Program Listing for File Geometry.h

Return to documentation for file (include/fields2cover/types/Geometry.h)

//    Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Wageningen University - All Rights Reserved
//                     Author: Gonzalo Mier
//                        BSD-3 License

#pragma once

#include <gdal/ogr_geometry.h>
#include <gdal/ogr_core.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>

namespace f2c::types {

class EmptyDestructor {};

template <class T, OGRwkbGeometryType R>
struct Geometry {
  explicit Geometry(const T& g);
  explicit Geometry(std::shared_ptr<T> g);
  explicit Geometry(T* g, EmptyDestructor);
  explicit Geometry(const T* g);
  explicit Geometry(OGRGeometry* g, EmptyDestructor);
  explicit Geometry(const OGRGeometry* g);
  explicit Geometry(const Geometry& g);
  Geometry(Geometry&& g);
  Geometry& operator=(Geometry&& g);
  Geometry& operator=(const Geometry& g);

  std::shared_ptr<T> operator->();
  std::shared_ptr<const T> operator->() const;
  T* get();
  const T* get() const;

  bool operator !=(const Geometry<T, R>& geom2) const;
  bool operator ==(const Geometry<T, R>& geom2) const;

  double getDimMinX() const;

  double getDimMaxX() const;

  double getDimMinY() const;

  double getDimMaxY() const;

  double getHeight() const;

  double getWidth() const;

  double getMinSafeLength() const;

  template <class T2, OGRwkbGeometryType R2>
  double distance(const Geometry<T2, R2>& p) const;

  template <class T2, OGRwkbGeometryType R2>
  bool disjoint(const Geometry<T2, R2>& geom) const;

  template <class T2, OGRwkbGeometryType R2>
  bool crosses(const Geometry<T2, R2>& geom) const;

  template <class T2, OGRwkbGeometryType R2>
  bool touches(const Geometry<T2, R2>& geom) const;

  template <class T2, OGRwkbGeometryType R2>
  bool within(const Geometry<T2, R2>& geom) const;

  template <class T2, OGRwkbGeometryType R2>
  bool intersects(const Geometry<T2, R2>& geom) const;

  static double mod_2pi(double val);
  static double mod(double a, double b);

  static double getAngContinuity(double prev_val, double val);
  static std::vector<double> getAngContinuity(const std::vector<double>& val);

  static double getAngleDiffAbs(double a, double b);

  static double getAngleAvg(double a, double b);

  bool isEmpty() const;

  std::string exportToWkt() const;
  void importFromWkt(const std::string& text);
  std::string exportToGML() const;
  std::string exportToKML() const;
  std::string exportToJson() const;

  // Code adapted from:
  OGRGeometry* OGRBuffer(double dfDist, int side = 0) const;

  std::shared_ptr<T> data_;

  // Code adapted from:
  template <typename To, typename From>
  inline To downCast(From *f) const;

  template<typename RetType>
  static RetType destroyResGeom(OGRGeometry*);

  // Code extracted from:
  OGRGeometry* buildGeometryFromGEOS(
      GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt, GEOSGeom hGeosProduct,
      const OGRGeometry *poSelf, const OGRGeometry *poOtherGeom) const;
  // Code extracted from:
  OGRGeometry* OGRGeometryRebuildCurves(const OGRGeometry *poGeom,
      const OGRGeometry *poOtherGeom, OGRGeometry *poOGRProduct) const;

}  // namespace f2c::types

#include "fields2cover/types/Geometry_impl.hpp"