Struct input_adapter_protocol

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

struct input_adapter_protocol

abstract input adapter interface

Produces a stream of std::char_traits<char>::int_type characters from a std::istream, a buffer, or some other input type. Accepts the return of exactly one non-EOF character for future input. The int_type characters returned consist of all valid char values as positive values (typically unsigned char), plus an EOF value outside that range, specified by the value of the function std::char_traits<char>::eof(). This value is typically -1, but could be any arbitrary value which is not a valid char value.

Subclassed by nlohmann::detail::file_input_adapter, nlohmann::detail::input_buffer_adapter, nlohmann::detail::input_stream_adapter, nlohmann::detail::wide_string_input_adapter< WideStringType >

Public Functions

virtual std::char_traits<char>::int_type get_character() = 0

get a character [0,255] or std::char_traits<char>::eof().

virtual ~input_adapter_protocol() = default