00037 #include "srdf/model.h"
00038 #include <ros/console.h>
00039 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
00040 #include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp>
00041 #include <algorithm>
00042 #include <fstream>
00043 #include <sstream>
00044 #include <set>
00046 void srdf::Model::loadVirtualJoints(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml)
00047 {
00048 for (TiXmlElement* vj_xml = robot_xml->FirstChildElement("virtual_joint"); vj_xml; vj_xml = vj_xml->NextSiblingElement("virtual_joint"))
00049 {
00050 const char *jname = vj_xml->Attribute("name");
00051 const char *child = vj_xml->Attribute("child_link");
00052 const char *parent = vj_xml->Attribute("parent_frame");
00053 const char *type = vj_xml->Attribute("type");
00054 if (!jname)
00055 {
00056 ROS_ERROR("Name of virtual joint is not specified");
00057 continue;
00058 }
00059 if (!child)
00060 {
00061 ROS_ERROR("Child link of virtual joint is not specified");
00062 continue;
00063 }
00064 if (!urdf_model.getLink(boost::trim_copy(std::string(child))))
00065 {
00066 ROS_ERROR("Virtual joint does not attach to a link on the robot (link '%s' is not known)", child);
00067 continue;
00068 }
00069 if (!parent)
00070 {
00071 ROS_ERROR("Parent frame of virtual joint is not specified");
00072 continue;
00073 }
00074 if (!type)
00075 {
00076 ROS_ERROR("Type of virtual joint is not specified");
00077 continue;
00078 }
00079 VirtualJoint vj;
00080 vj.type_ = std::string(type); boost::trim(vj.type_);
00081 std::transform(vj.type_.begin(), vj.type_.end(), vj.type_.begin(), ::tolower);
00082 if (vj.type_ != "planar" && vj.type_ != "floating" && vj.type_ != "fixed")
00083 {
00084 ROS_ERROR("Unknown type of joint: '%s'. Assuming 'fixed' instead. Other known types are 'planar' and 'floating'.", type);
00085 vj.type_ = "fixed";
00086 }
00087 vj.name_ = std::string(jname); boost::trim(vj.name_);
00088 vj.child_link_ = std::string(child); boost::trim(vj.child_link_);
00089 vj.parent_frame_ = std::string(parent); boost::trim(vj.parent_frame_);
00090 virtual_joints_.push_back(vj);
00091 }
00092 }
00094 void srdf::Model::loadGroups(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml)
00095 {
00096 for (TiXmlElement* group_xml = robot_xml->FirstChildElement("group"); group_xml; group_xml = group_xml->NextSiblingElement("group"))
00097 {
00098 const char *gname = group_xml->Attribute("name");
00099 if (!gname)
00100 {
00101 ROS_ERROR("Group name not specified");
00102 continue;
00103 }
00104 Group g;
00105 g.name_ = std::string(gname); boost::trim(g.name_);
00108 for (TiXmlElement* link_xml = group_xml->FirstChildElement("link"); link_xml; link_xml = link_xml->NextSiblingElement("link"))
00109 {
00110 const char *lname = link_xml->Attribute("name");
00111 if (!lname)
00112 {
00113 ROS_ERROR("Link name not specified");
00114 continue;
00115 }
00116 std::string lname_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(lname));
00117 if (!urdf_model.getLink(lname_str))
00118 {
00119 ROS_ERROR("Link '%s' declared as part of group '%s' is not known to the URDF", lname, gname);
00120 continue;
00121 }
00122 g.links_.push_back(lname_str);
00123 }
00126 for (TiXmlElement* joint_xml = group_xml->FirstChildElement("joint"); joint_xml; joint_xml = joint_xml->NextSiblingElement("joint"))
00127 {
00128 const char *jname = joint_xml->Attribute("name");
00129 if (!jname)
00130 {
00131 ROS_ERROR("Joint name not specified");
00132 continue;
00133 }
00134 std::string jname_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(jname));
00135 if (!urdf_model.getJoint(jname_str))
00136 {
00137 bool missing = true;
00138 for (std::size_t k = 0 ; k < virtual_joints_.size() ; ++k)
00139 if (virtual_joints_[k].name_ == jname_str)
00140 {
00141 missing = false;
00142 break;
00143 }
00144 if (missing)
