

XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetVersion (XnVersion *pVersion)

ProductionNodeType Utils

XN_C_API const XnCharxnProductionNodeTypeToString (XnProductionNodeType Type)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnProductionNodeTypeFromString (const XnChar *strType, XnProductionNodeType *pType)
XN_C_API const XnBool xnIsTypeGenerator (XnProductionNodeType type)
 Checks if a certain production node type is a generator or not.

PixelFormat Utils

XN_C_API const XnCharxnPixelFormatToString (XnPixelFormat format)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnPixelFormatFromString (const XnChar *strName, XnPixelFormat *pFormat)

Resolution Utilities

XN_C_API XnUInt32 xnResolutionGetXRes (XnResolution resolution)
XN_C_API XnUInt32 xnResolutionGetYRes (XnResolution resolution)
XN_C_API XnResolution xnResolutionGetFromXYRes (XnUInt32 xRes, XnUInt32 yRes)
XN_C_API XnResolution xnResolutionGetFromName (const XnChar *strName)
XN_C_API const XnCharxnResolutionGetName (XnResolution resolution)

XnVersion Utilities

XN_C_API XnInt32 xnVersionCompare (const XnVersion *pVersion1, const XnVersion *pVersion2)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnVersionToString (const XnVersion *pVersion, XnChar *csResult, XnUInt32 nSize)

XnProductionNodeDescription Utilities

XN_C_API XnStatus xnProductionNodeDescriptionToString (const XnProductionNodeDescription *pDescription, XnChar *csResult, XnUInt32 nSize)

C Style Constructors

XN_C_API XnPoint3D xnCreatePoint3D (XnFloat x, XnFloat y, XnFloat z)
XN_C_API XnPlane3D xnCreatePlane3D (XnPoint3D ptPoint, XnVector3D vNormal)

Modules Registry Management

XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterModule (const XnChar *strModule, const XnChar *strConfigDir)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnUnregisterModule (const XnChar *strModule)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnPrintRegisteredModules ()

Global Licenses Registry Management

XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterGlobalLicense (XnLicense *pLicense)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnUnregisterGlobalLicense (XnLicense *pLicense)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnPrintRegisteredLicenses ()

MetaData Objects Management

XN_C_API XnOutputMetaDataxnAllocateOutputMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeOutputMetaData (const XnOutputMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyOutputMetaData (XnOutputMetaData *pDestination, const XnOutputMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies an Output Meta Data object.
XN_C_API XnMapMetaDataxnAllocateMapMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeMapMetaData (const XnMapMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyMapMetaData (XnMapMetaData *pDestination, const XnMapMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies a Map Meta Data object.
XN_C_API XnDepthMetaDataxnAllocateDepthMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeDepthMetaData (const XnDepthMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyDepthMetaData (XnDepthMetaData *pDestination, const XnDepthMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies a Depth Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.
XN_C_API XnImageMetaDataxnAllocateImageMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeImageMetaData (const XnImageMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyImageMetaData (XnImageMetaData *pDestination, const XnImageMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies an Image Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.
XN_C_API XnIRMetaDataxnAllocateIRMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeIRMetaData (const XnIRMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyIRMetaData (XnIRMetaData *pDestination, const XnIRMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies an IR Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.
XN_C_API XnAudioMetaDataxnAllocateAudioMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeAudioMetaData (const XnAudioMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyAudioMetaData (XnAudioMetaData *pDestination, const XnAudioMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies an Audio Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.
XN_C_API XnSceneMetaDataxnAllocateSceneMetaData ()
XN_C_API void xnFreeSceneMetaData (const XnSceneMetaData *pMetaData)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopySceneMetaData (XnSceneMetaData *pDestination, const XnSceneMetaData *pSource)
 Shallow-Copies a Scene Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.

Functions for Modules Implementors

XN_C_API XnStatus xnAutoEnumerateOverSingleInput (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeInfoList *pList, XnProductionNodeDescription *pDescription, const XnChar *strCreationInfo, XnProductionNodeType InputType, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors, XnNodeQuery *pQuery)

Detailed Description

This page details some utility functions.

Function Documentation

Allocates and returns an XnAudioMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeAudioMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.

Allocates and returns an XnDepthMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeDepthMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.

