Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 import os
00003 import time
00004 from java.lang import System
00005 from java.awt import *
00006 from javax.swing import *
00007 from guiinfo import *
00008 import math
00010 FILENAME_ROBOTHOST='.robothost'
00013 def reconnect():
00014 global txt
00015 robotHost = txt.getText().strip()
00016 System.setProperty('NS_OPT', '-ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:'+ robotHost +':2809/NameService')
00017 try:
00018 rtm.initCORBA()
00019 f = open(FILENAME_ROBOTHOST, 'w')
00020 f.write(robotHost+'\n')
00021 f.close()
00022 print ('reconnected')
00023 return True
00024 except IOError:
00025 print ('can not open to write: '+ FILENAME_ROBOTHOST)
00026 except:
00027 print ('can not connect to '+ robotHost)
00028 return False
00030 def setupRobot():
00031 if reconnect():
00032 init()
00033 setupLogger()
00035 def restart():
00036 waitInputConfirm('!! Caution !! \n Push [OK] to restart rtcd ')
00037 if reconnect():
00038 ms = rtm.findRTCmanager()
00039 ms.restart()
00041 def createButton(name, func):
00042 if not func.__class__.__name__ == 'function':
00043 return None
00044 exec('def tmpfunc(e): import time; t1=time.time();'+func.__name__+'(); t2=time.time(); print "['+name+']", t2- t1 ,"[sec]"')
00045 btn = JButton(label=name, actionPerformed = tmpfunc)
00046 del tmpfunc
00047 return btn
00049 frm = JFrame("sample GUI for "+bodyinfo.modelName, defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
00050 frm.setAlwaysOnTop(True)
00051 pnl = frm.getContentPane()
00052 pnl.layout = BoxLayout(pnl, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
00053 pnl.add(JLabel("HOSTNAME of ROBOT"))
00055 if os.path.isfile(FILENAME_ROBOTHOST):
00056 f = open(FILENAME_ROBOTHOST, "r")
00057 txt = JTextField(f.readline())
00058 else:
00059 txt = JTextField("localhost")
00060 pnl.add(txt)
00062 funcList = [["setup rt-system", setupRobot],["restart rtcd", restart], " "] + funcList
00063 for func in funcList:
00064 if func.__class__.__name__ == 'str':
00065 obj = JLabel(func)
00066 elif func.__class__.__name__ == 'function':
00067 obj = createButton(func.__name__, func)
00068 elif func.__class__.__name__ == 'list':
00069 obj = createButton(func[0], func[1])
00070 if obj != None:
00071 pnl.add(obj)
00073 frm.pack()
00074 frm.show()