00145 {
00146 ROS_ERROR("Joint '%s' declared as part of group '%s' is not known to the URDF", jname, gname);
00147 continue;
00148 }
00149 }
00150 g.joints_.push_back(jname_str);
00151 }
00154 for (TiXmlElement* chain_xml = group_xml->FirstChildElement("chain"); chain_xml; chain_xml = chain_xml->NextSiblingElement("chain"))
00155 {
00156 const char *base = chain_xml->Attribute("base_link");
00157 const char *tip = chain_xml->Attribute("tip_link");
00158 if (!base)
00159 {
00160 ROS_ERROR("Base link name not specified for chain");
00161 continue;
00162 }
00163 if (!tip)
00164 {
00165 ROS_ERROR("Tip link name not specified for chain");
00166 continue;
00167 }
00168 std::string base_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(base));
00169 std::string tip_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(tip));
00170 if (!urdf_model.getLink(base_str))
00171 {
00172 ROS_ERROR("Link '%s' declared as part of a chain in group '%s' is not known to the URDF", base, gname);
00173 continue;
00174 }
00175 if (!urdf_model.getLink(tip_str))
00176 {
00177 ROS_ERROR("Link '%s' declared as part of a chain in group '%s' is not known to the URDF", tip, gname);
00178 continue;
00179 }
00180 bool found = false;
00181 boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Link> l = urdf_model.getLink(tip_str);
00182 std::set<std::string> seen;
00183 while (!found && l)
00184 {
00185 seen.insert(l->name);
00186 if (l->name == base_str)
00187 found = true;
00188 else
00189 l = l->getParent();
00190 }
00191 if (!found)
00192 {
00193 l = urdf_model.getLink(base_str);
00194 while (!found && l)
00195 {
00196 if (seen.find(l->name) != seen.end())
00197 found = true;
00198 else
00199 l = l->getParent();
00200 }
00201 }
00202 if (found)
00203 g.chains_.push_back(std::make_pair(base_str, tip_str));
00204 else
00205 ROS_ERROR("Links '%s' and '%s' do not form a chain. Not included in group '%s'", base, tip, gname);
00206 }
00209 for (TiXmlElement* subg_xml = group_xml->FirstChildElement("group"); subg_xml; subg_xml = subg_xml->NextSiblingElement("group"))
00210 {
00211 const char *sub = subg_xml->Attribute("name");
00212 if (!sub)
00213 {
00214 ROS_ERROR("Group name not specified when included as subgroup");
00215 continue;
00216 }
00217 g.subgroups_.push_back(boost::trim_copy(std::string(sub)));
00218 }
00219 if (g.links_.empty() && g.joints_.empty() && g.chains_.empty() && g.subgroups_.empty())
00220 ROS_WARN("Group '%s' is empty.", gname);
00221 groups_.push_back(g);
00222 }
00225 std::set<std::string> known_groups;
00226 bool update = true;
00227 while (update)
00228 {
00229 update = false;
00230 for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < groups_.size() ; ++i)
00231 {
00232 if (known_groups.find(groups_[i].name_) != known_groups.end())
00233 continue;
00234 if (groups_[i].subgroups_.empty())
00235 {
00236 known_groups.insert(groups_[i].name_);
00237 update = true;
00238 }
00239 else
00240 {
00241 bool ok = true;
00242 for (std::size_t j = 0 ; ok && j < groups_[i].subgroups_.size() ; ++j)
00243 if (known_groups.find(groups_[i].subgroups_[j]) == known_groups.end())
00244 ok = false;
00245 if (ok)
00246 {
00247 known_groups.insert(groups_[i].name_);
00248 update = true;
00249 }
00250 }
00251 }
00252 }
00255 if (known_groups.size() != groups_.size())
00256 {
00257 std::vector<Group> correct;
00258 for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < groups_.size() ; ++i)
00259 if (known_groups.find(groups_[i].name_) != known_groups.end())
00260 correct.push_back(groups_[i]);
00261 else
00262 ROS_ERROR("Group '%s' has unsatisfied subgroups", groups_[i].name_.c_str());
00263 groups_.swap(correct);
00264 }
00265 }
00267 void srdf::Model::loadGroupStates(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml)
00268 {
