Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/python
00002 """test client for pr2_gripper_reactive_approach_server
00003 requires pr2_gripper_reactive_approach_server.py r (right arm) to be running
00004 """
00006 from __future__ import division
00007 import roslib
00008 roslib.load_manifest('pr2_gripper_reactive_approach')
00009 import rospy
00010 import math
00011 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, PointStamped, \
00012     QuaternionStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion
00013 from object_manipulation_msgs.msg import ReactiveGraspAction, \
00014     ReactiveGraspGoal, ReactiveLiftAction, ReactiveLiftGoal, \
00015     GripperTranslation, ReactivePlaceAction, ReactivePlaceGoal
00016 import actionlib
00017 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory
00018 from pr2_gripper_reactive_approach import controller_manager
00019 from std_srvs.srv import Empty
00020 from object_manipulator.convert_functions import *
00023 #call reactive_grasp to do a reactive grasp using the fingertip sensors
00024 #(backs up and move to the side if the tip contacts on the way to the grasp,
00025 #does a compliant grasp if it gets there, tries the approach and grasp 
00026 #several times if the gripper opening isn't within bounds)
00027 def call_reactive_grasp(ac, grasp_pose, trajectory):
00029     if trajectory == None:
00030         trajectory = JointTrajectory()
00032     goal = ReactiveGraspGoal()
00033     goal.final_grasp_pose = grasp_pose
00034     goal.trajectory = trajectory
00035     goal.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
00037     ac.send_goal(goal)
00038     ac.wait_for_result()
00039     result = ac.get_result()
00040     print "reactive grasp result:", result
00042     return result.manipulation_result
00045 #call reactive_grasp to do a reactive approach using the fingertip sensors
00046 #(backs up and move to the side if the tip contacts on the way to the grasp)
00047 def call_reactive_approach(ac, grasp_pose, trajectory):
00049     if trajectory == None:
00050         trajectory = JointTrajectory()
00052     goal = ReactiveGraspGoal()
00053     goal.final_grasp_pose = grasp_pose
00054     goal.trajectory = trajectory
00055     goal.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
00057     ac.send_goal(goal)
00058     ac.wait_for_result()
00059     result = ac.get_result()
00060     print "reactive approach result:", result
00062     return result.manipulation_result
00065 #call reactive lift (starts up slip servoing if using the slip controllers, 
00066 #otherwise just a Cartesian move)
00067 def call_reactive_lift(ac, lift):
00069     goal = ReactiveLiftGoal()
00070     goal.lift = lift
00072     ac.send_goal(goal)
00073     ac.wait_for_result()
00074     result = ac.get_result()
00075     print "reactive lift result:", result
00077     return result
00080 #call reactive place (uses the slip controllers to detect when the object
00081 #hits the table, and opens the gripper)
00082 def call_reactive_place(ac, place_pose):
00084     goal = ReactivePlaceGoal()
00085     goal.final_place_pose = place_pose
00087     ac.send_goal(goal)
00088     ac.wait_for_result()
00089     result = ac.get_result()
00090     print "reactive place result:", result
00092     return result
00095 #pause for input
00096 def keypause():
00097     print "press enter to continue"
00098     input = raw_input()
00099     return input
00102 #move to a Cartesian pose goal
00103 def move_cartesian_step(cm, pose, timeout = 10.0,
00104                         settling_time = 3.0, blocking = 0):
00105     if type(pose) == list:
00106         pose = create_pose_stamped(pose, 'base_link')
00107         cm.move_cartesian(pose, blocking = blocking, \
00108                    pos_thres = .0025, rot_thres = .05, \
00109                    timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout), \
00110                    settling_time = rospy.Duration(settling_time))
00113 #used to call compliant close or grasp adjustment
00114 def call_empty_service(service_name, serv):
00115     try:
00116         serv()
00117     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00118         rospy.logerr("error when calling %s,%s"%(service_name,e))
00119         return 0
00120     return 1
00123 #return the current pos and rot of the wrist for the right arm 
00124 #as a 7-list (pos, quaternion rot)
00125 def return_current_pose_as_list(cm):
00126     (pos, rot) = cm.return_cartesian_pose()
00127     return pos+rot
00130 ##convert a relative vector in frame to a pose in the base_link frame
00131 #if start_pose is not specified, uses current pose of the wrist
00132 def return_rel_pose(cm, vector, frame, start_pose = None):
00134     #if start_pose is not specified, use the current Cartesian pose of the wrist
00135     if start_pose == None:
00136         (start_trans, start_rot) = cm.return_cartesian_pose('base_link')
00137     else:
00138         start_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
00139         (start_trans, start_rot) = pose_stamped_to_lists(cm.tf_listener, start_pose, 'base_link')
00141     #convert the vector in frame to base_link frame
00142     if frame != 'base_link':
00143         vector3_stamped = create_vector3_stamped(vector, frame)
