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base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner Class Reference

Computes control velocities for a robot given a costmap, a plan, and the robot's position in the world. More...

#include <trajectory_planner.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool checkTrajectory (double x, double y, double theta, double vx, double vy, double vtheta, double vx_samp, double vy_samp, double vtheta_samp)
 Generate and score a single trajectory.
Trajectory findBestPath (tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > global_pose, tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > global_vel, tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &drive_velocities)
 Given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot, return a trajectory to follow.
bool getCellCosts (int cx, int cy, float &path_cost, float &goal_cost, float &occ_cost, float &total_cost)
 Compute the components and total cost for a map grid cell.
void getLocalGoal (double &x, double &y)
 Accessor for the goal the robot is currently pursuing in world corrdinates.
void reconfigure (BaseLocalPlannerConfig &cfg)
 Reconfigures the trajectory planner.
double scoreTrajectory (double x, double y, double theta, double vx, double vy, double vtheta, double vx_samp, double vy_samp, double vtheta_samp)
 Generate and score a single trajectory.
 TrajectoryPlanner (WorldModel &world_model, const costmap_2d::Costmap2D &costmap, std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > footprint_spec, double acc_lim_x=1.0, double acc_lim_y=1.0, double acc_lim_theta=1.0, double sim_time=1.0, double sim_granularity=0.025, int vx_samples=20, int vtheta_samples=20, double pdist_scale=0.6, double gdist_scale=0.8, double occdist_scale=0.2, double heading_lookahead=0.325, double oscillation_reset_dist=0.05, double escape_reset_dist=0.10, double escape_reset_theta=M_PI_2, bool holonomic_robot=true, double max_vel_x=0.5, double min_vel_x=0.1, double max_vel_th=1.0, double min_vel_th=-1.0, double min_in_place_vel_th=0.4, double backup_vel=-0.1, bool dwa=false, bool heading_scoring=false, double heading_scoring_timestep=0.1, bool simple_attractor=false, std::vector< double > y_vels=std::vector< double >(0), double stop_time_buffer=0.2, double sim_period=0.1, double angular_sim_granularity=0.025)
 Constructs a trajectory controller.
void updatePlan (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &new_plan, bool compute_dists=false)
 Update the plan that the controller is following.
 ~TrajectoryPlanner ()
 Destructs a trajectory controller.

Private Member Functions

double computeNewThetaPosition (double thetai, double vth, double dt)
 Compute orientation based on velocity.
double computeNewVelocity (double vg, double vi, double a_max, double dt)
 Compute velocity based on acceleration.
double computeNewXPosition (double xi, double vx, double vy, double theta, double dt)
 Compute x position based on velocity.
double computeNewYPosition (double yi, double vx, double vy, double theta, double dt)
 Compute y position based on velocity.
Trajectory createTrajectories (double x, double y, double theta, double vx, double vy, double vtheta, double acc_x, double acc_y, double acc_theta)
 Create the trajectories we wish to explore, score them, and return the best option.
double footprintCost (double x_i, double y_i, double theta_i)
 Checks the legality of the robot footprint at a position and orientation using the world model.
void generateTrajectory (double x, double y, double theta, double vx, double vy, double vtheta, double vx_samp, double vy_samp, double vtheta_samp, double acc_x, double acc_y, double acc_theta, double impossible_cost, Trajectory &traj)
 Generate and score a single trajectory.
void getFillCells (std::vector< base_local_planner::Position2DInt > &footprint)
 Fill the outline of a polygon, in this case the robot footprint, in a grid.
< base_local_planner::Position2DInt > 
getFootprintCells (double x_i, double y_i, double theta_i, bool fill)
 Used to get the cells that make up the footprint of the robot.
void getLineCells (int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, std::vector< base_local_planner::Position2DInt > &pts)
 Use Bresenham's algorithm to trace a line between two points in a grid.
void getMaxSpeedToStopInTime (double time, double &vx, double &vy, double &vth)
double headingDiff (int cell_x, int cell_y, double x, double y, double heading)
double lineCost (int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1)
double pointCost (int x, int y)

