Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
Graphplan Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Graphplan (PDDLObject problem)
boolean isLevelOff ()
String opToString (Op op)
void preprocessing () throws InvalidExpException
Plan solve ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Properties getParserOptions ()
static void main (String[] args)
static void printPlan (Plan plan)
static void printUsage ()

Public Attributes

long a_tried = 0
long noop_tried = 0
PDDLObject problem

Private Member Functions

void addNewNoOp (final Fact fact)
boolean addNewOp (Action action, Substitution sigma) throws InvalidExpException
boolean are_dependent (final Op op1, final Op op2)
boolean areMutexFact (int i, int j, int k)
boolean areMutexOps (final int i, final int j, final int k)
boolean contains (final BitSet facts, final int k)
void expand (final int k)
BitSet[] expToBitSet (final Exp exp) throws InvalidExpException
Plan extract (final BitSet goals, final int k)
BitSet getResolvers (final int i, final int k)
void initFacts ()
void initGoals () throws InvalidExpException
void initNogoodsTable ()
void initOps () throws InvalidExpException
void initOpsDependences ()
void initPlanningGraph () throws InvalidExpException
void instantiateFacts (final AtomicFormula skeleton, final List< Term > args, final Substitution sigma)
void instantiateOps (final Action action, final List< Term > param, final Substitution sigma) throws InvalidExpException
boolean isApplicable (final Op op, final int k)
boolean isMutexFree (final BitSet facts, final int k)
void printOpAt (int k)
void printOpMutexAt (int k)
void printOpsTable ()
void printPropAt (int k)
void printPropMutexAt (int k)
Plan search (final BitSet goals, final BitSet ak, final int k, final BitSet mutex)
Fact selectGoal (BitSet goals)
Op selectResolver (final BitSet resolvers)
HashSet< Literal > toLiteralSet (final Exp exp) throws InvalidExpException

Private Attributes

BitMatrix dependences
ArrayList< BitSet > facts_layers
ArrayList< BitMatrixfacts_mutex
ArrayList< Factfacts_table
int facts_table_size
long g_time = 0
BitSet goals
int levelOff = -1
long m_time = 0
HashMap< Integer, Set< BitSet > > nogoods
int ops_index
ArrayList< BitSet > ops_layers
ArrayList< BitMatrixops_mutex
ArrayList< Opops_table = new ArrayList<Op>(1000)
int ops_table_size
long p_time = 0
ArrayList< BitMatrixresolvers
long s_time = 0

Detailed Description

This class implements the graphplan planner as an example of the pddl4j library. Only strips and typing are accepted.

Damien Pellier

Definition at line 73 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Graphplan.Graphplan ( PDDLObject  problem) [inline]

Creates a new java graphplan planner to solve a specific problem.

problemthe problem to solve.

Definition at line 185 of file

Member Function Documentation

void Graphplan.addNewNoOp ( final Fact  fact) [inline, private]

Creates a new noop operator from a specific fact.

factthe fact.

Definition at line 913 of file

boolean Graphplan.addNewOp ( Action  action,
Substitution  sigma 
) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Add a new op created from a specific pddl action.

actionthe action.
sigmathe mapping between the parameters and their values.
true if a new op is added; false otherwise.
InvalidExpExceptionif the unexpected pddl expression occurs in the action definition.

Definition at line 890 of file

boolean Graphplan.are_dependent ( final Op  op1,
final Op  op2 
) [inline, private]

Returns true if two operators are dependent, i.e, if an operator delete an precondition or an add effect of the other.

op1The first operator.
op2The second operator
true if two operators are dependent, false otherwise.

Definition at line 964 of file

boolean Graphplan.areMutexFact ( int  i,
int  j,
int  k 
) [inline, private]

Returns true if two facts are mutex at a specified level. Two facts are mutex if at least one operator that produce the facts are mutex in the previoud level k - 1.

ithe first fact.
jthe second fact.
kthe level where the test must be done.
true if two facts are mutex at a specified level; false otherwise.

Definition at line 670 of file

boolean Graphplan.areMutexOps ( final int  i,
final int  j,
final int  k 
) [inline, private]

Returns true if two operator are mutex at a specified level. Two operators are mutex if the operators are dependent or an operator has a mutex precondition at level k;

ithe first fact.
jthe second fact.
kthe level where the test must be done.
true if two operator are mutex at a specified level; false otherwise.

Definition at line 701 of file

boolean Graphplan.contains ( final BitSet  facts,
final int  k 
) [inline, private]

Returns true if a specified set of fact is contains in a specific level of the graph.

factsthe facts to be tested.
kthe level of the graph where the test is done.
true if a specified set of fact is contains in a specific level of the graph; falseotherwise.

Definition at line 552 of file

void Graphplan.expand ( final int  k) [inline, private]

Expands the kth level planning graph.

kthe level to expand.

