Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hrl_pr2_arms')
00002 import rospy
00003 import rosparam
00004 import roslaunch.substitution_args
00006 from pr2_mechanism_msgs.srv import LoadController, UnloadController, SwitchController, ListControllers
00008 LOADED_ARM_CONTROLLERS = ['%s_arm_controller', '%s_cart']
00010     'r' : "/controller_manager/loaded_ctrls/right_arm",
00011     'l' : "/controller_manager/loaded_ctrls/left_arm",
00012 }
00014 ##
00015 # Offers controller switching inside python on the fly.
00016 class ControllerSwitcher:
00017     def __init__(self):
00018         self.load_controller = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_controller_manager/load_controller', 
00019                                                   LoadController)
00020         self.unload_controller = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_controller_manager/unload_controller', 
00021                                                     UnloadController)
00022         self.switch_controller_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_controller_manager/switch_controller', 
00023                                                         SwitchController)
00024         self.list_controllers_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_controller_manager/list_controllers', 
00025                                                        ListControllers)
00026         self.load_controller.wait_for_service()
00027         self.unload_controller.wait_for_service()
00028         self.switch_controller_srv.wait_for_service()
00029         self.list_controllers_srv.wait_for_service()
00030         for arm in ['r', 'l']:
00031             if LOADED_CTRLS_PARAMS[arm] not in rosparam.list_params(""):
00032                 possible_ctrls = []
00033                 for ctrl in LOADED_ARM_CONTROLLERS:
00034                     possible_ctrls.append(ctrl % arm)
00035                 rosparam.set_param_raw(LOADED_CTRLS_PARAMS[arm], possible_ctrls)
00036         rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] ControllerSwitcher ready.")
00038     ##
00039     # Switches controller.
00040     # @param old_controller Name of controller to terminate.
00041     # @param new_controller Name of controller to activate.  Can be same as old_controller
00042     #                       if the object is to only change parameters.
00043     # @param param_file YAML file containing parameters for the new controller.
00044     # @return Success of switch.
00045     def switch(self, old_controller, new_controller, param_file=None):
00046         if param_file is None:
00047             self.load_controller(new_controller)
00048             resp = self.switch_controller_srv([new_controller], [old_controller], 1)
00049             self.unload_controller(old_controller)
00050             return resp.ok
00051         else:
00052             params = rosparam.load_file(roslaunch.substitution_args.resolve_args(param_file))
00053             rosparam.upload_params("", params[0][0])
00054             self.switch_controller_srv([], [old_controller], 1)
00055             self.unload_controller(old_controller)
00056             if old_controller != new_controller:
00057                 self.unload_controller(new_controller)
00058             self.load_controller(old_controller)
00059             if old_controller != new_controller:
00060                 self.load_controller(new_controller)
00061             resp = self.switch_controller_srv([new_controller], [], 1)
00062             return resp.ok
00064     ##
00065     # Switches controller without having to specify the arm controller to take down.
00066     # @param arm (r/l)
00067     # @param new_controller Name of new controller to load
00068     # @param param_file YAML file containing parameters for the new controller.
00069     # @param reset If true, the controller will bring down, unload and restart the controller
00070     #              using new parameters if currently running.  If false, nothing will happen.
00071     # @return Success of switch.
00072     def carefree_switch(self, arm, new_controller, param_file=None, reset=True):
00073         if '%s' in new_controller:
00074             new_ctrl = new_controller % arm
00075         else:
00076             new_ctrl = new_controller
00077         if param_file is not None:
00078             params = rosparam.load_file(roslaunch.substitution_args.resolve_args(param_file))
00079             if new_ctrl not in params[0][0]:
00080                 rospy.logwarn("[pr2_controller_switcher] Controller not in parameter file.")
00081                 return
00082             else:
00083                 rosparam.upload_params("", {new_ctrl : params[0][0][new_ctrl]})
00084         possible_controllers = rosparam.get_param(LOADED_CTRLS_PARAMS[arm])
00085         if new_ctrl not in possible_controllers:
00086             possible_controllers.append(new_ctrl)
00087             rosparam.set_param_raw(LOADED_CTRLS_PARAMS[arm], possible_controllers)
00088         check_arm_controllers = []
00089         for controller in possible_controllers:
00090             if '%s' in controller:
00091                 controller = controller % arm 
00092             if controller[0] == arm:
00093                 check_arm_controllers.append(controller)
00094         resp = self.list_controllers_srv()
00095         start_controllers, stop_controllers = [new_ctrl], []
00096         for i, controller in enumerate(resp.controllers):
00097             if controller in check_arm_controllers and resp.state[i] == 'running':
00098                 stop_controllers.append(controller)
00099             if controller == new_ctrl:
00100                 if resp.state[i] == 'running':
00101                     if not reset:
00102                         rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] Specified controller is already running.")
00103                         return True
00104                     self.switch_controller_srv([], [new_ctrl], 1)
00105                 self.unload_controller(new_ctrl)
00107         self.load_controller(new_ctrl)
00108         rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] Starting controller %s" % (start_controllers[0]) +
00109                       " and stopping controllers: [" + ",".join(stop_controllers) + "]")
00110         resp = self.switch_controller_srv(start_controllers, stop_controllers, 1)
00111         return resp.ok
00113     ##
00114     # Lists the controllers which are currently running.
00115     # @return List of controller names.
00116     def list_running(self):
00117         resp = self.list_controllers_srv()
00118         running_ctrls = []
00119         for controller, state in zip(resp.controllers, resp.state):
00120             if state == 'running':
00121                 running_ctrls.append(controller)
00122         return running_ctrls
00124     ##
00125     # Lists the controllers which are currently stopped.
00126     # @return List of controller names.
00127     def list_stopped(self):
00128         resp = self.list_controllers_srv()
00129         running_ctrls = []
00130         for controller, state in zip(resp.controllers, resp.state):
00131             if state == 'stopped':
00132                 running_ctrls.append(controller)
00133         return running_ctrls
00135     ##
00136     # Lists the controllers which are currently loaded.
00137     # @return List of controller names.
00138     def list_loaded(self):
00139         resp = self.list_controllers_srv()
00140         return resp.controllers

Author(s): Kelsey Hawkins, Advisor: Prof. Charlie Kemp, Lab: Healthcare Robotics Lab
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:41:30