Private Attributes

double acc_lim_theta_
 The acceleration limits of the robot.
double acc_lim_x_
double acc_lim_y_
double angular_sim_granularity_
 The distance between angular simulation points.
double backup_vel_
 The velocity to use while backing up.
boost::mutex configuration_mutex_
const costmap_2d::Costmap2D & costmap_
 Provides access to cost map information.
bool dwa_
 Should we use the dynamic window approach?
double escape_reset_dist_
double escape_reset_theta_
 The distance the robot must travel before it can leave escape mode.
double escape_theta_
 Used to calculate the distance the robot has traveled before reseting escape booleans.
double escape_x_
double escape_y_
bool escaping_
 Boolean to keep track of whether we're in escape mode.
std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > footprint_spec_
 The footprint specification of the robot.
double gdist_scale_
< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > 
 The global path for the robot to follow.
double goal_x_
double goal_y_
 Storage for the local goal the robot is pursuing.
double heading_lookahead_
 How far the robot should look ahead of itself when differentiating between different rotational velocities.
bool heading_scoring_
 Should we score based on the rollout approach or the heading approach.
double heading_scoring_timestep_
 How far to look ahead in time when we score a heading.
bool holonomic_robot_
 Is the robot holonomic or not?
MapGrid map_
 The local map grid where we propagate goal and path distance.
double max_vel_th_
double max_vel_x_
double min_in_place_vel_th_
 Velocity limits for the controller.
double min_vel_th_
double min_vel_x_
double occdist_scale_
 Scaling factors for the controller's cost function.
double oscillation_reset_dist_
 The distance the robot must travel before it can explore rotational velocities that were unsuccessful in the past.
double pdist_scale_
double prev_x_
double prev_y_
 Used to calculate the distance the robot has traveled before reseting oscillation booleans.
bool rotating_left
bool rotating_right
 Booleans to keep track of the direction of rotation for the robot.
double sim_granularity_
 The distance between simulation points.
double sim_period_
 The number of seconds to use to compute max/min vels for dwa.
double sim_time_
 The number of seconds each trajectory is "rolled-out".
bool simple_attractor_
 Enables simple attraction to a goal point.
double stop_time_buffer_
 How long before hitting something we're going to enforce that the robot stop.
bool strafe_left
 Booleans to keep track of strafe direction for the robot.
bool strafe_right
bool stuck_left
bool stuck_left_strafe
bool stuck_right
 Booleans to keep the robot from oscillating during rotation.
bool stuck_right_strafe
 Booleans to keep the robot from oscillating during strafing.
Trajectory traj_one
Trajectory traj_two
 Used for scoring trajectories.
int vtheta_samples_
 The number of samples we'll take in the theta dimension of the control space.
int vx_samples_
 The number of samples we'll take in the x dimenstion of the control space.
 The world model that the controller uses for collision detection.
std::vector< double > y_vels_
 Y velocities to explore.


class TrajectoryPlannerTest

Detailed Description

Computes control velocities for a robot given a costmap, a plan, and the robot's position in the world.

Definition at line 76 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::TrajectoryPlanner ( WorldModel world_model,
const costmap_2d::Costmap2D &  costmap,
std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point >  footprint_spec,
double  acc_lim_x = 1.0,
double  acc_lim_y = 1.0,
double  acc_lim_theta = 1.0,
double  sim_time = 1.0,
double  sim_granularity = 0.025,
int  vx_samples = 20,
int  vtheta_samples = 20,
double  pdist_scale = 0.6,
double  gdist_scale = 0.8,
double  occdist_scale = 0.2,
double  heading_lookahead = 0.325,
double  oscillation_reset_dist = 0.05,
double  escape_reset_dist = 0.10,
double  escape_reset_theta = M_PI_2,
bool  holonomic_robot = true,
double  max_vel_x = 0.5,
double  min_vel_x = 0.1,
double  max_vel_th = 1.0,
double  min_vel_th = -1.0,
double  min_in_place_vel_th = 0.4,
double  backup_vel = -0.1,
bool  dwa = false,
bool  heading_scoring = false,
double  heading_scoring_timestep = 0.1,
bool  simple_attractor = false,
std::vector< double >  y_vels = std::vector<double>(0),
double  stop_time_buffer = 0.2,
double  sim_period = 0.1,
double  angular_sim_granularity = 0.025 

Constructs a trajectory controller.

