Functions | Variables
qconvex.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "libqhull.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "qset.h"
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int isatty (int)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


char hidden_options [] = " d v H Qbb Qf Qg Qm Qr Qu Qv Qx Qz TR E V Fp Gt Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 "
char qh_prompt2 []
char qh_prompt3 []
char qh_prompta []
char qh_promptb []
char qh_promptc []
char qh_promptd []
char qh_prompte []

Function Documentation

int isatty ( int  )
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 275 of file qconvex.c.

Variable Documentation

char hidden_options[] = " d v H Qbb Qf Qg Qm Qr Qu Qv Qx Qz TR E V Fp Gt Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 "

Definition at line 56 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_prompt2[]

Definition at line 188 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_prompt3[]
Initial value:
Qhull %s.\n\
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.\n\
 incidences     mathematica    normals        OFF_format     points\n\
 summary        facet_dump\n\
 Farea          FArea_total    Fcoplanars     FCentrums      Fd_cdd_in\n\
 FD_cdd_out     FFacet_xridge  Finner         FIDs           Fmerges\n\
 Fneighbors     FNeigh_vertex  Fouter         FOptions       FPoint_near\n\
 FQhull         Fsummary       FSize          Fvertices      FVertex_ave\n\
 Fxtremes       FMaple\n\
 Gvertices      Gpoints        Gall_points    Gno_planes     Ginner\n\
 Gcentrums      Ghyperplanes   Gridges        Gouter         GDrop_dim\n\
 PArea_keep     Pdrop d0:0D0   PFacet_area_keep Pgood        PGood_neighbors\n\
 PMerge_keep    Poutput_forced Pprecision_not\n\
 QbBound 0:0.5  QbB_scale_box  Qcoplanar      QGood_point    Qinterior\n\
 QJoggle        Qrandom        QRotate        Qsearch_1st    Qtriangulate\n\
 T4_trace       Tcheck_often   Tstatistics    Tverify        Tz_stdout\n\
 TFacet_log     TInput_file    TPoint_trace   TMerge_trace   TOutput_file\n\
 TWide_trace    TVertex_stop   TCone_stop\n\
 Angle_max      Centrum_size   Random_dist    Ucoplanar_max  Wide_outside\n\

Definition at line 230 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_prompta[]
Initial value:
qconvex- compute the convex hull\n\  %s\n\
input (stdin):\n\
    first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).\n\
    other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line\n\
    comments:    start with a non-numeric character\n\
    Qt   - triangulated output\n\
    QJ   - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
    Qc   - keep coplanar points with nearest facet\n\
    Qi   - keep interior points with nearest facet\n\
Qhull control options:\n\
    Qbk:n   - scale coord k so that low bound is n\n\
      QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is %2.2g)\n\
    QbB  - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin\n\
    Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input\n\
    QJn  - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]\n\
    QRn  - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)\n\

Definition at line 58 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_promptb[]
Initial value:
    Qs   - search all points for the initial simplex\n\
    QGn  - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible\n\
    QVn  - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not\n\

Definition at line 81 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_promptc[]

Definition at line 87 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_promptd[]

Definition at line 122 of file qconvex.c.

char qh_prompte[]
Initial value:
Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d)\n\
    Ga   - all points as dots\n\
     Gp  -  coplanar points and vertices as radii\n\
     Gv  -  vertices as spheres\n\
    Gi   - inner planes only\n\
     Gn  -  no planes\n\
     Go  -  outer planes only\n\
    Gc   - centrums\n\
    Gh   - hyperplane intersections\n\
    Gr   - ridges\n\
    GDn  - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output\n\
Print options:\n\
    PAn  - keep n largest facets by area\n\
    Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)\n\
    PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n\n\
    Pg   - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')\n\
    PFn  - keep facets whose area is at least n\n\
    PG   - print neighbors of good facets\n\
    PMn  - keep n facets with most merges\n\
    Po   - force output.  If error, output neighborhood of facet\n\
    Pp   - do not report precision problems\n\
    .    - list of all options\n\
    -    - one line descriptions of all options\n\

Definition at line 153 of file qconvex.c.

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:32:11