Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * constrained_ik_plugin.cpp
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: Sep 15, 2013
00005  *      Author: dsolomon
00006  */
00007 /*
00008  * Software License Agreement (Apache License)
00009  *
00010  * Copyright (c) 2013, Southwest Research Institute
00011  *
00012  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00013  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00014  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00015  *
00016  *
00017  *
00018  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00019  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00020  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00021  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00022  * limitations under the License.
00023  */
00025 #include <constrained_ik/constrained_ik_plugin.h>
00026 #include <constrained_ik/ik/basic_ik.h>
00027 #include <constrained_ik/ik/test_ik.h>
00028 #include <ros/ros.h>
00030 #include <kdl_parser/kdl_parser.hpp>
00031 #include <tf_conversions/tf_kdl.h>
00032 #include <eigen_conversions/eigen_kdl.h>
00034 #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
00035 //register PR2ArmKinematics as a KinematicsBase implementation
00036 PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(constrained_ik::ConstrainedIKPlugin, kinematics::KinematicsBase);
00038 using namespace KDL;
00039 using namespace tf;
00040 using namespace std;
00041 using namespace ros;
00043 namespace constrained_ik
00044 {
00046 //typedef basic_ik::Basic_IK Solver;
00047 typedef test_ik::Test_IK Solver;
00049 ConstrainedIKPlugin::ConstrainedIKPlugin():active_(false), dimension_(0)
00050 {
00051 }
00053 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::isActive()
00054 {
00055     if(active_)
00056         return true;
00057     ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
00058     return false;
00059 }
00061 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::isActive() const
00062 {
00063     if(active_)
00064         return true;
00065     ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
00066     return false;
00067 }
00069 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
00070                                      const std::string& group_name,
00071                                      const std::string& base_name,
00072                                      const std::string& tip_name,
00073                                      double search_discretization)
00074 {
00075     setValues(robot_description, group_name, base_name, tip_name, search_discretization);
00077     //get robot data from parameter server
00078     urdf::Model robot_model;
00079     if (!robot_model.initParam(robot_description))
00080     {
00081         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Could not load URDF model from " << robot_description);
00082         active_ = false;
00083         return false;
00084     }
00086     //initialize kinematic solver with robot info
00087     if (!kin_.init(robot_model, base_frame_, tip_frame_))
00088     {
00089         ROS_ERROR("Could not load ik");
00090         active_ = false;
00091     }
00092     else
00093     {
00094         dimension_ = kin_.numJoints();
00095         kin_.getJointNames(joint_names_);
00096         kin_.getLinkNames(link_names_);
00097         active_ = true;
00098     }
00099     return active_;
00100 }
00102 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
00103                                         const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
00104                                         std::vector<double> &solution,
00105                                         moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
00106                                         const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
00107 {
00108     //check that solver is ready and properly configured
00109     if(!active_)
00110     {
00111         ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
00112         error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
00113         return false;
00114     }
00115     if(ik_seed_state.size() != dimension_)
00116     {
00117         ROS_ERROR("ik_seed_state does not have same dimension as solver");
00118         error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
00119         return false;
00120     }
00122     //convert input parameters to required types
00123     KDL::Frame pose_desired;
00124     tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, pose_desired);
00125     Eigen::Affine3d goal;
00126     tf::transformKDLToEigen(pose_desired, goal);
00128     Eigen::VectorXd seed(dimension_), joint_angles(dimension_);
00129     for(size_t ii=0; ii < dimension_; ++ii)
00130     {
00131         seed(ii) = ik_seed_state[ii];
00132     }
00134     //create solver and initialize with kinematic model
00135     Solver solver;
00136     solver.init(kin_);
00138     //Do IK and report results
00139     try { solver.calcInvKin(goal, seed, joint_angles); }
00140     catch (exception &e)
00141     {
00142         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught exception from IK: " << e.what());
00143         error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
00144         return false;
00145     }
00146     solution.resize(dimension_);
00147     for(size_t ii=0; ii < dimension_; ++ii)
00148     {
00149         solution[ii] = joint_angles(ii);
00150     }
00151     error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
00152     return true;
00153 }
00155 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::searchPositionIK( const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
00156                                             const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
00157                                             double timeout,
00158                                             std::vector<double> &solution,
00159                                             moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
00160                                             const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
00161 {
00162     static IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
00163     static std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
00164     return searchPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state, timeout, consistency_limits, solution, solution_callback, error_code);