world_modelThe WorldModel the trajectory controller uses to check for collisions
costmapA reference to the Costmap the controller should use
footprint_specA polygon representing the footprint of the robot. (Must be convex)
inscribed_radiusThe radius of the inscribed circle of the robot
circumscribed_radiusThe radius of the circumscribed circle of the robot
acc_lim_xThe acceleration limit of the robot in the x direction
acc_lim_yThe acceleration limit of the robot in the y direction
acc_lim_thetaThe acceleration limit of the robot in the theta direction
sim_timeThe number of seconds to "roll-out" each trajectory
sim_granularityThe distance between simulation points should be small enough that the robot doesn't hit things
vx_samplesThe number of trajectories to sample in the x dimension
vtheta_samplesThe number of trajectories to sample in the theta dimension
pdist_scaleA scaling factor for how close the robot should stay to the path
gdist_scaleA scaling factor for how aggresively the robot should pursue a local goal
occdist_scaleA scaling factor for how much the robot should prefer to stay away from obstacles
heading_lookaheadHow far the robot should look ahead of itself when differentiating between different rotational velocities
oscillation_reset_distThe distance the robot must travel before it can explore rotational velocities that were unsuccessful in the past
escape_reset_distThe distance the robot must travel before it can exit escape mode
escape_reset_thetaThe distance the robot must rotate before it can exit escape mode
holonomic_robotSet this to true if the robot being controlled can take y velocities and false otherwise
max_vel_xThe maximum x velocity the controller will explore
min_vel_xThe minimum x velocity the controller will explore
max_vel_thThe maximum rotational velocity the controller will explore
min_vel_thThe minimum rotational velocity the controller will explore
min_in_place_vel_thThe absolute value of the minimum in-place rotational velocity the controller will explore
backup_velThe velocity to use while backing up
dwaSet this to true to use the Dynamic Window Approach, false to use acceleration limits
heading_scoringSet this to true to score trajectories based on the robot's heading after 1 timestep
heading_scoring_timestepHow far to look ahead in time when we score heading based trajectories
simple_attractorSet this to true to allow simple attraction to a goal point instead of intelligent cost propagation
y_velsA vector of the y velocities the controller will explore
angular_sim_granularityThe distance between simulation points for angular velocity should be small enough that the robot doesn't hit things

Definition at line 118 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::~TrajectoryPlanner ( )

Destructs a trajectory controller.

Definition at line 161 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::checkTrajectory ( double  x,
double  y,
double  theta,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vtheta,
double  vx_samp,
double  vy_samp,
double  vtheta_samp 

Generate and score a single trajectory.

xThe x position of the robot
yThe y position of the robot
thetaThe orientation of the robot
vxThe x velocity of the robot
vyThe y velocity of the robot
vthetaThe theta velocity of the robot
vx_sampThe x velocity used to seed the trajectory
vy_sampThe y velocity used to seed the trajectory
vtheta_sampThe theta velocity used to seed the trajectory
True if the trajectory is legal, false otherwise

Definition at line 465 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

double base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::computeNewThetaPosition ( double  thetai,
double  vth,
double  dt 
) [inline, private]

Compute orientation based on velocity.

thetaiThe current orientation
vthThe current theta velocity
dtThe timestep to take
The new orientation

Definition at line 371 of file trajectory_planner.h.

double base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::computeNewVelocity ( double  vg,
double  vi,
double  a_max,
double  dt 
) [inline, private]

Compute velocity based on acceleration.

vgThe desired velocity, what we're accelerating up to
viThe current velocity
a_maxAn acceleration limit
dtThe timestep to take
The new velocity

Definition at line 384 of file trajectory_planner.h.

double base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::computeNewXPosition ( double  xi,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  theta,
double  dt 
) [inline, private]

Compute x position based on velocity.

xiThe current x position
vxThe current x velocity
vyThe current y velocity
thetaThe current orientation
dtThe timestep to take
The new x position

Definition at line 347 of file trajectory_planner.h.

double base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::computeNewYPosition ( double  yi,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  theta,
double  dt 
) [inline, private]

Compute y position based on velocity.

yiThe current y position
vxThe current x velocity
vyThe current y velocity
thetaThe current orientation
dtThe timestep to take
The new y position

Definition at line 360 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Trajectory bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::createTrajectories ( double  x,
double  y,
double  theta,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vtheta,
double  acc_x,
double  acc_y,
double  acc_theta 
) [private]

Create the trajectories we wish to explore, score them, and return the best option.

