Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "image_geometry/pinhole_camera_model.h"
00002 #include <sensor_msgs/distortion_models.h>
00003 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
00005 namespace image_geometry {
00007 enum DistortionState { NONE, CALIBRATED, UNKNOWN };
00009 struct PinholeCameraModel::Cache
00010 {
00011   DistortionState distortion_state;
00013   cv::Mat_<double> K_binned, P_binned; // Binning applied, but not cropping
00015   mutable bool full_maps_dirty;
00016   mutable cv::Mat full_map1, full_map2;
00018   mutable bool reduced_maps_dirty;
00019   mutable cv::Mat reduced_map1, reduced_map2;
00021   mutable bool rectified_roi_dirty;
00022   mutable cv::Rect rectified_roi;
00024   Cache()
00025     : full_maps_dirty(true),
00026       reduced_maps_dirty(true),
00027       rectified_roi_dirty(true)
00028   {
00029   }
00030 };
00032 PinholeCameraModel::PinholeCameraModel()
00033 {
00034 }
00036 PinholeCameraModel::PinholeCameraModel(const PinholeCameraModel& other)
00037 {
00038   if (other.initialized())
00039     fromCameraInfo(other.cam_info_);
00040 }
00042 // For uint32_t, string, bool...
00043 template<typename T>
00044 bool update(const T& new_val, T& my_val)
00045 {
00046   if (my_val == new_val)
00047     return false;
00048   my_val = new_val;
00049   return true;
00050 }
00052 // For boost::array, std::vector
00053 template<typename MatT>
00054 bool updateMat(const MatT& new_mat, MatT& my_mat, cv::Mat_<double>& cv_mat, int rows, int cols)
00055 {
00056   if (my_mat == new_mat)
00057     return false;
00058   my_mat = new_mat;
00059   // D may be empty if camera is uncalibrated or distortion model is non-standard
00060   cv_mat = (my_mat.size() == 0) ? cv::Mat_<double>() : cv::Mat_<double>(rows, cols, &my_mat[0]);
00061   return true;
00062 }
00064 bool PinholeCameraModel::fromCameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo& msg)
00065 {
00066   // Create our repository of cached data (rectification maps, etc.)
00067   if (!cache_)
00068     cache_ = boost::make_shared<Cache>();
00070   // Binning = 0 is considered the same as binning = 1 (no binning).
00071   uint32_t binning_x = msg.binning_x ? msg.binning_x : 1;
00072   uint32_t binning_y = msg.binning_y ? msg.binning_y : 1;
00074   // ROI all zeros is considered the same as full resolution.
00075   sensor_msgs::RegionOfInterest roi = msg.roi;
00076   if (roi.x_offset == 0 && roi.y_offset == 0 && roi.width == 0 && roi.height == 0) {
00077     roi.width  = msg.width;
00078     roi.height = msg.height;
00079   }
00081   // Update time stamp (and frame_id if that changes for some reason)
00082   cam_info_.header = msg.header;
00084   // Update any parameters that have changed. The full rectification maps are
00085   // invalidated by any change in the calibration parameters OR binning.
00086   bool &full_dirty = cache_->full_maps_dirty;
00087   full_dirty |= update(msg.height, cam_info_.height);
00088   full_dirty |= update(msg.width,  cam_info_.width);
00089   full_dirty |= update(msg.distortion_model, cam_info_.distortion_model);
00090   full_dirty |= updateMat(msg.D, cam_info_.D, D_, 1, msg.D.size());
00091   full_dirty |= updateMat(msg.K, cam_info_.K, K_full_, 3, 3);
00092   full_dirty |= updateMat(msg.R, cam_info_.R, R_, 3, 3);
00093   full_dirty |= updateMat(msg.P, cam_info_.P, P_full_, 3, 4);
00094   full_dirty |= update(binning_x, cam_info_.binning_x);
00095   full_dirty |= update(binning_y, cam_info_.binning_y);
00097   // The reduced rectification maps are invalidated by any of the above or a
00098   // change in ROI.
