Function rosidl_runtime_c_type_description_utils_get_necessary_referenced_type_descriptions_map

Function Documentation

rcutils_ret_t rosidl_runtime_c_type_description_utils_get_necessary_referenced_type_descriptions_map(const rosidl_runtime_c__type_description__IndividualTypeDescription *main_type_description, const rcutils_hash_map_t *referenced_types_map, const rcutils_allocator_t *allocator, rcutils_hash_map_t **seen_map)

Return a map of only the referenced type descriptions that are recursively necessary.

The seen_map output arg must be passed in pointing to NULL. It’s a parameter so it can be passed into subsequent recursive calls to traverse nested types.

A referenced type description is recursively necessary if it is either:

  • Needed by a field of the main IndividualTypeDescription

  • Needed by a field of any prior necessary referenced type descriptions (hence recursive)

For more clarity, an unnecessary referenced type description will not be referenced when parsing a TypeDescription, and hence can be excluded.


  • The caller assumes ownership of the output rcutils_hash_map_t and must free it and its elements, but NOT finalize its values.

  • The output rcutils_hash_map_t has values that borrows the referenced_types_map arg’s IndividualTypeDescription values. It is not authorized to deallocate them and it cannot outlive owner it borrows from.

    • Finalizing the output rcutils_hash_map_t should not result in its values getting finalized.


  1. Create seen map

  2. [Iterate through fields]:

    1. If field is not nested type or field’s nested type is seen in the seen map:

      • Continue

    2. If nested type is missing in referenced types or nested type name is empty:

      • Throw error

    3. Else:

      • Add to seen map

      • Recurse on referenced type

  3. Output seen map



Allocates Memory




Uses Atomics




  • main_type_description[in] the main individual type description to check the fields of

  • referenced_types_map[in] a map of referenced IndividualTypeDescription objects from the main individual type description’s parent TypeDescription object, keyed by their type names.

  • allocator[in] the allocator to use through out the lifetime of the hash_map.

  • seen_map[inout] rcutils_hash_map_t of seen necessary IndividualTypeDescription objects keyed by their type names. Used in recursive calls. Must point to NULL for user’s top level call, outputs pointing to NULL if error.


#RCUTILS_RET_OK if successful, or


#RCUTILS_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT for invalid arguments, or


#RCUTILS_RET_BAD_ALLOC if memory allocation fails, or


#RCUTILS_RET_NOT_FOUND if passed referenced types are missing necessary types, or


#RCUTILS_RET_ERROR if an unknown error occurs.