This is the complete list of members for
frame_common::FrameExtended, including all inherited members.
cam | frame_common::Frame | |
cam2pix(const Eigen::Vector3d &cam_coord) const | frame_common::Frame | |
cart_to_disp | frame_common::Frame | |
cloud | frame_common::FrameExtended | |
dense_pointcloud | frame_common::Frame | |
disp_to_cart | frame_common::Frame | |
disps | frame_common::Frame | |
dtors | frame_common::Frame | |
estimateNormals(const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &input, const pcl::PointIndices &indices, pcl::PointCloud< PointNT > &output) | frame_common::FrameExtended | [inline] |
frameId | frame_common::Frame | |
getMatchingIndices(PointCloud< PointXYZRGBNormal > &input, PointCloud< PointXYZRGBNormal > &output, std::vector< int > &input_indices, std::vector< int > &output_indices) | frame_common::FrameExtended | [inline, private] |
goodPts | frame_common::Frame | |
img | frame_common::Frame | |
imgRight | frame_common::Frame | |
indices | frame_common::FrameExtended | |
iproj | frame_common::Frame | |
ipts | frame_common::Frame | |
isStereo | frame_common::Frame | |
kpts | frame_common::Frame | |
match(frame_common::FrameExtended &frame, const Eigen::Vector3d &trans, const Eigen::Quaterniond &rot, std::vector< cv::DMatch > &matches) | frame_common::FrameExtended | [inline] |
pix2cam(const Eigen::Vector3d &pix_coord) const | frame_common::Frame | |
pix2cam(const cv::KeyPoint &pix_coord, double disp) const | frame_common::Frame | |
pl_ipts | frame_common::Frame | |
pl_kpts | frame_common::Frame | |
pl_normals | frame_common::Frame | |
pl_pts | frame_common::Frame | |
pointcloud | frame_common::Frame | |
projectPoint(Eigen::Vector4d &point) | frame_common::FrameExtended | [inline, private] |
pts | frame_common::Frame | |
reduceCloud(const PointCloud< PointXYZRGB > &input, PointCloud< PointXYZRGBNormal > &output) | frame_common::FrameExtended | [inline, private] |
setCamParams(const CamParams &c) | frame_common::Frame | |
setPointcloud(const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &input_cloud) | frame_common::FrameExtended | [inline] |
setTKpts(Eigen::Vector4d trans, Eigen::Quaterniond rot) | frame_common::Frame | |
tkpts | frame_common::Frame | |