00099   bool &reduced_dirty = cache_->reduced_maps_dirty;
00100   reduced_dirty  = full_dirty;
00101   reduced_dirty |= update(roi.x_offset,   cam_info_.roi.x_offset);
00102   reduced_dirty |= update(roi.y_offset,   cam_info_.roi.y_offset);
00103   reduced_dirty |= update(roi.height,     cam_info_.roi.height);
00104   reduced_dirty |= update(roi.width,      cam_info_.roi.width);
00105   reduced_dirty |= update(roi.do_rectify, cam_info_.roi.do_rectify);
00106   // As is the rectified ROI
00107   cache_->rectified_roi_dirty = reduced_dirty;
00109   // Figure out how to handle the distortion
00110   if (cam_info_.distortion_model == sensor_msgs::distortion_models::PLUMB_BOB ||
00111       cam_info_.distortion_model == sensor_msgs::distortion_models::RATIONAL_POLYNOMIAL) {
00112     cache_->distortion_state = (cam_info_.D[0] == 0.0) ? NONE : CALIBRATED;
00113   }
00114   else
00115     cache_->distortion_state = UNKNOWN;
00117   // If necessary, create new K_ and P_ adjusted for binning and ROI
00119   bool adjust_binning = (binning_x > 1) || (binning_y > 1);
00120   bool adjust_roi = (roi.x_offset != 0) || (roi.y_offset != 0);
00122   if (!adjust_binning && !adjust_roi) {
00123     K_ = K_full_;
00124     P_ = P_full_;
00125   }
00126   else {
00127     K_full_.copyTo(K_);
00128     P_full_.copyTo(P_);
00130     // ROI is in full image coordinates, so change it first
00131     if (adjust_roi) {
00132       // Move principal point by the offset
00134       K_(0,2) -= roi.x_offset;
00135       K_(1,2) -= roi.y_offset;
00136       P_(0,2) -= roi.x_offset;
00137       P_(1,2) -= roi.y_offset;
00138     }
00140     if (binning_x > 1) {
00141       double scale_x = 1.0 / binning_x;
00142       K_(0,0) *= scale_x;
00143       K_(0,2) *= scale_x;
00144       P_(0,0) *= scale_x;
00145       P_(0,2) *= scale_x;
00146       P_(0,3) *= scale_x;
00147     }
00148     if (binning_y > 1) {
00149       double scale_y = 1.0 / binning_y;
00150       K_(1,1) *= scale_y;
00151       K_(1,2) *= scale_y;
00152       P_(1,1) *= scale_y;
00153       P_(1,2) *= scale_y;
00154       P_(1,3) *= scale_y;
00155     }
00156   }
00158   return reduced_dirty;
00159 }
00161 bool PinholeCameraModel::fromCameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& msg)
00162 {
00163   return fromCameraInfo(*msg);
00164 }
00166 void PinholeCameraModel::project3dToPixel(const cv::Point3d& xyz, cv::Point2d& uv_rect) const
00167 {
00168   uv_rect = project3dToPixel(xyz);
00169 }
00171 cv::Size PinholeCameraModel::fullResolution() const
00172 {
00173   assert( initialized() );
00174   return cv::Size(cam_info_.width, cam_info_.height);
00175 }
00177 cv::Size PinholeCameraModel::reducedResolution() const
00178 {
00179   assert( initialized() );
00181   cv::Rect roi = rectifiedRoi();
00182   return cv::Size(roi.width / binningX(), roi.height / binningY());
00183 }
00185 cv::Point2d PinholeCameraModel::toFullResolution(const cv::Point2d& uv_reduced) const
00186 {
00187   cv::Rect roi = rectifiedRoi();
00188   return cv::Point2d(uv_reduced.x * binningX() + roi.x,
00189                      uv_reduced.y * binningY() + roi.y);
00190 }
00192 cv::Rect PinholeCameraModel::toFullResolution(const cv::Rect& roi_reduced) const
00193 {
00194   cv::Rect roi = rectifiedRoi();
00195   return cv::Rect(roi_reduced.x * binningX() + roi.x,