xThe x position of the robot
yThe y position of the robot
thetaThe orientation of the robot
vxThe x velocity of the robot
vyThe y velocity of the robot
vthetaThe theta velocity of the robot
acc_xThe x acceleration limit of the robot
acc_yThe y acceleration limit of the robot
acc_thetaThe theta acceleration limit of the robot

Definition at line 491 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

Trajectory bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::findBestPath ( tf::Stamped< tf::Pose >  global_pose,
tf::Stamped< tf::Pose >  global_vel,
tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &  drive_velocities 

Given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot, return a trajectory to follow.

global_poseThe current pose of the robot in world space
global_velThe current velocity of the robot in world space
drive_velocitiesWill be set to velocities to send to the robot base
The selected path or trajectory

Definition at line 863 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

double bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::footprintCost ( double  x_i,
double  y_i,
double  theta_i 
) [private]

Checks the legality of the robot footprint at a position and orientation using the world model.

x_iThe x position of the robot
y_iThe y position of the robot
theta_iThe orientation of the robot

Definition at line 938 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::generateTrajectory ( double  x,
double  y,
double  theta,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vtheta,
double  vx_samp,
double  vy_samp,
double  vtheta_samp,
double  acc_x,
double  acc_y,
double  acc_theta,
double  impossible_cost,
Trajectory traj 
) [private]

Generate and score a single trajectory.

xThe x position of the robot
yThe y position of the robot
thetaThe orientation of the robot
vxThe x velocity of the robot
vyThe y velocity of the robot
vthetaThe theta velocity of the robot
vx_sampThe x velocity used to seed the trajectory
vy_sampThe y velocity used to seed the trajectory
vtheta_sampThe theta velocity used to seed the trajectory
acc_xThe x acceleration limit of the robot
acc_yThe y acceleration limit of the robot
acc_thetaThe theta acceleration limit of the robot
impossible_costThe cost value of a cell in the local map grid that is considered impassable
trajWill be set to the generated trajectory with its associated score

Definition at line 179 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

bool bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::getCellCosts ( int  cx,
int  cy,
float &  path_cost,
float &  goal_cost,
float &  occ_cost,
float &  total_cost 

Compute the components and total cost for a map grid cell.

cxThe x coordinate of the cell in the map grid
cyThe y coordinate of the cell in the map grid
path_costWill be set to the path distance component of the cost function
goal_costWill be set to the goal distance component of the cost function
occ_costWill be set to the costmap value of the cell
total_costWill be set to the value of the overall cost function, taking into account the scaling parameters
True if the cell is traversible and therefore a legal location for the robot to move to

Definition at line 163 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::getFillCells ( std::vector< base_local_planner::Position2DInt > &  footprint) [private]

Fill the outline of a polygon, in this case the robot footprint, in a grid.

footprintThe list of cells making up the footprint in the grid, will be modified to include all cells inside the footprint

Definition at line 1089 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

vector< base_local_planner::Position2DInt > bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::getFootprintCells ( double  x_i,
double  y_i,
double  theta_i,
bool  fill 
) [private]

Used to get the cells that make up the footprint of the robot.

x_iThe x position of the robot
y_iThe y position of the robot
theta_iThe orientation of the robot
fillIf true: returns all cells in the footprint of the robot. If false: returns only the cells that make up the outline of the footprint.
The cells that make up either the outline or entire footprint of the robot depending on fill

Definition at line 1032 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::getLineCells ( int  x0,
int  x1,
int  y0,
int  y1,
std::vector< base_local_planner::Position2DInt > &  pts 
) [private]

Use Bresenham's algorithm to trace a line between two points in a grid.

x0The x coordinate of the first point
x1The x coordinate of the second point
y0The y coordinate of the first point
y1The y coordinate of the second point
ptsWill be filled with the cells that lie on the line in the grid

Definition at line 960 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::getLocalGoal ( double &  x,
double &  y 

Accessor for the goal the robot is currently pursuing in world corrdinates.

xWill be set to the x position of the local goal
yWill be set to the y position of the local goal

Definition at line 1142 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::getMaxSpeedToStopInTime ( double  time,
double &  vx,
double &  vy,
double &  vth 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 390 of file trajectory_planner.h.

double bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::headingDiff ( int  cell_x,
int  cell_y,
double  x,
double  y,
double  heading 
) [private]

Definition at line 330 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

double bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::lineCost ( int  x0,
int  x1,
int  y0,
int  y1 
) [private]

Definition at line 360 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

double bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::pointCost ( int  x,
int  y 
) [private]

Definition at line 439 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::reconfigure ( BaseLocalPlannerConfig &  cfg)

Reconfigures the trajectory planner.

