  6,  4],
00032     [8, 10,  9, 11],
00033     [0,  4,  8 ],
00034     [1,  5,  9 ],
00035     [2,  6,  10],
00036     [3,  7,  11]
00037 ]
00039 targets = []
00040 stds = []
00041 times = []
00042 cursor_history = []
00043 history_size = 0
00045 start_time = now()
00046 for idx in chain(*[reversed(o) for o in order]):
00047     point = points[idx]
00048     targets.append(point)
00049     print 'hilighting ', point
00050     services.clear_hilights()
00052     pt = PointStamped()
00053     pt.header.frame_id = '/table'
00054     pt.header.stamp = now()
00055     pt.point.x, pt.point.y, pt.point.z = point
00057     t1 = now()
00058     services.hilight_object(pt, ColorRGBA(255,0,0,0))
00059     click_pts_msg = services.get_cursor_stats()
00060     click_pt = [
00061         click_pts_msg.click_pos.point.x,
00062         click_pts_msg.click_pos.point.y,
00063         click_pts_msg.click_pos.point.z
00064     ]
00065     r = Rate(10)
00066     while not sameObject(closestPoint(points, click_pt), point):
00067         click_pts_msg = services.get_cursor_stats()
00068         click_pt = [
00069             click_pts_msg.click_pos.point.x,
00070             click_pts_msg.click_pos.point.y,
00071             click_pts_msg.click_pos.point.z
00072         ]
00073         r.sleep()
00074     click_pts = pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(click_pts_msg.points)
00075     t2 = now()
00076     times.append((t2-t1).to_sec())
00077     history_size = click_pts.shape[0]
00078     cursor_history.extend(click_pts)
00079     stds.append(click_pts.std(0))
00080     print 'std = ', stds[-1]
00081     sleep(3)
00083 services.clear_hilights()
00084 path = '/home/robotics/lazewatskyd/ros-pkgs/wu-ros-pkg/3d_interaction/projector_interface/study/data/2_closest_point_%s.mat'
00085 timestr = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%d-%m-%y-%H.%M.%f')
00086 scipy.io.savemat(path % timestr,    dict(targets=targets,
00087                                          stds=stds,
00088                                          times=times,
00089                                          cursor_history=cursor_history,
00090                                          history_size=history_size,
00091                                          total_time=(now()-start_time).to_sec()))
00092 print 'Saved %s' % (path % timestr)

Author(s): Daniel Lazewatsky
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 10:12:36