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ipa_CameraSensors::VirtualColorCam Class Reference

#include <VirtualColorCam.h>

Inheritance diagram for ipa_CameraSensors::VirtualColorCam:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

unsigned long Close ()
unsigned long GetColorImage (char *colorImageData, bool getLatestFrame)
unsigned long GetColorImage (cv::Mat *image, bool getLatestFrame)
int GetNumberOfImages ()
unsigned long GetProperty (t_cameraProperty *cameraProperty)
unsigned long Init (std::string directory, int cameraIndex=0)
unsigned long Open ()
unsigned long PrintCameraInformation ()
unsigned long SaveParameters (const char *filename)
unsigned long SetPathToImages (std::string path)
unsigned long SetProperty (t_cameraProperty *cameraProperty)
unsigned long SetPropertyDefaults ()
unsigned long TestCamera (const char *filename)
 VirtualColorCam ()
 ~VirtualColorCam ()

Private Member Functions

unsigned long LoadParameters (const char *filename, int cameraIndex)
unsigned long SetParameters ()

Private Attributes

std::string m_CameraDataDirectory
 Directory where the image data resides.
int m_CameraIndex
 Index of the specified camera. Important, when several cameras of the same type are present.
std::vector< std::string > m_ColorImageFileNames
unsigned int m_ImageCounter
 Holds the index of the image that is extracted during the next call of AcquireImages
int m_ImageHeight
int m_ImageWidth

Detailed Description

The class offers an interface to a virtual color camera, that is equivalent to the interface of a real color camera. However, pictures are read from a directory instead of the camera.

Definition at line 78 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 74 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

Definition at line 87 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::Close ( ) [virtual]

Close camera device.

Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 241 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::GetColorImage ( char *  colorImageData,
bool  getLatestFrame 

Retrieves image data from the color camera.

colorImageDataAn array to be filled with image data
getLatestFrameTrue, when the latest picture has to be returned. Otherwise, the next picture following the last call to getLatestFrame is returned.
Return code

Reimplemented from ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 308 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::GetColorImage ( cv::Mat *  colorImage,
bool  getLatestFrame 
) [virtual]

Retrieves an image from the camera. cv::Mat object is initialized on demand.

colorImageThe image that has been acquired by the camera.
getLatestFrameIf true, the camera acquires a new frame and returns it. Otherwise, the next frame following the last returned frame is returned from the internal camera buffer.
IPA_ExceptionThrows an exception, if camera access failed

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 343 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

Returns the number of images in the directory

The number of images in the directory

Reimplemented from ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 224 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::GetProperty ( t_cameraProperty *  cameraProperty) [virtual]

Function to get properties of the camera sensor.

propertyIDThe ID of the property.
cameraPropertyThe value of the property.
Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 280 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::Init ( std::string  directory,
int  cameraIndex = 0 
) [virtual]

Initializes the color camera. Camera specific constants may be set within the configuration file cameraSensorsIni.xml. The function has to set the member variable m_initialized.

directoryPath to the configuration file directory.
cameraIndexIt is possible to have several cameras of the same type on the system. One may us the camera index to apply different configuration files to each of them
Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 96 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::LoadParameters ( const char *  filename,
int  cameraIndex 
) [private, virtual]

Parses the XML configuration file, that holds the camera settings

filenameThe file name and path of the configuration file
cameraIndexThe index of the camera within the configuration file i.e. AVT_PIKE_CAM_0 or AVT_PIKE_CAM_1
Return value

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 377 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::Open ( ) [virtual]

Opens the camera device. All camera specific parameters for opening the camera should have been set within the Init function.

Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 120 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::PrintCameraInformation ( ) [virtual]

Displays camera information on standard output. Information includes available parameters, color and camera formats.

Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 361 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::SaveParameters ( const char *  filename) [virtual]

Saves all parameters on hard disk.

filenameThe filename of the storage.
Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 229 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_CameraSensors::VirtualColorCam::SetParameters ( ) [inline, private, virtual]

Sets the loaded parameters.

Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 98 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::SetPathToImages ( std::string  path) [virtual]

Function specific to virtual camera. Resets the image directory read from the configuration file.

pathThe camera path
Return code

Reimplemented from ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 234 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::SetProperty ( t_cameraProperty *  cameraProperty) [virtual]

Function to set properties of the camera sensor.

propertyIDThe ID of the property.
cameraPropertyThe value of the property.
Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 253 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::SetPropertyDefaults ( ) [virtual]

Function to set property defaults of the camera sensor.

Return code.

Implements ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 278 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

unsigned long VirtualColorCam::TestCamera ( const char *  filename) [virtual]

Unit Test for the camera interface. Tests each of the single interface functions and displays the output on standard out.

filenamePath to the camera initialization xml file.
Return code.

Reimplemented from ipa_CameraSensors::AbstractColorCamera.

Definition at line 366 of file VirtualColorCam.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Directory where the image data resides.

Definition at line 84 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

Index of the specified camera. Important, when several cameras of the same type are present.

Definition at line 85 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

Definition at line 87 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

Holds the index of the image that is extracted during the next call of AcquireImages

Definition at line 89 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

Definition at line 82 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

Definition at line 81 of file VirtualColorCam.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Jan Fischer
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 2013 17:48:38