laser_filters Namespace Reference


class  InterpolationFilter
class  LaserArrayFilter
 A class to provide median filtering of laser scans in time. More...
class  LaserMedianFilter
 A class to provide median filtering of laser scans in time. More...
class  LaserScanAngularBoundsFilter
class  LaserScanFootprintFilter
class  LaserScanIntensityFilter
class  PointCloudFootprintFilter
class  ScanShadowsFilter

Detailed Description

Tully Foote ScanFootprintFilter takes input scans and corrects for footprint angle assuming a flat target. This is useful for ground plane extraction
Vijay Pradeep ScanIntensityFilter takes input scans and fiters out that are not within the specified range. The filtered out readings are set at >max_range in order to invalidate them.
Eitan Marder-Eppstein InterpolationFilter takes input scans and for readings that come back as errors, interpolates between valid readings to generate range values for them.

Author(s): Tully Foote
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:27:39