Definition at line 563 of file

BitSet [] Graphplan.expToBitSet ( final Exp  exp) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Transforms a pddl expression into a bit set representation.

expthe expression to transform.
a array of bit set with a length of 2 such the first bit set represents the positive fact of the expression and second bit set that represents the negative fact of the expression.
InvalidExpExceptionif an sub expression of the specified expression is not valid.

Definition at line 1033 of file

Plan Graphplan.extract ( final BitSet  goals,
final int  k 
) [inline, private]

Extract the solution plan from the planning graph.

goalsthe goals to be extracted.
kthe level of the graph where the goal must be extracted.
the solution plan extract at level k.

Definition at line 364 of file

static Properties Graphplan.getParserOptions ( ) [inline, static]

Returns the default options of the compiler.

the default options.

Definition at line 276 of file

BitSet Graphplan.getResolvers ( final int  i,
final int  k 
) [inline, private]

Returns the set of resolvers of a specific fact at a specified level of the graph.

ithe fact.
kthe level of the graph.
the set of resolvers of the fact i at level k of the planning graph.

Definition at line 500 of file

void Graphplan.initFacts ( ) [inline, private]

Enumerates all the facts of the planning problem.

Definition at line 782 of file

void Graphplan.initGoals ( ) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Init the goals of the problem, i.e., convertes the goal of the in a pddl format to inner format.

InvalidExpExceptionif an invalid pddl expression is found in the pddl goal description of the problem.

Definition at line 1001 of file

void Graphplan.initNogoodsTable ( ) [inline, private]

Init the no goods goals table used to store goals search failure.

Definition at line 775 of file

void Graphplan.initOps ( ) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Enumerates all the operators of the planning problem.

InvalidExpExceptionif an expression of an operator of the problem is not an accepted pddl expression.

Definition at line 832 of file

void Graphplan.initOpsDependences ( ) [inline, private]

Computes the static dependence between the operators of the planning problem.

Definition at line 929 of file

void Graphplan.initPlanningGraph ( ) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Init the planning graph, i.e., create the first fact level of the planning graph.

InvalidExpExceptionif an invalid pddl expression is found in the pddl initial state description of the problem.

Definition at line 978 of file

void Graphplan.instantiateFacts ( final AtomicFormula  skeleton,
final List< Term >  args,
final Substitution  sigma 
) [inline, private]

Instantiates all the fact from a specific atomic formula skeleton of the problem.

skeletonthe atomic formula skeleton to instantiate.
argsthe list of arguments of the atomic formula skeleton not yet instantiated.
sigmathe map containing for each argument already instantiated its value.

Definition at line 806 of file

void Graphplan.instantiateOps ( final Action  action,
final List< Term >  param,
final Substitution  sigma 
) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Instantiates all the operator from a specific action of the problem.

actionthe atomic formula skeleton to instantiate.
paramthe list of parameters of the action not yet instantiated.
sigmathe map containing for each parameter already instantiated its value.
InvalidExpExceptionif an invalid pddl expression is found in the action.

Definition at line 861 of file

boolean Graphplan.isApplicable ( final Op  op,
final int  k 
) [inline, private]

Returns true if a operator is applicable to specified level of the planning graph. An operator is applicable to proposition level k of a graph if its preconditions are included and are mutex free in the proposition level k.

opThe operator to be tested.
kthe level of graph where the test is done.
true if a operator is applicable to specified level of the planning graph; false otherwise.

Definition at line 515 of file

boolean Graphplan.isLevelOff ( ) [inline]

Returns true if the fixed point of the planning graph was reached.

true if the fixed point of the planning graph was reached; false otherwise.

Definition at line 724 of file

boolean Graphplan.isMutexFree ( final BitSet  facts,
final int  k 
) [inline, private]

Returns true if a set of facts is mutex free in a specified proposition level of the planning graph.

factsthe facts to be tested.
kthe level of the graph at which the test is done.
true if a set of facts is mutex free in a specified proposition level of the planning graph, false otherwise.

Definition at line 531 of file

static void Graphplan.main ( String[]  args) [inline, static]

The main method the jgraphplan planner.

argsan array of string representing the path of the planning domain and the problem.

Definition at line 201 of file

String Graphplan.opToString ( Op  op) [inline]

Returns a string representation of a specified operator.

opthe operator to convert.
the string representation of the specified operator.
See also:

Definition at line 1235 of file

void Graphplan.preprocessing ( ) throws InvalidExpException [inline]

Executes the preprocessing of the problem, i.e, instantiates the operators of the problem, conmputes the static dependence between operators, init the firts level of the planning graph and the goal.

InvalidExpExceptionif an pddl expression of the goal or in an action definition is not accepted by the planner

Definition at line 759 of file

void Graphplan.printOpAt ( int  k) [inline, private]

Prints a operators layer at a specified layer.

kthe k layer.