Definition at line 44 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

double bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::scoreTrajectory ( double  x,
double  y,
double  theta,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vtheta,
double  vx_samp,
double  vy_samp,
double  vtheta_samp 

Generate and score a single trajectory.

xThe x position of the robot
yThe y position of the robot
thetaThe orientation of the robot
vxThe x velocity of the robot
vyThe y velocity of the robot
vthetaThe theta velocity of the robot
vx_sampThe x velocity used to seed the trajectory
vy_sampThe y velocity used to seed the trajectory
vtheta_sampThe theta velocity used to seed the trajectory
The score (as double)

Definition at line 479 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

void bipedRobin_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::updatePlan ( const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &  new_plan,
bool  compute_dists = false 

Update the plan that the controller is following.

new_planA new plan for the controller to follow
compute_distsWheter or not to compute path/goal distances when a plan is updated

Definition at line 449 of file trajectory_planner.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TrajectoryPlannerTest [friend]

Definition at line 77 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Member Data Documentation

The acceleration limits of the robot.

Definition at line 310 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 310 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 310 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The distance between angular simulation points.

Definition at line 304 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The velocity to use while backing up.

Definition at line 324 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 336 of file trajectory_planner.h.

const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::costmap_ [private]

Provides access to cost map information.

Definition at line 284 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Should we use the dynamic window approach?

Definition at line 326 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 319 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The distance the robot must travel before it can leave escape mode.

Definition at line 319 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Used to calculate the distance the robot has traveled before reseting escape booleans.

Definition at line 313 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 313 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 313 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Boolean to keep track of whether we're in escape mode.

Definition at line 297 of file trajectory_planner.h.

std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::footprint_spec_ [private]

The footprint specification of the robot.

Definition at line 287 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 309 of file trajectory_planner.h.

std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::global_plan_ [private]

The global path for the robot to follow.

Definition at line 289 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 299 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Storage for the local goal the robot is pursuing.

Definition at line 299 of file trajectory_planner.h.

How far the robot should look ahead of itself when differentiating between different rotational velocities.

Definition at line 317 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Should we score based on the rollout approach or the heading approach.

Definition at line 327 of file trajectory_planner.h.

How far to look ahead in time when we score a heading.

Definition at line 328 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Is the robot holonomic or not?

Definition at line 320 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The local map grid where we propagate goal and path distance.

Definition at line 283 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 322 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 322 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Velocity limits for the controller.

Definition at line 322 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 322 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 322 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Scaling factors for the controller's cost function.

Definition at line 309 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The distance the robot must travel before it can explore rotational velocities that were unsuccessful in the past.

Definition at line 318 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 309 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 312 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Used to calculate the distance the robot has traveled before reseting oscillation booleans.

Definition at line 312 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 292 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Booleans to keep track of the direction of rotation for the robot.

Definition at line 292 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The distance between simulation points.

Definition at line 303 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The number of seconds to use to compute max/min vels for dwa.

Definition at line 334 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The number of seconds each trajectory is "rolled-out".

Definition at line 302 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Enables simple attraction to a goal point.

Definition at line 329 of file trajectory_planner.h.

How long before hitting something we're going to enforce that the robot stop.

Definition at line 333 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Booleans to keep track of strafe direction for the robot.

Definition at line 295 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 295 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 291 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 294 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Booleans to keep the robot from oscillating during rotation.

Definition at line 291 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Booleans to keep the robot from oscillating during strafing.

Definition at line 294 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Definition at line 315 of file trajectory_planner.h.

Used for scoring trajectories.

Definition at line 315 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The number of samples we'll take in the theta dimension of the control space.

Definition at line 307 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The number of samples we'll take in the x dimenstion of the control space.

Definition at line 306 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The world model that the controller uses for collision detection.

Definition at line 285 of file trajectory_planner.h.

std::vector<double> base_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner::y_vels_ [private]

Y velocities to explore.

Definition at line 331 of file trajectory_planner.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Friends Defines

Author(s): Eitan Marder-Eppstein, Eric Perko
autogenerated on Wed Oct 9 2013 10:07:14