Allocates and returns an XnImageMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeImageMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.

Allocates and returns an XnIRMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeIRMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.

Allocates and returns an XnMapMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeMapMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.

Allocates and returns an XnOutputMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeOutputMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.

Allocates and returns an XnSceneMetaData object. When no longer needed, this object should be freed by calling xnFreeSceneMetaData().

NULL if allocation failed.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnAutoEnumerateOverSingleInput ( XnContext pContext,
XnNodeInfoList pList,
XnProductionNodeDescription pDescription,
const XnChar strCreationInfo,
XnProductionNodeType  InputType,
XnEnumerationErrors pErrors,
XnNodeQuery pQuery 

A helper function for production nodes implementers. Enumerates needed child nodes (assuming there is only one needed input), and populates a list with production trees over that input.

pContext[in] OpenNI Context.
pList[in] The list to be populated.
pDescription[in] The description of the enumerated node.
strCreationInfo[in] [Optional] Additional creation info.
InputType[in] The type of the input required by this production node.
pErrors[in] The errors object passed to Enumerate method.
pQuery[in] [Optional] A filter to be used for finding the appropriate input.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyAudioMetaData ( XnAudioMetaData pDestination,
const XnAudioMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies an Audio Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyDepthMetaData ( XnDepthMetaData pDestination,
const XnDepthMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies a Depth Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyImageMetaData ( XnImageMetaData pDestination,
const XnImageMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies an Image Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyIRMetaData ( XnIRMetaData pDestination,
const XnIRMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies an IR Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyMapMetaData ( XnMapMetaData pDestination,
const XnMapMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies a Map Meta Data object.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopyOutputMetaData ( XnOutputMetaData pDestination,
const XnOutputMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies an Output Meta Data object.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCopySceneMetaData ( XnSceneMetaData pDestination,
const XnSceneMetaData pSource 

Shallow-Copies a Scene Meta Data object. Note that the data buffer is not copied, and that both object will point to the same buffer.

pDestination[in] Destination object.
pSource[in] Source object.

Frees a previously allocated XnAudioMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.

Frees a previously allocated XnDepthMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.

Frees a previously allocated XnImageMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.
XN_C_API void xnFreeIRMetaData ( const XnIRMetaData pMetaData)

Frees a previously allocated XnIRMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.
XN_C_API void xnFreeMapMetaData ( const XnMapMetaData pMetaData)

Frees a previously allocated XnMapMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.

Frees a previously allocated XnOutputMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.

Frees a previously allocated XnSceneMetaData object.

pMetaData[in] object to be freed.

Gets current OpenNI version

pVersion[out] Current DLL version

Checks if a certain production node type is a generator or not.

type[in] The type to check
XN_C_API XnStatus xnPixelFormatFromString ( const XnChar strName,
XnPixelFormat pFormat 

Gets pixel format by its name.

strName[in] Name of the pixel format.
pFormat[out] Pixel format.

Get the name of the pixel format.

format[in] Pixel Format

Gets a type from its string representation.

strType[in] The string representation of the type.
pType[out] The type of the production node.

Gets a string representation of the production node type.

Type[in] The type of the production node.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterModule ( const XnChar strModule,
const XnChar strConfigDir 

Gets resolution by its name. If resolution is unknown, XN_RESOLUTION_CUSTOM is returned.

strName[in] Name of the resolution.

Gets the resolution from the number of pixels in every row and column.

xRes[in] Number of pixels in a row.
yRes[in] Number of pixels in a column.

Get the name of the resolution.

resolution[in] Resolution.

Gets the number of pixels in a row for given resolution.

resolution[in] The resolution to translate.

Gets the number of pixels in a column for given resolution.

resolution[in] The resolution to translate.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnUnregisterModule ( const XnChar strModule)
XN_C_API XnInt32 xnVersionCompare ( const XnVersion pVersion1,
const XnVersion pVersion2 

Compares two versions.

pVersion1[in] First version.
pVersion2[in] Second version.
<0 if first is smaller than second, 0 if same, >0 if first is greater than second.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnVersionToString ( const XnVersion pVersion,
XnChar csResult,
XnUInt32  nSize 

Author(s): Bener SUAY
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:27:52