Skeleton Capability
User Generator
Collaboration diagram for Skeleton Capability:


XN_C_API XnStatus xnAbortSkeletonCalibration (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 stop calibration
XN_C_API XnStatus xnClearSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nSlot)
 Clear the requested slot from any saved calibration data.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnEnumerateActiveJoints (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint *pJoints, XnUInt16 *pnJoints)
 Get all active joints.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetSkeletonCalibrationPose (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar *strPose)
 Get the pose that is required for calibration.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetSkeletonJoint (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnSkeletonJointTransformation *pJoint)
 Get a specific joint's full information.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetSkeletonJointOrientation (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnSkeletonJointOrientation *pJoint)
 Get a specific joint's orientation.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetSkeletonJointPosition (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnSkeletonJointPosition *pJoint)
 Get a specific joint's position.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsJointActive (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint)
 Check if joint is currently active.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsJointAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint)
 Check if generator supports a specific joint.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsProfileAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonProfile eProfile)
 Check if generator supports a specific profile.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsSkeletonCalibrated (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 Check if skeleton is being calibrated.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsSkeletonCalibrating (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 Check if skeleton is being calibrated.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nSlot)
 Check if a specific slot already holds calibration data.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsSkeletonTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 Check if skeleton is being tracked.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnLoadSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnUInt32 nSlot)
 Load previously saved calibration data.
XN_C_API XnBool xnNeedPoseForSkeletonCalibration (XnNodeHandle hInstance)
 Check if a specific pose is required for calibration.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterCalibrationCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCalibrationStart CalibrationStartCB, XnCalibrationEnd CalibrationEndCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback)
 Register to calibration callbacks.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterToJointConfigurationChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback)
 Register to joint configuration changes - when joints are activated and deactivated.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRequestSkeletonCalibration (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnBool bForce)
 Request calibration when possible.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnResetSkeleton (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 Reset the skeleton - discard calibration.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnSaveSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnUInt32 nSlot)
 Save the calibration data.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnSetJointActive (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnBool bState)
 Change the state of a specific joint, to be active or inactive.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnSetSkeletonProfile (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonProfile eProfile)
 Set the profile. this will set some joints to be active, and others to be inactive.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnSetSkeletonSmoothing (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnFloat fFactor)
 Set the skeleton's smoothing factor.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnStartSkeletonTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 Start tracking a skeleton.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnStopSkeletonTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user)
 Stop tracking a skeleton.
XN_C_API void xnUnregisterCalibrationCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback)
 Unregister from calibration callbacks.
XN_C_API void xnUnregisterFromJointConfigurationChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback)
 Unregister from joint configuration changes.

Detailed Description

The Skeleton capability (XN_CAPABILITY_SKELETON) allows a User Generator to also output the skeleton data of the user, meaning, where every joint is located.

Function Documentation

stop calibration

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Clear the requested slot from any saved calibration data.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
nSlot[in] The slot to clear
XN_C_API XnStatus xnEnumerateActiveJoints ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnSkeletonJoint pJoints,
XnUInt16 pnJoints 

Get all active joints.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
pJoints[out] Preallocated memory for the joints
pnJoints[in,out] The size of the preallocated memory. Changed to the number of the active joints.

Get the pose that is required for calibration.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
strPose[in] Name of the required pose

Get a specific joint's full information.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] The ID of the user to which the skeleton belongs
eJoint[in] The interesting joint
pJoint[out] The joint's full information

Get a specific joint's orientation.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] The ID of the user to which the skeleton belongs
eJoint[in] The interesting joint
pJoint[out] The joint's current orientation

Get a specific joint's position.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] The ID of the user to which the skeleton belongs
eJoint[in] The interesting joint
pJoint[out] The joint's current position

Check if joint is currently active.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
eJoint[in] The joint to check

Check if generator supports a specific joint.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
eJoint[in] The joint to check

Check if generator supports a specific profile.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
eProfile[in] The profile to check

Check if skeleton is being calibrated.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Check if skeleton is being calibrated.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Check if a specific slot already holds calibration data.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
nSlot[in] The slot to check

Check if skeleton is being tracked.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Load previously saved calibration data.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] the user to be assigned the calibration data
nSlot[in] The slot to use for saving the calibration data.

Check if a specific pose is required for calibration.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterCalibrationCallbacks ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnCalibrationStart  CalibrationStartCB,
XnCalibrationEnd  CalibrationEndCB,
void pCookie,
XnCallbackHandle phCallback 

Register to calibration callbacks.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
CalibrationStartCB[in] Callback to be called when calibration is starting
CalibrationEndCB[in] Callback to be called when calibration is complete
pCookie[in] User's cookie, to be delivered to the callbacks
phCallback[out] The handle to these callbacks, to allow unregistration

Register to joint configuration changes - when joints are activated and deactivated.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
handler[in] The callback to be called when a joint is activated or deactivated
pCookie[in] User's cookie, to be delivered to the callbacks
phCallback[out] The handle to these callbacks, to allow unregistration

Request calibration when possible.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check
bForce[in] Disregard previous calibration

Reset the skeleton - discard calibration.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Save the calibration data.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] the user for which the calibration is saved
nSlot[in] The slot to use for saving the calibration data
XN_C_API XnStatus xnSetJointActive ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnSkeletonJoint  eJoint,
XnBool  bState 

Change the state of a specific joint, to be active or inactive.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
eJoint[in] The joint
bState[in] The new state

Set the profile. this will set some joints to be active, and others to be inactive.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
eProfile[in] The profile to set

Set the skeleton's smoothing factor.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
fFactor[in] The smoothing factor

Start tracking a skeleton.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Stop tracking a skeleton.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
user[in] Id of the user to check

Unregister from calibration callbacks.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
hCallback[in] The handle received from registration

Unregister from joint configuration changes.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
hCallback[in] The handle received from registration

Author(s): Bener SUAY
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:27:52