00165 }
00167 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::searchPositionIK( const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
00168                                             const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
00169                                             double timeout,
00170                                             const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
00171                                             std::vector<double> &solution,
00172                                             moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
00173                                             const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
00174 {
00175     static IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
00176     return searchPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state, timeout, consistency_limits, solution, solution_callback, error_code);
00177 }
00179 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::searchPositionIK( const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
00180                                             const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
00181                                             double timeout,
00182                                             std::vector<double> &solution,
00183                                             const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
00184                                             moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
00185                                             const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
00186 {
00187     static std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
00188     return searchPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state, timeout, consistency_limits, solution, solution_callback, error_code);
00189 }
00191 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::searchPositionIK( const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
00192                                             const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
00193                                             double timeout,
00194                                             const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
00195                                             std::vector<double> &solution,
00196                                             const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
00197                                             moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
00198                                             const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
00199 {
00200 //    ros::Time start(ros::Time::now());
00201     if(!active_)
00202     {
00203         ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
00204         error_code.val = error_code.FAILURE;
00205         return false;
00206     }
00208     KDL::Frame pose_desired;
00209     tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, pose_desired);
00210     Eigen::Affine3d goal;
00211     tf::transformKDLToEigen(pose_desired, goal);
00213     Eigen::VectorXd seed(dimension_), joint_angles;
00214     for(size_t ii=0; ii < dimension_; ii++)
00215     {
00216         seed(ii) = ik_seed_state[ii];
00217     }
00219     bool success(true);
00221     //Do the IK
00222     Solver solver;
00223     solver.init(kin_);
00224     try { solver.calcInvKin(goal, seed, joint_angles); }
00225     catch (exception &e)
00226     {
00227         ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Caught exception in plugin from IK: " << e.what());
00228         error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
00229 //        return false;
00230         success &= false;
00231     }
00232     solution.resize(dimension_);
00233     for(size_t ii=0; ii < dimension_; ++ii)
00234     {
00235         solution[ii] = joint_angles(ii);
00236     }
00238     // If there is a solution callback registered, check before returning
00239     if (solution_callback)
00240     {
00241         solution_callback(ik_pose, solution, error_code);
00242         if(error_code.val != error_code.SUCCESS)
00243             success &= false;
00244     }
00246     // Default: return successfully
00247     if (success)
00248         error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
00249 //    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Planning took " << (ros::Time::now() - start).toSec() << " seconds for " << solver.getState().iter << " iterations.");
00250     return success;
00252 }
00254 bool ConstrainedIKPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
00255                                         const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
00256                                         std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
00257 {
00258     if(!active_)
00259     {
00260         ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
00261         return false;
00262     }
00264     Eigen::VectorXd jnt_pos_in;
00265     geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
00266     tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tf_pose;
00268     jnt_pos_in.resize(dimension_);
00269     for(int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
00270     {
00271         jnt_pos_in(i) = joint_angles[i];
00272         // ROS_DEBUG("Joint angle: %d %f",i,joint_angles[i]);
00273     }
00275     poses.resize(link_names.size());
00277     std::vector<KDL::Frame> kdl_poses;
00278     bool valid = kin_.linkTransforms(jnt_pos_in, kdl_poses, link_names);
00279     for(size_t ii=0; ii < kdl_poses.size(); ++ii)
00280     {
00281         tf::poseKDLToMsg(kdl_poses[ii],poses[ii]);
00282     }
00283     //TODO remove this printing
00284     ROS_INFO_STREAM("poses: ");
00285     for (size_t ii=0; ii<poses.size(); ++ii)
00286     {
00287         ROS_INFO_STREAM(poses[ii]);
00288     }
00289     return valid;
00290 }
00292 const std::vector<std::string>& ConstrainedIKPlugin::getJointNames() const
00293 {
00294     isActive();
00295     return joint_names_;
00296 }
00298 const std::vector<std::string>& ConstrainedIKPlugin::getLinkNames() const
00299 {
00300     isActive();
00301     return link_names_;
00302 }
00305 }   //namespace constrained_ik_plugin

Author(s): Chris Lewis , Jeremy Zoss , Dan Solomon
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 00:52:26