phidget_ik Documentation

phidget_ik: phidget_ik

phidget_ik extends phidgetspp to the PhidgetInterfaceKit.

phidget_ik extends phidgetspp to the PhidgetInterfaceKit.

Important notice

The current version (as of 12-7-2011) of phidgetspp uses a deprecated build system. You will need to edit its CMakeLists.txt before building. See the issue. Additionally, due to a certificate problem it is currently better to directly checkout the phidgets stack instead of using rosinstall. Use:

hg clone

Furthermore, be sure to follow the instructions in phidgetspp_c_api/build/Phidgetlinux/README such that the driver is loaded properly.


Only one class is defined, PhidgetIK. This implements the Phidget class and additional functions for the PhidgetInterfaceKit

Author(s): Wouter Caarls
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:06:43