00269 for (TiXmlElement* gstate_xml = robot_xml->FirstChildElement("group_state"); gstate_xml; gstate_xml = gstate_xml->NextSiblingElement("group_state"))
00270 {
00271 const char *sname = gstate_xml->Attribute("name");
00272 const char *gname = gstate_xml->Attribute("group");
00273 if (!sname)
00274 {
00275 ROS_ERROR("Name of group state is not specified");
00276 continue;
00277 }
00278 if (!gname)
00279 {
00280 ROS_ERROR("Name of group for state '%s' is not specified", sname);
00281 continue;
00282 }
00284 GroupState gs;
00285 gs.name_ = boost::trim_copy(std::string(sname));
00286 gs.group_ = boost::trim_copy(std::string(gname));
00288 bool found = false;
00289 for (std::size_t k = 0 ; k < groups_.size() ; ++k)
00290 if (groups_[k].name_ == gs.group_)
00291 {
00292 found = true;
00293 break;
00294 }
00295 if (!found)
00296 {
00297 ROS_ERROR("Group state '%s' specified for group '%s', but that group is not known", sname, gname);
00298 continue;
00299 }
00302 for (TiXmlElement* joint_xml = gstate_xml->FirstChildElement("joint"); joint_xml; joint_xml = joint_xml->NextSiblingElement("joint"))
00303 {
00304 const char *jname = joint_xml->Attribute("name");
00305 const char *jval = joint_xml->Attribute("value");
00306 if (!jname)
00307 {
00308 ROS_ERROR("Joint name not specified in group state '%s'", sname);
00309 continue;
00310 }
00311 if (!jval)
00312 {
00313 ROS_ERROR("Joint name not specified for joint '%s' in group state '%s'", jname, sname);
00314 continue;
00315 }
00316 std::string jname_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(jname));
00317 if (!urdf_model.getJoint(jname_str))
00318 {
00319 bool missing = true;
00320 for (std::size_t k = 0 ; k < virtual_joints_.size() ; ++k)
00321 if (virtual_joints_[k].name_ == jname_str)
00322 {
00323 missing = false;
00324 break;
00325 }
00326 if (missing)
00327 {
00328 ROS_ERROR("Joint '%s' declared as part of group state '%s' is not known to the URDF", jname, sname);
00329 continue;
00330 }
00331 }
00332 try
00333 {
00334 std::string jval_str = std::string(jval);
00335 std::stringstream ss(jval_str);
00336 while (ss.good() && !ss.eof())
00337 {
00338 std::string val; ss >> val >> std::ws;
00339 gs.joint_values_[jname_str].push_back(boost::lexical_cast<double>(val));
00340 }
00341 }
00342 catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
00343 {
00344 ROS_ERROR("Unable to parse joint value '%s'", jval);
00345 }
00347 if (gs.joint_values_.empty())
00348 ROS_ERROR("Unable to parse joint value ('%s') for joint '%s' in group state '%s'", jval, jname, sname);
00349 }
00350 group_states_.push_back(gs);
00351 }
00352 }
00354 void srdf::Model::loadEndEffectors(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml)
00355 {
00356 for (TiXmlElement* eef_xml = robot_xml->FirstChildElement("end_effector"); eef_xml; eef_xml = eef_xml->NextSiblingElement("end_effector"))
00357 {
00358 const char *ename = eef_xml->Attribute("name");
00359 const char *gname = eef_xml->Attribute("group");
00360 const char *parent = eef_xml->Attribute("parent_link");
00361 if (!ename)
00362 {
00363 ROS_ERROR("Name of end effector is not specified");
00364 continue;
00365 }
00366 if (!gname)
00367 {
00368 ROS_ERROR("Group not specified for end effector '%s'", ename);
00369 continue;
00370 }
00371 EndEffector e;
00372 e.name_ = std::string(ename); boost::trim(e.name_);
00373 e.component_group_ = std::string(gname); boost::trim(e.component_group_);
00374 bool found = false;
00375 for (std::size_t k = 0 ; k < groups_.size() ; ++k)
00376 if (groups_[k].name_ == e.component_group_)
00377 {
00378 found = true;
00379 break;
00380 }
00381 if (!found)
00382 {
00383 ROS_ERROR("End effector '%s' specified for group '%s', but that group is not known", ename, gname);
00384 continue;
00385 }
00386 if (!parent)
00387 {
00388 ROS_ERROR("Parent link not specified for end effector '%s'", ename);