Definition at line 1184 of file

void Graphplan.printOpMutexAt ( int  k) [inline, private]

Prints a mutex operator layer at a specified layer.

kthe layer.

Definition at line 1197 of file

void Graphplan.printOpsTable ( ) [inline, private]

Print the ops table.

Definition at line 1159 of file

static void Graphplan.printPlan ( Plan  plan) [inline, static]

Print a specified plan.

planthe plan to print.

Definition at line 1131 of file

void Graphplan.printPropAt ( int  k) [inline, private]

Prints a propositions layer at a specified layer.

kthe layer.

Definition at line 1171 of file

void Graphplan.printPropMutexAt ( int  k) [inline, private]

Print a mutex propositions layer at a specified layer.

kthe layer.

Definition at line 1215 of file

static void Graphplan.printUsage ( ) [inline, static]

Print the usage of the graphplan command.

Definition at line 294 of file

Plan ( final BitSet  goals,
final BitSet  ak,
final int  k,
final BitSet  mutex 
) [inline, private]

Search the actions that resolve a list of goals at a speific level.

goalsThe list of goals to resolve.
akThe set of actions that already solve the goals.
kThe level of the planning graphh where the search is done.
mutexthe set of mutex already computed.
The plan that solve the list of goals or null if no plan can solve it.

Definition at line 395 of file

Fact Graphplan.selectGoal ( BitSet  goals) [inline, private]

Select a goal from a set of goals. The goals selection is based on the level heuristics, i.e., choose always the goal fact that appears earliest in the planning graph because it is easier to find a solution for it.

goalsthe set of goals from which a goal must be selected.
the goal selected.

Definition at line 442 of file

Op Graphplan.selectResolver ( final BitSet  resolvers) [inline, private]

Select a resolver from a set of resolvers. The resolver selection is based on the level heuristics, i.e., choose always the resolver that appears latest in the planning graph. it.

resolversthe set of resolvers from which a resolver must be selected.
the selected resolver according to the level based heuristics.

Definition at line 464 of file

Plan Graphplan.solve ( ) [inline]

Solves the planning problem and returns the first solution plan found.

the first solution plan found or Plan.Failure if no solution was found.

Definition at line 309 of file

HashSet<Literal> Graphplan.toLiteralSet ( final Exp  exp) throws InvalidExpException [inline, private]

Converts a ground pddl expression into a set of literals.

expthe expression that must be converted.
a set of literal that represents the specified expression.
InvalidExpExceptionif an sub expression of the specified expression is not valid.

Definition at line 1069 of file

Member Data Documentation

The number of actions tried for finding a solution plan.

Definition at line 173 of file

The matrix used to store the static dependences between the operators.

Definition at line 118 of file

ArrayList<BitSet> Graphplan.facts_layers [private]

The list of facts layers of the planning graph.

Definition at line 93 of file

ArrayList<BitMatrix> Graphplan.facts_mutex [private]

The list of facts mutex of the planning graph.

Definition at line 103 of file

ArrayList<Fact> Graphplan.facts_table [private]

The list of facts of the planning problem.

Definition at line 113 of file

The size of the facts table.

Definition at line 143 of file

long Graphplan.g_time = 0 [private]

The time spent for building graph.

Definition at line 153 of file

BitSet Graphplan.goals [private]

The bit set that represents the goal of the problem.

Definition at line 83 of file

int Graphplan.levelOff = -1 [private]

The fixed point of the planning graph.

Definition at line 123 of file

long Graphplan.m_time = 0 [private]

The time spent for computing the mutual exclusions.

Definition at line 168 of file

HashMap<Integer, Set<BitSet> > Graphplan.nogoods [private]

The table used to memorize the goals failure during search.

Definition at line 133 of file

The number of noop actions tried for finding a solution plan.

Definition at line 178 of file

int Graphplan.ops_index [private]

The index of the first operator in the operator table which is not a noops.

Definition at line 128 of file

ArrayList<BitSet> Graphplan.ops_layers [private]

The list of operators layers of the planning graph.

Definition at line 88 of file

ArrayList<BitMatrix> Graphplan.ops_mutex [private]

The list of operators mutex of the planning graph.

Definition at line 98 of file

ArrayList<Op> Graphplan.ops_table = new ArrayList<Op>(1000) [private]

The list of operators of the planning problem.

Definition at line 108 of file

int Graphplan.ops_table_size [private]

The size of the operators table.

Definition at line 148 of file

long Graphplan.p_time = 0 [private]

The time spent for preprocessing the planning problem.

Definition at line 163 of file

PDDLObject Graphplan.problem

The problem to solve.

Definition at line 78 of file

ArrayList<BitMatrix> Graphplan.resolvers [private]

The list of operators resolvers of the planning graph.

Definition at line 138 of file

long Graphplan.s_time = 0 [private]

The time spent for searching a solution plan.

Definition at line 158 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Safdar Zaman
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:51:12