Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ActiveRealTimeSegmenterROS Node class
FgBgSegment::BackgroundClass modelling background hypothesis
BeliefProp< dim >Templated Belief Propagation Class
ClusterCluster class
FgBgSegment::ColorModelColor model class
CudaBelief< dim >Templated Belief Propagation
CudaSegmentCUDA Segmentation class
FgBgSegmentTop-level segmentation class
FgBgSegment::FlatSurfaceClass modelling flat surface hypothesis
FgBgSegment::ForegroundClass modelling foreground hypothesis
Image< T >Templated image class
Matrix22x2 Matrix class
Matrix33x3 Matrix class
ModelWorkerConvenience class for multi-threading
TimerCPUCPU Timer Class
TimerGPUGPU timer class
Vector2Two dimensional Vector Class
Vector3Three dimensional Vector class
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Mårten Björkman. Maintained by Jeannette Bohg
autogenerated on Wed Jan 23 2013 15:46:44