00196                   roi_reduced.y * binningY() + roi.y,
00197                   roi_reduced.width  * binningX(),
00198                   roi_reduced.height * binningY());
00199 }
00201 cv::Point2d PinholeCameraModel::toReducedResolution(const cv::Point2d& uv_full) const
00202 {
00203   cv::Rect roi = rectifiedRoi();
00204   return cv::Point2d((uv_full.x - roi.x) / binningX(),
00205                      (uv_full.y - roi.y) / binningY());
00206 }
00208 cv::Rect PinholeCameraModel::toReducedResolution(const cv::Rect& roi_full) const
00209 {
00210   cv::Rect roi = rectifiedRoi();
00211   return cv::Rect((roi_full.x - roi.x) / binningX(),
00212                   (roi_full.y - roi.y) / binningY(),
00213                   roi_full.width  / binningX(),
00214                   roi_full.height / binningY());
00215 }
00217 cv::Rect PinholeCameraModel::rawRoi() const
00218 {
00219   assert( initialized() );
00221   return cv::Rect(cam_info_.roi.x_offset, cam_info_.roi.y_offset,
00222                   cam_info_.roi.width, cam_info_.roi.height);
00223 }
00225 cv::Rect PinholeCameraModel::rectifiedRoi() const
00226 {
00227   assert( initialized() );
00229   if (cache_->rectified_roi_dirty)
00230   {
00231     if (!cam_info_.roi.do_rectify)
00232       cache_->rectified_roi = rawRoi();
00233     else
00234       cache_->rectified_roi = rectifyRoi(rawRoi());
00235     cache_->rectified_roi_dirty = false;
00236   }
00237   return cache_->rectified_roi;
00238 }
00240 cv::Point2d PinholeCameraModel::project3dToPixel(const cv::Point3d& xyz) const
00241 {
00242   assert( initialized() );
00243   assert(P_(2, 3) == 0.0); // Calibrated stereo cameras should be in the same plane
00245   // [U V W]^T = P * [X Y Z 1]^T
00246   // u = U/W
00247   // v = V/W
00248   cv::Point2d uv_rect;
00249   uv_rect.x = (fx()*xyz.x + Tx()) / xyz.z + cx();
00250   uv_rect.y = (fy()*xyz.y + Ty()) / xyz.z + cy();
00251   return uv_rect;
00252 }
00254 void PinholeCameraModel::projectPixelTo3dRay(const cv::Point2d& uv_rect, cv::Point3d& ray) const
00255 {
00256   ray = projectPixelTo3dRay(uv_rect);
00257 }
00259 cv::Point3d PinholeCameraModel::projectPixelTo3dRay(const cv::Point2d& uv_rect) const
00260 {
00261   assert( initialized() );
00263   cv::Point3d ray;
00264   ray.x = (uv_rect.x - cx() - Tx()) / fx();
00265   ray.y = (uv_rect.y - cy() - Ty()) / fy();
00266   ray.z = 1.0;
00267   return ray;
00268 }
00270 void PinholeCameraModel::rectifyImage(const cv::Mat& raw, cv::Mat& rectified, int interpolation) const
00271 {
00272   assert( initialized() );
00274   switch (cache_->distortion_state) {
00275     case NONE:
00276       raw.copyTo(rectified);
00277       break;
00278     case CALIBRATED:
00279       initRectificationMaps();
00280       cv::remap(raw, rectified, cache_->reduced_map1, cache_->reduced_map2, interpolation);
00281       break;
00282     default:
00283       assert(cache_->distortion_state == UNKNOWN);
00284       throw Exception("Cannot call rectifyImage when distortion is unknown.");
00285   }
00286 }
00288 void PinholeCameraModel::unrectifyImage(const cv::Mat& rectified, cv::Mat& raw, int interpolation) const
00289 {
00290   assert( initialized() );
00292   throw Exception("PinholeCameraModel::unrectifyImage is unimplemented.");
00294   // Similar to rectifyImage, but need to build separate set of inverse maps (raw->rectified)...
