Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 import*;
00005 import;
00006 import java.util.*;
00007 import pddl4j.Parser;
00008 import pddl4j.PDDLObject;
00009 import*;
00010 import java.util.Set;
00011 import pddl4j.exp.AtomicFormula;
00012 import java.util.List;
00013 import pddl4j.exp.term.Term;
00015 class First {
00016 private final int CODE_OK = 100;
00017 private final int CODE_ERROR_COMMAND = 200;
00018 private final int CODE_ERROR_FILENAME = 300;
00019 private final int CODE_RESULT = 400;
00020 private final int CODE_EXIT = 500;
00022 private final String MSG_OK = "OK";
00023 private final String MSG_ILLEGAL_FIRST_KEYWORD = "Illigal first command word";
00024 private final String MSG_ILLEGAL_SECOND_KEYWORD = "Illigal second command word";
00025 private final String MSG_ILLEGAL_FILENAME = "File not exists";
00026 private final String MSG_EXIT = "Server shutdown";
00028 private final String COMMAND_UPLOAD = "UPLOAD";
00029 private final String COMMAND_DOMAIN = "DOMAIN_FILE";
00030 private final String COMMAND_PROBLEM = "PROBLEM_FILE";
00031 private final String COMMAND_RESULT = "RESULT";
00032 private final String COMMAND_EXIT = "EXIT";
00034 private Properties _options;
00035 private Parser _parser;
00036 private PDDLObject _domain;
00037 private PDDLObject _problem;
00038 private PDDLObject _pb;
00039 protected InetAddress ip;
00040 protected int port;
00041 protected DataOutputStream outputStream;
00042     First(){
00043       _options = Graphplan.getParserOptions();
00044       _parser = new Parser(_options);
00045     }
00046     public void run() {
00047         ServerSocket srvSocket;
00048         port = 10000;
00049         try {
00050             ip = InetAddress.getByName("");
00051         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
00052             System.err.println("Unknown host IP address: ");
00053             return;
00054         }
00055         try {
00056             srvSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 5, ip);
00057         } catch (IOException e) {
00058             System.err.println("FATAL ERROR: server socket could not be created!");
00059             System.err.println("IOException message: " + e.getMessage());
00060             return;
00061         }
00062         System.out.println("Diagnosis Server socket created!");
00063         try {
00064                 Socket newSocket;
00065                 newSocket = null;
00067                 try {
00068                     newSocket = srvSocket.accept();
00069                 } catch (IOException e) {
00070                     System.err.println("Server cannot make new Connection! ");
00071                     return;
00072                 }
00074                System.out.println("Incoming connection accepted!");
00075                try{
00076                InputStream inStream = newSocket.getInputStream();
00077                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream));
00079                OutputStream outStream = newSocket.getOutputStream();
00080                outputStream = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(outStream));
00081                String line = "";
00082                while (!line.equalsIgnoreCase(COMMAND_EXIT)) {               
00083                 line = reader.readLine();
00084                 System.out.println(line);
00085                 line = line.trim();
00086                 String[] firstLine = ((String)line).split(" ");
00087                 String send_msg;
00089                 if(firstLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase(COMMAND_UPLOAD)){
00090                    if (firstLine[1].equals(COMMAND_DOMAIN)){
00091                        boolean domain_loaded = load_domain_file(firstLine[2]);
00092                        if(domain_loaded) 
00093                            send_response(CODE_OK, MSG_OK);
00094                        else
00095                            send_response(CODE_ERROR_FILENAME, MSG_ILLEGAL_FILENAME);
00096                    }
00097                    else 
00098                    if (firstLine[1].equalsIgnoreCase(COMMAND_PROBLEM)){
00099                        boolean problem_loaded = load_problem_file(firstLine[2]);
00100                        if(problem_loaded)
00101                            send_response(CODE_OK, MSG_OK);
00102                        else
00103                            send_response(CODE_ERROR_FILENAME, MSG_ILLEGAL_FILENAME);
00104                    }
00105                    else
00106                        send_response(CODE_ERROR_COMMAND, MSG_ILLEGAL_SECOND_KEYWORD);
00107                 }
00108                 else if (firstLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase(COMMAND_RESULT)){
00109                        String results = processResult();
00110                        send_response(CODE_OK, results);
00111                     }
00112                else if (firstLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase(COMMAND_EXIT))
00113                        send_response(CODE_EXIT, MSG_EXIT);
00114                else    send_response(CODE_ERROR_COMMAND, MSG_ILLEGAL_FIRST_KEYWORD);
00116                }
00117                } catch (IOException e) {
00118                      System.err.println("IOException in connection: " + e.getMessage());
00119                if (!newSocket.isClosed()) {
00120                  try {
00121                     newSocket.close();
00122                  } catch (IOException eIO) {}
00123              }
00124              }
00126              closeSocket(srvSocket);      
00128         } finally {
00129             closeSocket(srvSocket);
00130         }
00131     }  // run()
00132     boolean load_domain_file(String domain_file){
00133        try{
00134           _domain = _parser.parse(new File(domain_file));
00135           return true;
00136        }catch(FileNotFoundException e){
00137                 System.out.println("Domain file does not exist!");
00138                 return false;
00139       }
00140     }
00142     boolean load_problem_file(String problem_file){
00143        try{
00144           _problem = _parser.parse(new File(problem_file));
00145           return true;
00146        }catch(FileNotFoundException e){
00147                 System.out.println("Repair Goal file does not exist!");
00148                 return false;
00149       }
00150     }
00151     String processResult(){
00152       String result = "";
00153       _pb =, _problem);
00155       try{
00156          Graphplan gplan = new Graphplan(_pb);
00157          gplan.preprocessing();
00158          Plan plan = gplan.solve();
00159          if (plan != Plan.FAILURE) {
00160                 String actionServer=null;
00161                 String param = null;
00162                 for (Set<AtomicFormula> layer : plan) {
00163                      for (AtomicFormula action : layer) {
00164                         actionServer = action.getPredicate();
00165                         ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
00166                             for (Term parameter : action){ 
00167                                params.add(parameter.getImage());
00168                                result += actionServer+"("+params.get(0).toString()+") ";
00169                             }
00170                       }
00171                 }
00172           }
00173       return result;                                                                                    
00174       }catch(Throwable t){
00175                 System.err.println(t.getMessage());
00176                 t.printStackTrace(System.err);
00177                 return result;
00178       }
00179     }
00180     void send_response(int err_code, String err_msg){
00181         String response = String.valueOf(err_code) + ": " + err_msg + "\n";
00182         try{
00183            outputStream.writeBytes(response);
00184            outputStream.flush();
00185         }
00186         catch (IOException e){
00187         System.out.println(e.getMessage());
00188         }
00189     }
00190     void closeSocket(ServerSocket sock){
00191         try {
00192                 sock.close();
00193             } catch (IOException eIO) {
00194                   System.out.println("Error while closing the socket");
00195               }
00196     }
00197     public static void main(String[] args) {
00198         First first = new First();
00200     }
00201 }

Author(s): Safdar Zaman
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:51:12