Struct rosidl_message_type_support_t

Struct Documentation

struct rosidl_message_type_support_t

Contains rosidl message type support data.

Public Members

const char *typesupport_identifier

String identifier for the type_support.

const void *data

Pointer to the message type support library.

rosidl_message_typesupport_handle_function func

Pointer to the message type support handler function.

rosidl_message_get_type_hash_function get_type_hash_func

Pointer to function to get the hash of the message’s description.

rosidl_message_get_type_description_function get_type_description_func

Pointer to function to get the description of the type.

rosidl_message_get_type_description_sources_function get_type_description_sources_func

Pointer to function to get the text of the sources that defined the description of the type.