Program Listing for File Cell.h

Return to documentation for file (include/fields2cover/types/Cell.h)

//    Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Wageningen University - All Rights Reserved
//                     Author: Gonzalo Mier
//                        BSD-3 License

#pragma once

#include <gdal/ogr_geometry.h>
#include <string>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include "fields2cover/types/Geometries.h"
#include "fields2cover/types/Point.h"
#include "fields2cover/types/LinearRing.h"
#include "fields2cover/types/LineString.h"
#include "fields2cover/types/MultiLineString.h"

namespace f2c::types {

// Function to concat string easily with numbers
template < typename... Args >
inline std::string sstr(Args &&... args) {
  std::ostringstream sstr;
  sstr << std::dec;
  (sstr <<  ...  << args);
  return sstr.str();

struct Cell : public Geometries<Cell, OGRPolygon, wkbPolygon, LinearRing> {
  using Geometries<Cell, OGRPolygon, wkbPolygon, LinearRing>::Geometries;
  explicit Cell(const OGRGeometry* geom);
  explicit Cell(const f2c::types::LinearRing& ring);
  ~Cell() = default;

  void getGeometry(size_t i, LinearRing& ring);
  void getGeometry(size_t i, LinearRing& ring) const;

  LinearRing getGeometry(size_t i);

  const LinearRing getGeometry(size_t i) const;

  void setGeometry(size_t i, const LinearRing& ring);

  size_t size() const;

  void operator*=(double b);

  static Cell buffer(const Cell& geom, double width);

  static Cell buffer(const LineString& geom, double width);

  static Cell buffer(const LinearRing& ring, double width);

  static Cell buffer(const Point& geom, double width);

  Cell convexHull() const;

  template <class T, OGRwkbGeometryType R>
  static Cell convexHull(const Geometry<T, R>& geom);

  void addRing(const LinearRing& ring);
  void addGeometry(const LinearRing& ring);

  const LinearRing getExteriorRing() const;
  const LinearRing getInteriorRing(size_t i_ring) const;

  bool isConvex() const;

  LineString createSemiLongLine(const Point& point, double angle) const;

  LineString createStraightLongLine(const Point& point, double angle) const;

  MultiLineString getLinesInside(const LineString& line) const;

  MultiLineString getLinesInside(const MultiLineString& lines) const;

  bool isPointInBorder(const Point& p) const;

  bool isPointIn(const Point& p) const;

  LineString createLineUntilBorder(const Point& p, double ang) const;

  Point closestPointOnBorderTo(const Point& p) const;

template <class T, OGRwkbGeometryType R>
Cell Cell::convexHull(const Geometry<T, R>& geom) {
  OGRGeometry* c_hull = geom->ConvexHull();
  Cell cell {c_hull};
  return cell;

}  // namespace f2c::types