00295   // - Build src_pt Mat with all the raw pixel coordinates (or do it one row at a time)
00296   // - Do cv::undistortPoints(src_pt, dst_pt, K_, D_, R_, P_)
00297   // - Use convertMaps() to convert dst_pt to fast fixed-point maps
00298   // - cv::remap(rectified, raw, ...)
00299   // Need interpolation argument. Same caching behavior?
00300 }
00302 void PinholeCameraModel::rectifyPoint(const cv::Point2d& uv_raw, cv::Point2d& uv_rect) const
00303 {
00304   uv_rect = rectifyPoint(uv_raw);
00305 }
00307 cv::Point2d PinholeCameraModel::rectifyPoint(const cv::Point2d& uv_raw) const
00308 {
00309   assert( initialized() );
00311   if (cache_->distortion_state == NONE)
00312     return uv_raw;
00313   if (cache_->distortion_state == UNKNOWN)
00314     throw Exception("Cannot call rectifyPoint when distortion is unknown.");
00315   assert(cache_->distortion_state == CALIBRATED);
00318   cv::Point2f raw32 = uv_raw, rect32;
00319   const cv::Mat src_pt(1, 1, CV_32FC2, &raw32.x);
00320   cv::Mat dst_pt(1, 1, CV_32FC2, &rect32.x);
00321   cv::undistortPoints(src_pt, dst_pt, K_, D_, R_, P_);
00322   return rect32;
00323 }
00325 void PinholeCameraModel::unrectifyPoint(const cv::Point2d& uv_rect, cv::Point2d& uv_raw) const
00326 {
00327   uv_raw = unrectifyPoint(uv_rect);
00328 }
00330 cv::Point2d PinholeCameraModel::unrectifyPoint(const cv::Point2d& uv_rect) const
00331 {
00332   assert( initialized() );
00334   if (cache_->distortion_state == NONE)
00335     return uv_rect;
00336   if (cache_->distortion_state == UNKNOWN)
00337     throw Exception("Cannot call unrectifyPoint when distortion is unknown.");
00338   assert(cache_->distortion_state == CALIBRATED);
00340   // Convert to a ray
00341   cv::Point3d ray = projectPixelTo3dRay(uv_rect);
00343   // Project the ray on the image
00344   cv::Mat r_vec, t_vec = cv::Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1);
00345   cv::Rodrigues(R_.t(), r_vec);
00346   std::vector<cv::Point2d> image_point;
00347   cv::projectPoints(std::vector<cv::Point3d>(1, ray), r_vec, t_vec, K_, D_, image_point);
00349   return image_point[0];
00350 }
00352 cv::Rect PinholeCameraModel::rectifyRoi(const cv::Rect& roi_raw) const
00353 {
00354   assert( initialized() );
00358   // For now, just unrectify the four corners and take the bounding box.
00359   cv::Point2d rect_tl = rectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_raw.x, roi_raw.y));
00360   cv::Point2d rect_tr = rectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_raw.x + roi_raw.width, roi_raw.y));
00361   cv::Point2d rect_br = rectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_raw.x + roi_raw.width,
00362                                                  roi_raw.y + roi_raw.height));
00363   cv::Point2d rect_bl = rectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_raw.x, roi_raw.y + roi_raw.height));
00365   cv::Point roi_tl(std::ceil (std::min(rect_tl.x, rect_bl.x)),
00366                    std::ceil (std::min(rect_tl.y, rect_tr.y)));
00367   cv::Point roi_br(std::floor(std::max(rect_tr.x, rect_br.x)),
00368                    std::floor(std::max(rect_bl.y, rect_br.y)));
00370   return cv::Rect(roi_tl.x, roi_tl.y, roi_br.x - roi_tl.x, roi_br.y - roi_tl.y);
00371 }
00373 cv::Rect PinholeCameraModel::unrectifyRoi(const cv::Rect& roi_rect) const
00374 {
00375   assert( initialized() );
00379   // For now, just unrectify the four corners and take the bounding box.
