All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Friends Defines
bipedRobin_local_planner::cfg::BaseLocalPlannerConfig Namespace Reference


int all_level = 0
dictionary config_description = {'upper': 'DEFAULT', 'lower': 'groups', 'srcline': 233, 'name': 'Default', 'parent': 0, 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'cstate': 'true', 'parentname': 'Default', 'class': 'DEFAULT', 'field': 'default', 'state': True, 'parentclass': '', 'groups': [], 'parameters': [{'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The acceleration limit of the robot in the x direction', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'acc_lim_x', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The acceleration limit of the robot in the y direction', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'acc_lim_y', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The acceleration limit of the robot in the theta direction', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'acc_lim_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The maximum x velocity for the robot in m/s', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'max_vel_x', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.55000000000000004, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The minimum x velocity for the robot in m/s', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'min_vel_x', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The absolute value of the maximum rotational velocity for the robot in rad/s', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'max_vel_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The absolute value of the minimum rotational velocity for the robot in rad/s', 'max': 0.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'min_vel_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': -1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': -20.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The absolute value of the minimum in-place rotational velocity the controller will explore', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'min_in_place_vel_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.40000000000000002, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The amount of time to roll trajectories out for in seconds', 'max': 10.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'sim_time', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.7, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The granularity with which to check for collisions along each trajectory in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'sim_granularity', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.025000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The weight for the path distance part of the cost function', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'pdist_scale', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.59999999999999998, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The weight for the goal distance part of the cost function', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'gdist_scale', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.80000000000000004, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The weight for the obstacle distance part of the cost function', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'occdist_scale', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.01, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The distance the robot must travel before oscillation flags are reset, in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'oscillation_reset_dist', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.050000000000000003, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The distance the robot must travel before oscillation flags are reset, in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'escape_reset_dist', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.10000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The distance the robot must travel before oscillation flags are reset, in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'escape_reset_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.5707963267948966, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The number of samples to use when exploring the x velocity space', 'max': 300, 'cconsttype': 'const int', 'ctype': 'int', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'vx_samples', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 20, 'level': 0, 'min': 1, 'type': 'int'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The number of samples to use when exploring the theta velocity space', 'max': 300, 'cconsttype': 'const int', 'ctype': 'int', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'vtheta_samples', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 20, 'level': 0, 'min': 1, 'type': 'int'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'How far the robot should look ahead of itself when differentiating between different rotational velocities', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'heading_lookahead', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.32500000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true if the robot being controlled can take y velocities and false otherwise', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'holonomic_robot', 'edit_method': '', 'default': True, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The velocity to use while backing up', 'max': 2.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'escape_vel', 'edit_method': '', 'default': -0.10000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': -2.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true to use the Dynamic Window Approach, false to use acceleration limits', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'dwa', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true to use the Dynamic Window Approach, false to use acceleration limits', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'heading_scoring', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'How far to look ahead in time when we score heading based trajectories', 'max': 1.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'heading_scoring_timestep', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.10000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true to allow simple attraction to a goal point instead of intelligent cost propagation', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'simple_attractor', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': "The distance between simulation points for angular velocity should be small enough that the robot doesn't hit things", 'max': 1.5707963267948966, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'angular_sim_granularity', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.025000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'A comma delimited list of the y velocities the controller will explore', 'max': '', 'cconsttype': 'const char * const', 'ctype': 'std::string', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'y_vels', 'edit_method': '', 'default': '-0.3,-0.1,0.1,-0.3', 'level': 0, 'min': '', 'type': 'str'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Retore to the default configuration', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'restore_defaults', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}], 'type': '', 'id': 0}
dictionary defaults = {}
tuple inf = float('inf')
dictionary level = {}
dictionary max = {}
dictionary min = {}
dictionary type = {}