00144         base_link_vector = vector3_stamped_to_list(cm.tf_listener, vector3_stamped, 'base_link')    
00145     else:
00146         base_link_vector = vector
00148     #add the desired vector to the position
00149     new_trans = [x+y for (x,y) in zip(start_trans, base_link_vector)]
00151     #create a new poseStamped
00152     pose_stamped = create_pose_stamped(new_trans+start_rot)
00154     return pose_stamped
00157 #run the test
00158 if __name__ == "__main__":
00160     rospy.init_node('test_reactive_grasp_server', anonymous = True)
00162     use_slip_detection = rospy.get_param('/reactive_grasp_node_right/use_slip_controller', 0)
00163     use_slip_controller = rospy.get_param('/reactive_grasp_node_right/use_slip_detection', 0)
00164     rospy.loginfo("use_slip_controller:"+str(use_slip_controller))
00165     rospy.loginfo("use_slip_detection:"+str(use_slip_detection))
00167     rospy.loginfo("waiting for compliant_close and grasp_adjustment services")
00168     rospy.wait_for_service("r_reactive_grasp/compliant_close")
00169     rospy.wait_for_service("r_reactive_grasp/grasp_adjustment")
00170     rospy.loginfo("service found")
00172     rg_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_grasp/right", \
00173                                              ReactiveGraspAction)
00174     ra_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_approach/right", \
00175                                              ReactiveGraspAction)
00176     rl_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_lift/right", \
00177                                              ReactiveLiftAction)
00178     rp_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_place/right", \
00179                                              ReactivePlaceAction)
00180     cc_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("r_reactive_grasp/compliant_close", Empty)
00181     ga_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("r_reactive_grasp/grasp_adjustment", Empty)
00183     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive grasp action")
00184     rg_ac.wait_for_server()
00185     rospy.loginfo("reactive grasp action found")
00187     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive approach action")
00188     ra_ac.wait_for_server()
00189     rospy.loginfo("reactive approach action found")
00191     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive lift action")
00192     rl_ac.wait_for_server()
00193     rospy.loginfo("reactive lift action found")
00195     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive place action")
00196     rp_ac.wait_for_server()
00197     rospy.loginfo("reactive place action found")
00199     cm = controller_manager.ControllerManager('r', \
00200                              using_slip_controller = use_slip_controller, \
00201                              using_slip_detection = use_slip_detection)
00203     #joint names for the right arm
00204     joint_names = ["r_shoulder_pan_joint",
00205                    "r_shoulder_lift_joint",
00206                    "r_upper_arm_roll_joint",
00207                    "r_elbow_flex_joint",
00208                    "r_forearm_roll_joint",
00209                    "r_wrist_flex_joint",
00210                    "r_wrist_roll_joint"]
00212     #reactive approach from above 
00213     #table_height = .55  #simulated table
00214     table_height = .7239 #round table
00215     tip_dist_to_table = .165
00216     wrist_height = table_height + tip_dist_to_table + .02
00218     approachpos = [.52, -.05, wrist_height+.1]
00219     approachquat = [0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5]  #from the top
00220     sideangles = [-0.447, -0.297, -2.229, -0.719, 0.734, -1.489, -1.787]
00221     side_tip_dist_to_table = .06 
00222     sideapproachpos = [.63, -.3, table_height-.035+side_tip_dist_to_table]
00223     sideapproachquat = [.707, .707, 0, 0]
00224     current_goal = approachpos[:] + approachquat[:]
00225     small_step = .02
00226     approach_type = 'top'
00228     while(not rospy.is_shutdown()):
00230         #update current goal to current pose
00231         current_goal = return_current_pose_as_list(cm)
00233         #pregrasp_pose = create_pose_stamped(current_goal)
00234         if approach_type == 'top':
00235             pregrasp_pose = create_pose_stamped(approachpos+approachquat)
00236         else:
00237             pregrasp_pose = create_pose_stamped(sideapproachpos+sideapproachquat)
00239         print "enter:"
00240         print "side to switch to side approach, top to switch to top approach"
00241         print "appi to go to the approach position with interpolated IK"
00242         print "appc to go to the approach position with Cartesian controllers"
00243         print "appm to go to the approach position with move_arm"
00244         print "rg to grasp reactively, ra to just approach reactively, gl to grasp and lift"
00245         print "cc to do a compliant close"
00246         print "rl to do a reactive lift"
00247         print "rp to do a reactive place"
00248         print "ga to do a grasp adjustment"
00249         print "c to close, o to open"
00250         print "u to go up 10 cm, d to go down 10 cm"
00251         print "small steps: us to go up, ds to go down, r to go right, l to go left,"
00252         print "     a to go away from the robot, t to go toward the robot"
