kobuki_udev Documentation

kobuki_udev: Utilities for flashing and enabling the usb connection

Contains utilities for flashing the Kobuki (usually done at the factory) and enabling the device to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.


Programming the Eeprom

If it is the only ftdi device plugged in, simply

> rosdep install kobuki_udev
> roscd kobuki_udev
> make
> sudo ./bin/ftdi_koboki

will do the job, if not - optionally add an argument with the current serial id of the ftdi chip you want to flash to the last command.

If things go bums up, then you will find an eeprom.backup saved in your current directory that you can reflash back to the chip (using ./ftdi_write_eeprom).

Preparing Udev

> roscd kobuki
> sudo cp 57-kobuki.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
> sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart


WILL NOT WORK WITH libftdi 0.17!!!

libftdi needs to be upgraded to work for TYPE_R (can see FT232R on the iInterface variable in lsusb) ftdi chips. To workaround on lucid, simply uninstall ftdi and download the sources for version 0.2/0.3 and above (might also work on 0.18 from emails I've read).

Might work out of the box on oneiric, but I haven't tried.



Results from Lsusb

Make sure you use sudo, if not, it will only retrieve part of the information.

> sudo lsusb
# Get the two numbers to the left of the ftdi device (bus and ?? number) (e.g. 002, 007)
> sudo lsusb -v -s 002:007


Much more detailed information of a currently connected device.

udevadm info -a --name /dev/ttyUSB0
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Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Thu Nov 22 2012 19:34:17