00380   cv::Point2d raw_tl = unrectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_rect.x, roi_rect.y));
00381   cv::Point2d raw_tr = unrectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_rect.x + roi_rect.width, roi_rect.y));
00382   cv::Point2d raw_br = unrectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_rect.x + roi_rect.width,
00383                                                   roi_rect.y + roi_rect.height));
00384   cv::Point2d raw_bl = unrectifyPoint(cv::Point2d(roi_rect.x, roi_rect.y + roi_rect.height));
00386   cv::Point roi_tl(std::floor(std::min(raw_tl.x, raw_bl.x)),
00387                    std::floor(std::min(raw_tl.y, raw_tr.y)));
00388   cv::Point roi_br(std::ceil (std::max(raw_tr.x, raw_br.x)),
00389                    std::ceil (std::max(raw_bl.y, raw_br.y)));
00391   return cv::Rect(roi_tl.x, roi_tl.y, roi_br.x - roi_tl.x, roi_br.y - roi_tl.y);
00392 }
00394 void PinholeCameraModel::initRectificationMaps() const
00395 {
00399   if (cache_->full_maps_dirty) {
00400     // Create the full-size map at the binned resolution
00402     cv::Size binned_resolution = fullResolution();
00403     binned_resolution.width  /= binningX();
00404     binned_resolution.height /= binningY();
00406     cv::Mat_<double> K_binned, P_binned;
00407     if (binningX() == 1 && binningY() == 1) {
00408       K_binned = K_full_;
00409       P_binned = P_full_;
00410     }
00411     else {
00412       K_full_.copyTo(K_binned);
00413       P_full_.copyTo(P_binned);
00414       if (binningX() > 1) {
00415         double scale_x = 1.0 / binningX();
00416         K_binned(0,0) *= scale_x;
00417         K_binned(0,2) *= scale_x;
00418         P_binned(0,0) *= scale_x;
00419         P_binned(0,2) *= scale_x;
00420         P_binned(0,3) *= scale_x;
00421       }
00422       if (binningY() > 1) {
00423         double scale_y = 1.0 / binningY();
00424         K_binned(1,1) *= scale_y;
00425         K_binned(1,2) *= scale_y;
00426         P_binned(1,1) *= scale_y;
00427         P_binned(1,2) *= scale_y;
00428         P_binned(1,3) *= scale_y;
00429       }
00430     }
00432     // Note: m1type=CV_16SC2 to use fast fixed-point maps (see cv::remap)
00433     cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(K_binned, D_, R_, P_binned, binned_resolution,
00434                                 CV_16SC2, cache_->full_map1, cache_->full_map2);
00435     cache_->full_maps_dirty = false;
00436   }
00438   if (cache_->reduced_maps_dirty) {
00440     cv::Rect roi(cam_info_.roi.x_offset, cam_info_.roi.y_offset,
00441                  cam_info_.roi.width, cam_info_.roi.height);
00442     if (roi.x != 0 || roi.y != 0 ||
00443         roi.height != (int)cam_info_.height ||
00444         roi.width  != (int)cam_info_.width) {
00446       // map1 contains integer (x,y) offsets, which we adjust by the ROI offset
00447       // map2 contains LUT index for subpixel interpolation, which we can leave as-is
00448       roi.x /= binningX();
00449       roi.y /= binningY();
00450       roi.width  /= binningX();
00451       roi.height /= binningY();
00452       cache_->reduced_map1 = cache_->full_map1(roi) - cv::Scalar(roi.x, roi.y);
00453       cache_->reduced_map2 = cache_->full_map2(roi);
00454     }
00455     else {
00456       // Otherwise we're rectifying the full image
00457       cache_->reduced_map1 = cache_->full_map1;
00458       cache_->reduced_map2 = cache_->full_map2;
00459     }
00460     cache_->reduced_maps_dirty = false;
00461   }
00462 }
00464 } //namespace image_geometry

Author(s): Patrick Mihelich
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 17:44:01