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 54 of file

dictionary bipedRobin_local_planner::cfg::BaseLocalPlannerConfig::config_description = {'upper': 'DEFAULT', 'lower': 'groups', 'srcline': 233, 'name': 'Default', 'parent': 0, 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'cstate': 'true', 'parentname': 'Default', 'class': 'DEFAULT', 'field': 'default', 'state': True, 'parentclass': '', 'groups': [], 'parameters': [{'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The acceleration limit of the robot in the x direction', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'acc_lim_x', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The acceleration limit of the robot in the y direction', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'acc_lim_y', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The acceleration limit of the robot in the theta direction', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'acc_lim_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The maximum x velocity for the robot in m/s', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'max_vel_x', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.55000000000000004, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The minimum x velocity for the robot in m/s', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'min_vel_x', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The absolute value of the maximum rotational velocity for the robot in rad/s', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'max_vel_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The absolute value of the minimum rotational velocity for the robot in rad/s', 'max': 0.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'min_vel_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': -1.0, 'level': 0, 'min': -20.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The absolute value of the minimum in-place rotational velocity the controller will explore', 'max': 20.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'min_in_place_vel_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.40000000000000002, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The amount of time to roll trajectories out for in seconds', 'max': 10.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'sim_time', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.7, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The granularity with which to check for collisions along each trajectory in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'sim_granularity', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.025000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The weight for the path distance part of the cost function', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'pdist_scale', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.59999999999999998, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The weight for the goal distance part of the cost function', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'gdist_scale', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.80000000000000004, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The weight for the obstacle distance part of the cost function', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'occdist_scale', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.01, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The distance the robot must travel before oscillation flags are reset, in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'oscillation_reset_dist', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.050000000000000003, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The distance the robot must travel before oscillation flags are reset, in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'escape_reset_dist', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.10000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The distance the robot must travel before oscillation flags are reset, in meters', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'escape_reset_theta', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 1.5707963267948966, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The number of samples to use when exploring the x velocity space', 'max': 300, 'cconsttype': 'const int', 'ctype': 'int', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'vx_samples', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 20, 'level': 0, 'min': 1, 'type': 'int'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The number of samples to use when exploring the theta velocity space', 'max': 300, 'cconsttype': 'const int', 'ctype': 'int', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'vtheta_samples', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 20, 'level': 0, 'min': 1, 'type': 'int'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'How far the robot should look ahead of itself when differentiating between different rotational velocities', 'max': 5.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'heading_lookahead', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.32500000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true if the robot being controlled can take y velocities and false otherwise', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'holonomic_robot', 'edit_method': '', 'default': True, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'The velocity to use while backing up', 'max': 2.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'escape_vel', 'edit_method': '', 'default': -0.10000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': -2.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true to use the Dynamic Window Approach, false to use acceleration limits', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'dwa', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true to use the Dynamic Window Approach, false to use acceleration limits', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'heading_scoring', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'How far to look ahead in time when we score heading based trajectories', 'max': 1.0, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'heading_scoring_timestep', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.10000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Set this to true to allow simple attraction to a goal point instead of intelligent cost propagation', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'simple_attractor', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': "The distance between simulation points for angular velocity should be small enough that the robot doesn't hit things", 'max': 1.5707963267948966, 'cconsttype': 'const double', 'ctype': 'double', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'angular_sim_granularity', 'edit_method': '', 'default': 0.025000000000000001, 'level': 0, 'min': 0.0, 'type': 'double'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'A comma delimited list of the y velocities the controller will explore', 'max': '', 'cconsttype': 'const char * const', 'ctype': 'std::string', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'y_vels', 'edit_method': '', 'default': '-0.3,-0.1,0.1,-0.3', 'level': 0, 'min': '', 'type': 'str'}, {'srcline': 259, 'description': 'Retore to the default configuration', 'max': True, 'cconsttype': 'const bool', 'ctype': 'bool', 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/dynamic_reconfigure/src/dynamic_reconfigure/', 'name': 'restore_defaults', 'edit_method': '', 'default': False, 'level': 0, 'min': False, 'type': 'bool'}], 'type': '', 'id': 0}

Definition at line 47 of file

Definition at line 51 of file

Definition at line 45 of file

Definition at line 52 of file

Definition at line 50 of file

Definition at line 49 of file

Definition at line 53 of file

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Friends Defines

Author(s): Eitan Marder-Eppstein, Eric Perko
autogenerated on Wed Oct 9 2013 10:07:14