00389 continue;
00390 }
00391 e.parent_link_ = std::string(parent); boost::trim(e.parent_link_);
00392 if (!urdf_model.getLink(e.parent_link_))
00393 {
00394 ROS_ERROR("Link '%s' specified as parent for end effector '%s' is not known to the URDF", parent, ename);
00395 continue;
00396 }
00397 end_effectors_.push_back(e);
00398 }
00399 }
00401 void srdf::Model::loadDisabledCollisions(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml)
00402 {
00403 for (TiXmlElement* c_xml = robot_xml->FirstChildElement("disable_collisions"); c_xml; c_xml = c_xml->NextSiblingElement("disable_collisions"))
00404 {
00405 const char *link1 = c_xml->Attribute("link1");
00406 const char *link2 = c_xml->Attribute("link2");
00407 if (!link1 || !link2)
00408 {
00409 ROS_ERROR("A pair of links needs to be specified to disable collisions");
00410 continue;
00411 }
00412 std::string link1_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(link1));
00413 std::string link2_str = boost::trim_copy(std::string(link2));
00414 if (!urdf_model.getLink(link1_str))
00415 {
00416 ROS_ERROR("Link '%s' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable collisons.", link1);
00417 continue;
00418 }
00419 if (!urdf_model.getLink(link2_str))
00420 {
00421 ROS_ERROR("Link '%s' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable collisons.", link2);
00422 continue;
00423 }
00424 disabled_collisions_.push_back(std::make_pair(link1_str, link2_str));
00425 }
00426 }
00428 bool srdf::Model::initXml(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml)
00429 {
00430 clear();
00431 if (!robot_xml || robot_xml->ValueStr() != "robot")
00432 {
00433 ROS_ERROR("Could not find the 'robot' element in the xml file");
00434 return false;
00435 }
00438 const char *name = robot_xml->Attribute("name");
00439 if (!name)
00440 ROS_ERROR("No name given for the robot.");
00441 else
00442 {
00443 name_ = std::string(name); boost::trim(name_);
00444 if (name_ != urdf_model.getName())
00445 ROS_ERROR("Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF");
00446 }
00448 loadVirtualJoints(urdf_model, robot_xml);
00449 loadGroups(urdf_model, robot_xml);
00450 loadGroupStates(urdf_model, robot_xml);
00451 loadEndEffectors(urdf_model, robot_xml);
00452 loadDisabledCollisions(urdf_model, robot_xml);
00454 return true;
00455 }
00457 bool srdf::Model::initXml(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlDocument *xml)
00458 {
00459 TiXmlElement *robot_xml = xml ? xml->FirstChildElement("robot") : NULL;
00460 if (!robot_xml)
00461 {
00462 ROS_ERROR("Could not find the 'robot' element in the xml file");
00463 return false;
00464 }
00465 return initXml(urdf_model, robot_xml);
00466 }
00469 bool srdf::Model::initFile(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, const std::string& filename)
00470 {
00472 std::string xml_string;
00473 std::fstream xml_file(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
00474 if (xml_file.is_open())
00475 {
00476 while (xml_file.good())
00477 {
00478 std::string line;
00479 std::getline(xml_file, line);
00480 xml_string += (line + "\n");
00481 }
00482 xml_file.close();
00483 return initString(urdf_model, xml_string);
00484 }
00485 else
00486 {
00487 ROS_ERROR("Could not open file [%s] for parsing.", filename.c_str());
00488 return false;
00489 }
00490 }
00492 bool srdf::Model::initString(const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, const std::string& xmlstring)
00493 {
00494 TiXmlDocument xml_doc;
00495 xml_doc.Parse(xmlstring.c_str());
00496 return initXml(urdf_model, &xml_doc);
00497 }
00500 void srdf::Model::clear(void)
00501 {
00502 name_ = "";
00503 groups_.clear();
00504 group_states_.clear();
00505 virtual_joints_.clear();
00506 end_effectors_.clear();
00507 disabled_collisions_.clear();
00508 }