00253         print "j to go to a set of nearish-side-grasp angles"
00254         print "s to stop"
00255         c = keypause()
00256         if c == 'side':
00257             approach_type = 'side'
00258         elif c == 'top':
00259             approach_type = 'top'
00260         elif c == 'appi':
00261             #Go to the approach position using the interpolated 
00262             #IK controllers (collision-aware)
00263             cm.command_interpolated_ik(pregrasp_pose)
00264         elif c == 'appc':
00265             #Go to the approach position using the Cartesian controllers
00266             cm.command_cartesian(pregrasp_pose)
00267         elif c == 'appm':
00268             #Go to the approach position using move_arm
00269             cm.move_arm_pose(pregrasp_pose, blocking = 1)
00270         elif c == 'j':
00271             print "moving to near-side-grasp angles"
00272             cm.command_joint(sideangles)
00274         elif c == 'rg' or c == 'ra' or c == 'gl':
00276             #set the goal to be 10 cm along the current gripper x-axis
00277             grasp_pose = return_rel_pose(cm, [.1, 0, 0], 'r_wrist_roll_link')
00279             # grasp_goal = current_goal[:]
00280             # grasp_goal[2] -= .1
00281             # grasp_pose = create_pose_stamped(grasp_goal)
00283             start_angles = [0.]*7
00284             trajectory = None
00285             if c == 'rg' or c == 'gl':
00286                 print "calling reactive grasp"
00287                 result = call_reactive_grasp(rg_ac, grasp_pose, trajectory)
00288             else:
00289                 print "calling reactive approach"
00290                 result = call_reactive_approach(ra_ac, grasp_pose, trajectory)
00291             print "result:", result
00293             if c == 'gl':
00294                 if result.value == 1:
00295                     print "calling reactive lift"
00296                     lift = GripperTranslation()
00297                     lift.direction = create_vector3_stamped([0,0,1])
00298                     lift.desired_distance = .1
00299                     lift.min_distance = 0.
00300                     result = call_reactive_lift(rl_ac, lift)
00301                 else:
00302                     print "grasp didn't return success, opening gripper"
00303                     cm.command_gripper(.087, -1)
00305         elif c == 'rl':
00306             print "calling reactive lift"
00307             lift = GripperTranslation()
00308             lift.direction = create_vector3_stamped([0,0,1])
00309             lift.desired_distance = .1
00310             lift.min_distance = 0.
00311             result = call_reactive_lift(rl_ac, lift)
00313         elif c == 'rp':
00314             print "calling reactive place"
00315             place_goal = current_goal[:]
00316             place_goal[2] -= .1
00317             place_pose = create_pose_stamped(place_goal)
00318             result = call_reactive_place(rp_ac, place_pose)
00320         elif c == 'cc':
00321             print "calling compliant close"
00322             call_empty_service("compliant close", cc_srv)
00323         elif c == 'ga':
00324             print "calling grasp adjustment"
00325             call_empty_service("grasp adjustment", ga_srv)
00326         elif c == 'c':
00327             print "closing gripper"
00328             cm.command_gripper(0, 40.0)
00329         elif c == 'o':
00330             print "opening gripper"
00331             cm.command_gripper(.087, -1)
00332         elif c == 'u':
00333             print "going up"
00334             current_goal[2] += .1
00335             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00336         elif c == 'us':
00337             print "going up a small amount"
00338             current_goal[2] += small_step
00339             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00340         elif c == 'd':
00341             print "going down"
00342             current_goal[2] -= .05
00343             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00344         elif c == 'ds':
00345             print "going down a small amount"
00346             current_goal[2] -= small_step
00347             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00348         elif c == 'r':
00349             print "moving right"
00350             current_goal[1] -= small_step
00351             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00352         elif c == 'l':
00353             print "moving left"
00354             current_goal[1] += small_step
00355             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00356         elif c == 'a':
00357             print "moving away from robot"
00358             current_goal[0] += small_step
00359             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00360         elif c == 't':
00361             print "moving toward the robot"
00362             current_goal[0] -= small_step
00363             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
00364         elif c == 's':
00365             print "quitting"
00366             break
00368         #update current goal to current pose
00369         current_goal = return_current_pose_as_list(cm)

Author(s): Kaijen Hsiao
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:55:24