Classes | Defines | Typedefs
kmlBase.h File Reference
#include "common/dllexport.h"
#include "KNI/cplBase.h"
#include "KNI/kmlCommon.h"
#include "KNI/kmlMotBase.h"
#include "KNI/kmlSctBase.h"
#include "KNI/cdlCOM.h"
#include "KNI/cdlCOMExceptions.h"
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class  CKatBase
 Base Katana class. More...
struct  TKatCBX
 [CBX] connector box More...
struct  TKatCTB
 [CTB] command table defined in the firmware More...
struct  TKatECH
 [ECH] echo More...
struct  TKatEFF
 Inverse Kinematics structure of the endeffektor. More...
struct  TKatGNL
 [GNL] general robot attributes More...
struct  TKatIDS
 [IDS] identification string More...
struct  TKatMFW
 [MFW] master firmware version/revision number More...


 The old protocol is only supported up to K400 version 0.x.x.
#define TM_ENDLESS   -1
 timeout symbol for 'endless' waiting


typedef unsigned char byte
 type specification (8 bit)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 45 of file kmlBase.h.

The old protocol is only supported up to K400 version 0.x.x.

Definition at line 42 of file kmlBase.h.

#define TM_ENDLESS   -1

timeout symbol for 'endless' waiting

Definition at line 51 of file kmlBase.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char byte

type specification (8 bit)

Definition at line 46 of file kmlBase.h.

Author(s): Neuronics AG (see AUTHORS.txt); ROS wrapper by Martin Günther
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 10:45:33